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Read full chapter Claimed, Light Novel Claimed english, LN Claimed, Claimed Online, read Claimed at Libofic.
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Synopsis Claimed

Christian Vitello Volkov is everything nightmares

consist of. A vicious mafia boss, a killer, a

kidnapper, rude, ruthless, arrogant. The list is endless.

My baby and i are captives in his house because my ex owes him a debt. That should fuel my urgency to escape his hell of a mansion but i hesitate.

As cliche as it sounds, i fall for my tormentor.

I fall for the way he smiles at me and no one else.

I fall for the way he looks at my baby daughter. Like he wants to be her father instead.

I fall for the way he walks around shirtless in his

home, with my daughter in his hands and the biggest grin on his face.

The problem of falling for a Sicilian mafia boss

however is that life can never be the same once he

kisses you and claims you and your baby as his

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