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Resurrecting the Genius Within( Calypso Rain ) Online Novel Chapter 244

Chapter 244 Shadowblade

Footsteps echoed from the staircase’s direction.

Two figures descended from the stairs. Both have plain and unremarkable appearances.

One of them was a middle–aged man in his fifties, dressed in a suit. He gave off the air of an ordinary old


Yet he was the big shot they spoke of. This man was a notorious drug lord.

Additionally, he was the old friend Isabelle had been looking for–Spadille.

His company was a young man. His eyes were filled with murderous intent, with a stern expression that seemed as if it were incapable of either crying or smiling.

He, too, was an old acquaintance of Isabelle. This man was named Shadowblade.

Isabelle raised an eyebrow slightly at the sight of Shadowblade, somewhat surprised that this man was working with Spadille.

Shadowblade’s skills were second only to Storm Shadow’s. Although he was not on par with her in terms of prowess, his speed was comparable.

He was a rather formidable opponent.

As the two descended the stairs and their eyes met with those in the hall, they realized none of the guests were easy to deal with.

For a moment, the air seemed to grow still. The light footsteps of the two now sound unusually heavy, adding a touch of eerie tension to the atmosphere.

“I didn’t expect so many big shots to show up in a dump like Alcott this year,” Spadille remarked, looking over each person in turn and nodding in acknowledgment. “Hello, Mr. George, Mr. Yves, Mr. Carter.”

His gaze finally settled on Isabelle, seated in the middle. Spadille said, “And this beautiful young lady here, forgive me for the oversight.”

Spadille discreetly assessed Isabellee, evidently considering her the most harmless and innocent–looking among them all.

However, judging by the aura and composed demeanor of the others, Spadille knew that the opposite might very well be true.

The one who seemed harmless might just be the most dangerous.

It was evident from their seating arrangements that this young girl might even be the most influential of


Jim, Yves, and that seemingly harmless young girl werea familiar sight.

Both of these men were Blood Shadow’s friends. Upon learning the trio were causing trouble in Alcott, Spadille immediately investigated the relationship between the three.

Chapter 244 Shadowblade

Shadowblade sensed something, and his gaze also settled on Isabelle.

Spadille took a seat on the sofa.

He reminded out of good will. “Recently, Alcott has been rather restless. My territory has been attacked by unidentified individuals. You all should be careful.”

Just as Yves was about to speak, Isabelle subtly nudged his arm.

Receiving the signal, Yves changed his tune and said, “We’ve heard about it. Didn’t Warner’s Casino get bombed? Could it be that your side was responsible for the explosion?

“The folks from the southwest territory bombed the Warners’s casino; haven’t you heard?” Spadille replied.

Yves responded to Spadille’s question with a casual grunt, then began to make random excuses, saying, “Then they might have bombed your place too.”

Dylan was shocked. Seriously?

Putting all the blame on us?

When they bought cannons and bombed Warner’s territory back then, where was their courage? How could he deny responsibility now?

Everyone present knew who was behind the bombings; seeing them deny it, Spadille didn’t bother to pursue the matter.

I’m Mr. Spade; may I ask if your visit to Alcott is for leisure or are you also looking to get a piece of the pie?” Spadille asked.

Yves played along and said, I’m a businessman. Naturally, I’m here for business. Initially, I wanted to visit Mr. Spade, but I’m surprised that you would invite us.”

Yves thought for a moment and added, “Oops, Mr. Spade, I forgot to bring a gift for you, senior. I’ll make it up to you another day.”

Spadille said, “I couldn’t call myself a senior. Are all of you here to do business?”

George replied, “I’m here for sightseeing.

Jim said, “This place is quite chaotic; I’m here to look for a new client for a lawsuit.”

Spadille then looked at Isabellee.

Isabellee answered, I’m here for school assignments, looking for inspiration.”

“I see,” Spadille said.

Dylan thought this old man had clearly seen the world. He can actually listen to such nonsense and still show them some respect and replied, “I see.”

“And what about Mr. Yves? What business did you plan to conduct here? Do I have the honor to collaborate with Mr. Yves?”

Yves replied. “To be honest. Mr. Snade. I envy the businesses of your family and the folks from the

Chapter 244 Shadowblade

southwest territory.”

Spadille smiled and said, “So Mr. Yves intends to get a plece of our lucrative ventures?”

Yves changed his tone again and said, “I haven’t decided yet, need to further inspect.”

Clearly, he was playing games.

Spadille remained composed and said, “I can rest assured with Mr. Yves’s word. I’m sure it’s a big project. Certainly, you can’t rush that, take your time to think it over. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be happy to welcome you ro join Alcott.”

Yves said, “With Mr. Spade’s assurance, I feel at ease. We won’t disturb you today, we can meet on other days.

Spadille stood up along with everyone else and said, “If you don’t mind, would you like to stay for a meal here before leaving?”

Yves declined, “I do mind. I can’t having my meal with strangers. My apologies.”

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01:20 Sat, 15 Jun M


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