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Revenge is Best Served… After Reborn Chapter 644

Chapter 644

Watching the ring that had been lost and now was found again, Sophie nodded repeatedly.

Colby pet Sophie’s head and said, Tm taking you back to the company today.”


These past few days, S Corporation had been relying solely on Tricia to manage everything. Sophie wondered how she had been handling S Corporation.

Tricia really had a tough time during this period.

Halfway there, Sophie turned on her phone. Back in Duskhaven, she had given Booker her new number. Sure enough, as soon as she tumed on her phone, Sophie saw a text from Booker that he had sent last night.

Ricardo had withdrawn most of the funds from Cloude Enterprises, and now Cloude Enterprises had ceased operations. If it couldn’t resume normal operations within three days, then all of the Cloude family’s partnerships would be doomed.

Moreover, rumors circulating outside would directly affect the public’s perception of Cloude Enterprises, cousing its stocks to fall continuously until all major partners rescinded their contracts, leading Cloude Enterprises towards bankruptcy.

Sophie’s lips curved into a slight smile. It seemed they held the winning cards.

To avoid suspicion from the staff at S Corporation, Sophie had Colby wait for her in the parking garage.

When Sophie stepped into S Corporation, countless eyes landed on her, filled with disdain and contempt.

Seeing this, Sophie frowned slightly. When she was about to head to the employee elevator area as usual, a security guard ran up to Sophie and stopped her. “Im sorry, this area is for employees only!”

“Are you blind? Don’t you know who I am?”

Sophie’s tone was cold, but the security guard responded indifferently. “I know, the former Mrs. Burke, but you’ve resigned now. According to the rules, you can’t enter the employee area!”

Sophie laughed loudly. “Who told you I resigned?”

“Ms. Sophie, you’ve been terminated. I think it’s best not to stick around any longer. Continuing to hang around would only be embarrassing.”

“Yeah, you’re just some disgraced lady who only knows how to scheme. You should just go home and take care of your husband.”

A few female employees passing by rolled their eyes at her. It was normal in the workplace to grovel to those above and trample on those below, but Sophie didn’t expect to be looked down upon by her own employees.

Before Sophie could grasp the situation, Tricia had already come down the elevator and immediately ran over upon seeing this scene. “Ms. Sophie!”

Tricia’s expression was off, and Sophie knew there was trouble in the company.

Sophie frowned and said, “I need an explanation.”

She had only been gone for a few days. How could the company have changed like this?

Tricia wanted to speak, but upon seeing the people around, she scolded. “What are you all looking at? Don’t you have work to do? Ms. Sophie is here to see Blake! If I catch any of you gossiping during work hours again, you’ll all be out of a job!”

The employees were still somewhat afraid of Tricia and scattered at her words.

Tricia cleared a path and said, “Ms. Sophie, please.”

Sophie headed to the employee elevator area, only to find a new card reader turnstile in front of the elevator, requiring a card for access. Tricia immediately swiped her card to open the turnstile, saying to Sophie, “Ms. Sophie, please.”

Without a word, Sophie walked in with a cold expression.

Tricia led Sophie to the CEO’s exclusive elevator, Inside, Tricia said, “Ms. Sophie, the company has faced a major crisis in the days you were gone.”


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