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The Understated Dragon Lord Chapter 24

Chapter 24 This Is My House

The next day at noon, Daniel just stepped out of the shower when the door to his room was flung open. Both he and the intruder screamed in unison. Daniel quickly wrapped himself in the blanket, covering every inch of himself like a mummy.

Jessica, cheeks burning red with embarrassment, pointed at him and accused, “You… you pervert!”

“I’m the pervert? I’m bathing in my own room, and

you burst in! If anyone’s a pervert here, it’s you!”

“You….. I…..”

Jessica was at a loss for words but quickly

collected herself.

“This is my house, my room. I’ll come in if I want to. You’re the pervert – apologize and promise not to do

it again!”

Daniel: …

“Are you going to apologize?”

Seeing no way out and considering The Sealed

Dragon Grass, Daniel let out a sigh.

“Sorry, Honey. I won’t do it again. Next time, I’ll even wear my down jacket in the shower!”

“That’s your last warning; don’t call me honey!” Jessica glared at Daniel and continued grumpily, What were you doing last night? The security guard said you came back late!”

“Just out for a stroll.”

“Where do you go strolling at night?”

“The bar! So many beautiful ladies there!”

Daniel made up an excuse, not about to reveal that

Heather had summoned him last night to treat Ryan,

which led to a night full of brawling. He had taken

down many contenders and somehow ended up as

the chairman of the Delvin Hub Martial Club United.

He also heard about the upcoming World Martial

Club United Congress and one of The Seven Dragon Grasses he was seeking, The Grass of Awakened


Thinking of The Grass of Awakened Dragon brought a mysterious smile to Daniel’s face.

Seeing Daniel’s expression after mentioning the bar made Jessica even more upset as if her man had betrayed her.

“What did you go to the bar for?” she asked.

“Pick up girls!” Daniel said, deliberately provoking


“All men are the same no good! Jerks! Get dressed

quickly; I’ll wait for you outside.”

After Daniel got ready, Jessica was already lounging

on the living room sofa, nonchalantly eating Daniel’s

freshly toasted bread.

“Making yourself at home, I see?”

“What, you have a problem with me eating a piece of

your bread? Cheapskate!”

A satisfied Jessica pushed the remaining bread at


“Here, take it back!”

“It’s all gone.”

“What about the crust?”

Dániel: …

“What? Not hungry? If not, be my driver from today

“Where to?”

“We’re picking up Brittany. Poor thing’s been living in

that nightmare with the rats and roaches for two

days. I’m sure she’s learned her lesson. So, when we

get there, be a gentleman and suggest she move

out, in front of her.”

“Why should I?”

“Because I’m telling you to. I value Brittany’s

abilities; she’s worked with me for years. No conflict

between you two – you must get along with her! Do I make myself clear?”

Daniel nodded, resigned to his new role as Jessica’s driver, confidant, and, now it seemed, peacekeeper.

Fast Free Bonus Time is Running Out


Chapter 25


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