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The Beginning Of All Sins Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Zayn marveled at Willow’s audacity to deceive him. Unfortunately, she wouldn’t be able to handle the consequences.

willow didn’t go to her ward. Instead, she went to Aaron’s.

After Zayn and Willow’s relationship improved, he considerately transferred Aaron to the hospital where Willow was staying.

After Aaron’s car accident, Willow had encountered too many things and hadn’t had time to visit him. But now that he was in the same hospital, she could be with him every day.

Before going to Aaron’s ward, Willow

‘ward Willow first obtained

led the DNA test results.

Normally, DNA test results would tale several days, but Zayn requested urgent processing from the hospital. Within four hours, the DNA test results were ready.

Looking at the DNA test results showing a 99.99% probability of patemity, along with the hospital’s stamp, Willow couldn’t help but smile.

Now, Zayn wouldn’t continue to consider Aaron Illegitimate. Even if she died, Aaron’s future would be assured with the care and love of his father.

She needed to go tell Aaron this good news

Aaron was severely injured from the car accident but had improved significantly after days of hospital treatment.

When Willow arrived, he was holding a piece of paper with a frown, as it lost in thought.

Upon seeing Willow, he quickly hid the paper under his blanket.

Willow’s eyes were sharp. Although Aaron hid it quickdy, she saw the few words written on the paper, “What to do if Dad hates me?”

Her eyes welled with tears. She sat by the bedside, gently caressing Aaron’s increasingly gaunt face. “Aaron, your dad doesn’t hate you.”

“He does!” A three–year–old child, no matter how smart, couldn’t hide emotions well. His usually happy face now bore a distinct touch of melancholy. “He won’t even let me call him Dad!”

“Aaron, he really doesn’t hate you. He won’t let you call him Dad because he has misunderstandings about me. He thinks you’re not his child.”

Once she was gone, Aaron would need to rely on Zam for everything. She didn’t want any resentment between the father and son.

She showed Aaron the DNA test results. “But everything is fine now. Your DNA test results with your dad are out, and you’re his child. He’ll truly love you from

now on

“Really?” Aaton’s small face showed obvious surprise, followed by some uneasiness and tension. “Mom, will Dad really love me?”

“He will.” Willow hugged him tightly. “My Aaron is so adorable. No one could dislike you. Aaron, Dad loves you. From now on, you should love him like you love

“I don’t want to love him! I only love you, Mom.” Aaron’s face showed clear reluctance, but his eyes sparkled

Willow lanew he loved his father very much. A father’s love was what he longed for his whole life.

After tucking Aaron in bed, Willow estimated Zayn would be back soon. She gripped the DNA test results tightly and headed toward her ward

Misunderstandings were being cleared up, and things would get better in the future.

As she opened the door to the ward, Zayn stood up sharply from the couch. Before she could react, he pinned her against the wall and firmly grasped her neck.

Chapter 21


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