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The Charming Ex-Wife by Gwendolyn Chapter 505

Chapter 505 He Held The Child With Familiar Ease


The woman’s smile grew even brighter when she heard someone compliment her child’s cuteness, and she- stated without a hint of modesty, “Right? I think so, too. Aurora is almost seven months old now. I’ve taken her out quite a bit recently, and the most compliment I’ve received is that she’s adorable. Luckily, she truly

After taking a more meticulous look at Aurora, Lysander added, “Actually, she’s not just cute, Your daughter’s love for laughter makes it clear that she is blessed.”


The woman was elated upon hearing that. After putting her belongings down, she said, “Since she’s so likable, may I ask you for a favor?”


The woman nodded with a smile. “I need to grab some food. I was so focused on finding a seat that I forgot to get breakfast. Could you watch over her for a bit for me?”

They met for the first time that day and hadn’t even known each other for ten minutes, so such a request was utterly unexpected.

Lysander wore a bewildered expression upon hearing that. “Sure, but… you don’t even know who I am.”

The woman immediately replied. “It’s okay. Meeting you is fate. Besides, I can tell you’re a good person. Taking care of her is quite simple. All you need to do is cradle her to watch the birds outside. Even if she can’t find me, she won’t cry.”

As she spoke, she reached out and lifted Aurora out of the baby stroller, carefully placing her in Lysander’s


Suddenly, Lysander found herself holding a tiny, soft bundle capable of laughing and moving. Instantly. she became nervous.

Fortunately, Aurora wasn’t shy with strangers. Even in the arms of a stranger, she still laughed and looked around as usual, showing no signs of anxiety from being separated from her mother.

Upon seeing that, Lysander’s nervousness abated. She carried Aurora steady with the skills she honed from her experience in the obstetrics and gynecology department.

The woman exclaimed in admiration and commented, “From the way you hold her, you’re clearly an expert. Do you have a child, too? I’ve never heard Josiah mention it.”

“No.” Lysander knew she didn’t mean anything. A fleeting shadow crossed her eyes, yet she continued. nonchalantly, “I just had a lot of practice holding babies, but it used to be newborns. I worked in the obstetrics and gynecology department.”

The woman’s eyes lit up. “So, you’re a doctor! That puts me at ease. I’ll be back shortly. It won’t take long.”

Before her words had left her lips, she had already spun around and darted to the other side of the restaurant, lining up for the freshly baked egg tarts.

With a child less than a year old in her arms, Lysander dared not move much. When she could no longer see the woman’s figure, she lowered her head anxiously and greeted Aurora, “Hello there, Aurora.”

Chapter 505 He Held The Child With Familiar Ease



the pair of bright and black eyes. Framing them were thick, curly eyelashes, giving her the appearance of a doll. When she met Lysander’s gaze, she immediately broke into a smile.

“Oh!” She lifted her petite hand and pointed out the window, babbling away. It seemed like she was trying to communicate with her newly acquainted friend.

Initially Lysander thought she would be locked in a staring contest with Aurora for quite some time. However, seeing that she was not frightened of her at all, she immediately felt at ease. “Be good and don’t cry. Your mommy will be back soon.”

Aurora blinked a few times in faux understanding before reaching out with a soft hand and grasping hers.

Lysander’s heart immediately melted. She couldn’t care less about the economic news she read halfway. The phone on the table remained untouched by her until the screen went dark.

The space around the square table was limited. Concerned that Aurora might be uncomfortable, Lysander instinctively shifted her chair back a bit for her to sit more comfortably in her arms.

A little over half a year old, Aurora was in a stage of exploring the world. After getting close to Lysander, who was full of goodwill, she temporarily lost interest in the view outside the window and started playing with her instead.

She was still too young to speak, even her inflections somewhat garbled, but the upward lilt in her voice was clearly filled with excitement. Her round and chubby face bounced slightly, rendering her just like a sugar–glazed honey bun.

Lysander lifted her hand and gently pinched Aurora’s cheek. “You’re just too adorable.”

The sensation at her fingertips was incredibly smooth, even more so than the tenderest bean curd. No wonder everyone says a baby’s skin is the best.

“Oh.” Fond of Lysander, Aurora happily played with the tassels on her shirt. Suddenly, a pair of massive hands reached over from the side and lifted her away.

They were long, slender, and broad, unmistakably those of a man.

Lysander was startled, ready to stand up without hesitation to snatch Aurora back. But when she recognized the person, she let out a sigh of relief and said, “Oh, it’s you.”

With a hand supporting Aurora’s thighs and the other on her waist, Josiah held her securely and asked, “Where did this baby come from?”

Not in the mood to argue with him, Lysander said, “Just give the baby back to me.”

She genuinely didn’t trust his ability to take care of children, especially such a young baby, and she would have no way of explaining it to Aurbra’s mother later if he scared her into crying.

Josiah, however, had no intention of doing so. Instead, he casually took a seat beside her. “Just yesterday. we were hoping for a child. Today, our wish has come true.”

Following that, Lysander had no choice but to explain, “She’s the daughter of a young lady sharing the table with me. Her mother went to get some food and will be back soon.”

Josiah appeared slightly taken aback, his brows furrowed. “I can’t believe someone would dare entrust such a young child to a complete stranger she just met. Her mother is too reckless.”

Chapter 505 He Held The Child With Familiar Ease


His words struck a chord with Lysander. Nodding, she extended her hands and said, “Hand her over to me. Don’t make her cry.”

As she spoke, her gaze fell on Aurora’s petite face. To her surprise, she showed no signs of being on the

of crying. Instead, she was comfortably playing with Josiah’s cufflinks. The cufflinks, studded with teardrop–shaped small diamonds, were incredibly eye–catching with their sparkling brilliance.


Her personality really does mirror her mother’s, cheerful and outgoing. This kind of baby is the best to take care of.

Nonetheless, Lysander was still a bit worried. She looked closely, only to find that not only was Josiah’s grip steady, but he also had a familiar case about him.

“When did you learn how to hold a child?” she asked in wonder.

The corners of Josiah’s mouth curved up. He held Aurora closer against his chest protectively and said in a low voice. “Right after we parted ways, Eleanor taught me for a while.”

The initial period of their separation was also the time when their child had just been aborted.

Lysander never expected that he even went out of his way to learn that from Eleanor.

“I’ll hold her for a while. The milk in your glass will go cold if you don’t drink it soon,” Josiah prompted.


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