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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call Novel Chapter 487

Chapter 487 Toblas is Protecting Wynter

Yvette didn’t believe Wynter could communicate with spirits. Wynter had only learned the medical skills. from Margaret. Yvette thought she was just bluffing.

If Wynter really knew about fortune predictions, why didn’t she show it back when she was in Southdale?

Yvette was not convinced as she had consulted Ewan about it.

Ewan had been doing well in Kingbourne lately, landing numerous construction projects with her


On the other end, Ewan said, “Wynter? Fortune predictions? She’s a jinx! Can’t even pass school, what does she know about it?”

“She’s in Kingbourne too?” Ewan couldn’t help but raise his voice, now fond of mimicking the way locals spoke. “And she dares to show up in front of you?”

Ewan and Yvette were different now compared to before. Especially Yvette, she was mingling with the upper class.

When Ewan was in Southdale, he didn’t think there was much of a difference between there and


But when they actually came here, he realized that Southdale was nothing compared to Kingbourne. The wealthy and powerful here were the real deal!

“Grandma’s probably tagging along too.” Yvette decided to call Ewan herself, thinking she could find out more about Margaret from him and take advantage of her.

But Ewan was not keen on reaching out to Margaret. “So what if Mom’s here? She always thinks that Wynter’s the best. She is old now, so why is she still coming to Kingbourne? Doesn’t she tire of it?”

“Maybe she’s here for Wynter’s schooling.” Yvette guessed.

Ewan sneered coldly. “Mom’s been poor her whole life.”

“Dad, no matter what, she’s still Grandma,” Yvette said, lowering her gaze. “I want to visit them with your

one day.”

Ewan frowned. “What’s the point of visiting them? If Wynter can’t get into a Kingbourne school, Mom’s gonna expect me to take care of it

“Dad, try to see things differently,” Yvette said, looking displeased. “Remember what I told you–people in Kingbourne care about their families.”

Ewan figured he had a good chance to take Margaret along and get some sympathy. Upon seeing her difficulty moving, maybe it would make the other person feel compassionate.

“Alright. I will go along with your plan. You set it up.” With Ewan’s agreement, Yvette started getting things


Chapter 467 Tobias is Protecting Wynter

As for what was happening online, the more people criticized Wynter, the happler Yvette felt. The fans had Yvette’s back. Yvette figured that if she couldn’t do anything, neither could Wynterl

But just as she was feeling good about everything, a notification suddenly popped up on her phone. It was

marked with a star.

As soon as Yvette clicked on it, her eyes widened! It was Tobias! He actually reposted her blog post with his main account! Taking a look at the content, Yvette’s face turned pale. Tobias‘ anger was clear in his


“I’m really grateful for my partner’s help on the show. Without them, I might’ve been kicked out early. My partner is smart, kind, and fair. I hope everyone can see through the shady edits. I’ll find out who started

these rumors!”

When Tobias posted this, it surprised not only his fans but even regular internet users..

After all, Tobias had a lot of scandals on him, but he never bothered with them. Now, he was actually standing up for his partner?


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