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Winning Her Heart Back (Emelie Hoven) Chapter 106

Chapter 106 Lyle Inning

Greta stayed in the hospital for five days and was now able to go home.

On the day of Geeta’s discharge, Emelie borrowed a car from a friend to take her parents back to Alderbrook and had lunch at home.

Ronan cooked lunch. After they finished eating, Emelor washed the dishes.

At this moment, she finally felt like they were family once again

Volces could be heard from the living room.

When Emelle emerged from the kitchen, she saw her elder sister, Thana Hoven, and her husband, Billy Womack, who had returned with their daughter to visit


Emelie had met them once at the hospital, but after so many years apart and with Elians already married and with a family, there was a natural distance between

However, Enelle really liked her niece. She held her for quite a while.

Later, Eliana and Billy were ready to leave. Since Emelie was about to leave as well, Eliana offered to drive them home.

Before leaving, Ronan chased after her and handed her a small package. “This is from your mom.

Emelie opened it and found three envelopes with money inside. Her first instinct was to give them back to Ronan

“I don’t need them. I have money.”


“These are New Year gifts. Every year, your mom gives one to Eliana and Ashlyn and keeps one for you.

“She had always wanted to give it to you when she had the chance, just to let you low that we haven’t forgotten about you,‘

As Emelie looked down at the envelopes in her hand, she felt a pang in her heart

Rotan looked ashamed as he said, “And don’t say that you have money. How much can you eam? Your mom’s surgery costs a lot.

“I’ve saved up about 80 thousand dollars. When she can have the surgery, thana will also contribute a little. We’ll share the burden together.”

Before getting Into the car, Emelie checked the money in the envelopes.

It wasn’t much, only a few hundred dollars, but holding it in her hand, she felt that it was heavier than tens of thousands of dollars.

On the way back to the city, Billy politely asked Emel je where she was working now.

Emelse answered honestly, “I just resigned and am looking for a new job.”

“Oh, I see I think you’re quite capable, so finding a job shouldn’t be difficult.”

Emelie just smiled. After she dropped them off at home, she returned the car to her friend and finally took the subway back to her apartment.

After all the fuss, it was already late at night when she got home.

She turned on her laptop and logged into her email. Unsurprisingly, she found it empty except for advertisement emails

She still hadn’t found a job.

Several compares that had shown interest in her and contacted her through headhunters had all rejected her, so she could only continue to send out resumes

But even after she sent out resumes, it was as if they disappeared into thin air. She hadn’t received a single response.

With her qualifications and experience, this shouldn’t be the result. Everything was William’s fault.

Emelie picked up the three envelopes again, feeling a tingling sensation in her heart.

She had thought that when treta asked her not to contact them again three years ago, Greta was disowning her.

But now, she realized that Greca still cared for and loved her..

If it weren’t for deta’s illness, she could have talen her time with the job hunting since she had her savings. But things were different now.

Emelie tumed on her laptop again and sent resumes to several small companies.

There wasn’t much interesting entertainment at night, so William and a few others were playing billiards upstairs at the Westward Club.

After William’s shot, the car ball scattered the is colored balls, and five of them fell into the pockets

Smbling, Jayden said, “What a great shot!”

willian just smirked.

Suddenly, the door to the private room was pushed open from the outside. A man entered amidst the ambiguous red lights and the noisy music

“I went to the bar to grab some drinks and overheard a lady asking the bartender if Will was here,” the man said while closing the door behind him to muffle the

As he looked up, his remarkably delicate features stood out..

The man was Lyle Iming. Despite his delicate appearance, his demeanor and methods were anything but conventional

Unlike the others in William’s clecte, Lyle didn’t had from a prominent family. Yet he was doing so well that he commanded respect from all walks of life.

The renowned private club in Capebati City, Westward Club, belonged to him

*Who was the lady?” Jayden asked curiously.

Lyle opened a bottle of beer. He was from Eprand, so he spoke with an accent. “I took a look, but I don’t low her. Did will get himself into trouble with women while I was away?

Lyle had been away for half a year, during which William did indeed pet himself into frouble.

Jayden wondered out loud, “Was she cute?”

He thought that it might be Dupline.

yle smithed. “Which Lady isn’t? Not everyone is like Ms. Hoven, so cold and aloof. That lady is quite young and looked fearless.”


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