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Resurrecting the Genius Within( Calypso Rain ) Online Novel Chapter 182

Chapter 182 Self–Deception

“Where do you want to put the needles?” George asked.

Histone revealed his pent–up emotions.

Isabelle looked at his tense face. Her eyebrows raised slightly, and she slowed down her movements while drying her hair.

There was no anger in his eyes, only worry.

This made Isabelle pause, and she softened her demeanor. She took two steps forward and reached out to touch George’s face.

George was holding back his anger as he saw the girl suddenly reach out and touch his forehead. Her soft thumb pressed gently between his eyebrows and massaged lightly.

He was slightly stunned.

Isabelle explained, “When you’re angry or upset, just stimulating this pressure point can release dopamine and make you feel happier.”

George watched her.

Her thumb was slightly damp, and as she pressed against his brow, the sensation was cold.

George didn’t know if it was the dopamine release or just her touch.

She managed to comfort him.

He quickly calmed down.

George realised he had overreacted and acted out of line.

Im not angry,” George explained apologetically. I’m just worried about you.”

Isabelle nodded and said, “I understand.”

George continued, “If it were only your personal matter, I wouldn’t interfere, but this involves my family too. I just want to help.”

Isabelle asked, “What did you find out?”

“My father was poisoned by Jasiel.”

How did you know it was him?”

George gazed into her eyes. He lifted her wrist and held her hand in his, revaling. “You told me.”

I did?”

George nodded and said. “Yes, you did.”

Isabelle’s appearance at the auction was unusual. After realising she was targeting Jasiel, George ranurally

He had already had his suspicions but wasn’t sure.

Before he could think it through, he got the news that his father was critically ill.

At that time, habelle was in the lab preparing a poison. George guessed she was about to take action, and

she would strike fast.

If she was using poison, the opponent had to be either extremely powerful or composed of a large number of people. She was making sure everything was foolproof.

After curing his father’s poison, George immediately investigated Jasiel, and he discovered that Jasiel’s Identity was indeed complicated.

Surprisingly, George discovered his father had met Jasiel at a charity event before falling ill.

Over the past year. George has quietly investigated everyone he could. Jasiel had always been a mere acquaintance. When his father had an accident, George couldn’t link it to Jasiel and therefore never found out who was responsible.

The deeper he dug, the more suspicious Jasiel’s actions and identity became, including that of his foster

Time was running out. Although he hadn’t confirmed Jasiel’s identity, he learned that he would be on the cruise ship tonight.

He immediately suspected Isabelle might take action.

So he hurried over.

After hearing George’s explanation, Isabelle said nothing. She only gave him an appreciative glance and secretly praised him for being brilliant.

George asked, “Is Jasiel with Dark Shadow?”

Isabelle admitted, “Yes.”

She pulled her hand back, went to the sofa, opened her laptop, and showed him a surveillance video.

It was a recording of Jasiel and Josh discussing continuing to poison George and recruiting more branches of Dark Shadow.

George wasn’t concerned about them poisoning him. He looked at Isabelle and asked worriedly, “Are there a lot of Dark Shadow’s assassins on the cruise?”

He felt a pang of fear.

Isabelle said lightly. “Only one of them is capable.

Besides Mist Shadow and Flying Shadow, there were eight mid–level managers on the third floor. Regrettably, she had not been able to crush Dark Shadow’s strongest branch thoroughly.

George had nothing to say. He calmed himself before asking another question that concerned him. Were you in such a hurry to act because you didn’t want to miss this rare opportunity, or were you worried they’d potion me?”

Chapter 182 Self Deception

She spotted the genuine but not fully expressed expectation in his eyes. Isabelle thought for a moment before she replied, “Mr. Harris has helped me a lot. Tonight, I’m repaying that favour.”

He was eager to repay her favour, and she allowed him to do so. After all, letting the leader of God’s Armamem be indebted to her was not an everyday opportunity.

It also made him happy, so why not?

Isabelle naturally cooperated.

George said with a smile. “Did you kill the man because he was going to poison me and avenge my father?”

Isabelle recalled a term she learned from Danny recently.


She didn’t listen to Danny’s explanation in detail, but it was probably similar to fooling oneself.

George’s behaviour seemed to fit that term perfectly.

Isabelle hummed in agreement, thinking to herself, As long as this misinterpretation makes you happy.

George said. Jasiel is an enemy to both of us, but you took care of him alone. Next time, if there’s another action like this, you have to let me know. I can help. At least, let me have the chance to repay the favour.”

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