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I’m Divorcing with You Mr Billionaire! Chapter 106

Chapter 106 One hundred and six

Bela’s POV

Killing Isaac and moving away from where I grew up, away from everything and everyone I ever knew was supposed to be a game changer

I thought it would be a piece of cake Well, I didn’t exactly expect it to be easy but I had thought that with the load of money and car I got from Sydney, it would be easier.

At that time, I remember being the happiest for a while. And at some point, I thought, “Maybe killing does make people happier.”

Because I felt absolute peace and happiness when i saw Isaac drop down before that prison that day. I had prepared myself to rot in jail just to make sure that Isaac never gets to breathe and exist again. His existence was a constant pain for me.

He ruined everything for me- my whole f*cking life. If I hadn’t fallen in love with him, I’d have had a wonderful life with Mark as my husband, or a better person. It’d have been the life I wanted glamorous and love filled. One my parents never had but then issac came along with his stupid sweet words -I can’t believe how I found them sweet then, they were very dumb lines and compliments but I was naive so I let him get in my head

F*cker. I hope he’s burning in hell right now. I hope he’s going through an endless pain.

When I shot Isaac, I knew I would get arrested and I was ready to serve jail time. The excuse of me being mentally unstable was only to reduce my term and their strictness. I hadn’t expected that my sister would bail me out. In that moment, a food of emotions washed over me- relief at avoiding prison but also resentment towards Sydney for always having things work out for her so easily,

At that moment when I heard that my release had been sorted and I would be transferred to an asylum, I knew Sydney was a good person, a lucky one. It was what used to annoy me about her. She seemed to have everything set, like she knew where she was headed. Whereas, Isaac was what made me – he took my naive young heart and crushed in, setting me on a dark path full of rage and violence. As I looked back, I realized just how much Isaac’s betrayal had warped me.

And my parents? Oh my stars, I hate them. Maybe I should’ve killed them too. I never confronted them, but I knew they forced Sydney into the wedding with Mark. They always favored her, putting her needs first while brushing me aside, When I got arrested for murdering the man who deceived me, they hadn’t even bothered to visit. If they attempted to get me out, I had no idea. But their cold indifference at such a pivotal moment was the final straw–in my mind, they were already dead to me.

I didn’t know what pushed me but when I decided that there was no way I’d stay in the asylum when I was perfectly fine upstairs, the only place I had in mind was Sydney’s. Maybe it was an unconscious desire for her help again, or maybe I wanted to get back at her somehow for her charmed life. Whatever It was, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I needed to go to my sister.

After I left with the car and card that Sydney gave me, I drove aimlessly and slept in my car for weeks while hiding from cops. The fear of being caught and sent away was always present, haunting my every step. I took my baths in public toilets and ate lots of junk, adopting a skid row existence far removed from the opulent lifestyle I once enjoyed. But I didn’t care–1 felt numb, like a walking corpse. All I wanted was to disappear.

Eventually, I prepared my passport and made my way to Italy. A new country, a new life or so I thought Maybe it was because of Sydney’s expensive car, but a few weeks into trying to settle down in Italy and start all over again, the local mafia started to trail me….

At first I didn’t notice the signs–the same nondescript car always seeming to be parked nearby, strangers giving me lingering looks on the street. But as the days went by, it became impossible to ignore the feeling that I was being watched, hunted. My heart would race every time I left my small apartment, my eyes constantly scanning my surroundings for threats. I considered fleeing again, disappearing to another remote corner of Europe. But I was so tired of running, of living liked a hunted animal. I had resigned myself to whatever fate awanted me

I had no idea that I was being targeted until they attacked. It happened one night as I was walking home from a small grocery store, bags of food dragging down my arms. One minute I was alone on the dimly lit street, the next I was surrounded by a gang of large, threatening men Before I could even think to scream or flee, they descended on me,

I thought that was all until they knocked me unconscious, bundled me and took me to only God knows where in my unconscious state. When I finally came to, I found myself in a cold, damp room with a single bare bulb hanging from the ceiling. My heart pounded in my ears as I tried to make sense of my surroundings. That’s when I heard the door creak open and a massive, looming figure entered the room

“Look who’s finally awake,” a deep voice boomed as the figure moved towards me, “Welcome to your new home, my dear.”

My eyes widened in terror as the figure moved into the light, revealing itself to be an enormous, heavily–scarred man with dead, soulless eyes. Tavon, the most feared crime boss in all of Italy. I recognized his face from the news he was responsible for unimaginable atrocities, ruling the underworld through a reign of torture, extortion and murder

please, I don’t have anything.” I whimpered, trying to scramble away from him. “J–just let me go.”

He let out a booming laugh that chilled me to the bone. “Oh no pet, you have something I want very much. You have the chance to provide me with entertainment for years to come.”

And that was when I met Tavon. They took me to him and he commended his men and agreed to keep me. When he took me to the adjoining room, I was so scared by all the torture devices that I passed out at the sight of them…

And that was when I met Tavon. They took me to him and he commended them and agreed to i all the torture devices that I passed out at the sight of them.

keep me when he took me to the room, I was so scared by

I could still vividly remember waking up with a scream. It hurt so much that it knocked me into consciousness.

I still cringed each time I remember the hideous smile on his face as he regarded me. Then he took a breast clamp and clamped it rightly on my nipples

I screamed out but that didn’t stop Tavon from whipping me and tightening the clamp on my nipples

I endured this torture for weeks, nothing compared to what Sydney had gone through. I was miserable. All I did was force food down my thrònt, pleasure

Tavon at the expense of my pain and the whimper till I had to do it again

Then, I really wished that I had just remained in the asylum back home

One day, when I was being whipped like every other day. I couldn’t help but think what would happen if I snatched the whip from him and make him feel the debilitating pain he always made me go through.

Thad been contemplating it as my anger and hate for him rose everyday. I wondered why I always had to be in a position to be bulled and beaten just to satisfy his cruel fantasies? Why me? Why do I have to be the one suffering to satisfy him?

That day. I couldn’t clamp down my anger as I always did. I snatched the whip from him and despite my weak state, I lashed the whip on Tavon in blind


“You cruel old man!” I yelled angrily as I whipped him. What was the worst that could happen? He would order his men to kill me. Well, then, dying was way better than watching a man cum while I get whipped and tortured almost to the point of death.

Surprisingly, this bold or rather…angry move if mine worked in my favor.

In my blind rage, it had taken a while before I noticed that Tavon wasn’t moaning in pain but in pleasure.

The dirty old man did not only enjoy torturing people but he also liked to be tortured. Because of this, he took a liking to me- turned out he had more girls he tortured too. He left all the others and made me exclusively his.

He treated me as his pet but over the months, I grew to become the master and he the pet. Though I let him believe what he’d like to Tovon would always find excuses to get me to whip him to satisfy his sexual desires. I was always glad to whip him and thank goodness, he got more satisfaction from being tortured than delivering the torture

He gave me everything I wanted. All I had to do was ask. Over time,the kurious life he gave got addictive and I fell in love with it. I had my own personal

bodyguards. I spent extravagantly in luxury shops with Tavon’s black card.

Except for the title of a wife and love, I had every other thing I yearned for. And I was perfectly okay with all the things I had and didn’t. I mean, I didn’t even give any f*ck about those things. I didn’t even think I could love anyone anymore. Wife? I wouldn’t mind but for now, I was extremely happy. I was basically living my dream life.

It would be foolish to even think of having an affair and betraying his trust. Nothing in this world would make me ruin the luxurious life I had finally


All I knew that I needed to do was cater to Tavon’s perverted needs and make him addicted to me just like I was addicted to the life he provided. That

way, he wouldn’t even be able to think of abandoning me.

I laid on Tavon’s chest after another bout of perverse sex His chest rose up and down under my palmasi stroked his chest.

“That ‘Lucas‘ is becoming increasingly annoying.” I said coquettishly.

He chuckled slightly and held my hand softly. “What’s wrong? How did my nephew upset you?”

I let my brows crease in a frown. “Are you actually asking me that?” When he didn’t say anything I continued. “He actually sent a woman to you behind my

back when I was not at home, how can I be happy?”

Tavon lazily drawled, taking his time to form his words, “But it didn’t succeed, did it?”

“It still doesn’t change the fact that he did what he did when he knew you have me.” I grumbled.

He chuckled again, “Don’t I only have you as the woman by my side now? Are you still not satisfied?”

I snuggled even closer to him, cooing. “Isn’t it because I came back on time? If I hadn’t, you would have been taken away by another woman,”

“Never, I might be distracted for a while,” he tightened his hold on my hand, “but you’ll forever be the woman I really yearn for,

I smiled, “You too. It’s you or no one else.” Then I added sternly, “And when next you meet with him, wam him a bit to try that again.”

“Yes ma’am,” he answered amidst ha chuckles.

After that, we fell into a comfortable silence. Tavon’s hand caressed my hair while I slowly rubbed his chest

I closed my eyes briefly, deciding that it was the perfect time to take action.

I lazily traced his features with my fingers asi said casually, “You know, people say nephews look like their uncles.”

“uhm uhm?”

I raised my shoulder in a small shrug, “But I don’t think he looks like you. He doesn’t.”

“He doesn’t?” He peered down at him

Chapter 100

I rested on my elbow to look down at him. “How about we secretly do a paternity test?” I grinned mischievously and quickly added, “Just for fun”

His eyes hardened just as his body and features tensed. His hand stopped moving on my hair as he literally growled, “Do not do such things just for fur and end up driving a wedge between family members!”

Frightened, I laid back on his arms. I don’t intend to drive a wedge between anyone,” I muttered sulkily

y members

Seeing the frightened look on my face, his voice softened and he went back to caressing my hair. “You knowx he started softly, “There are many of our mafia family who are not related by blood. As long as they can all work for the family and not betray the family, they are a member of this

I hadn’t expected him to get so enraged over the topic so I decided to drop it, 1 understand, you know I was just saying it casually Don’t get mad at me.


“Never,” he said as he continued to stroke my head, “Now stop thinking about unnecessary things like that, just enjoy your life, okay?”

I nodded and leaned into Tavon’s arms. I closed my eyes and sighed.

The plan to take revenge through a paternity test has failed. Now, Dylan’s hair that Sydney gave me could only be flushed down the drain just like the plan.


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