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I Love You, Miss Genius Chapter 790

“Maybe it’s the tunnel. I just get this ominous feeling about the place.” His frown grew deeper. Then, he held her hand and started moving outside decisively. “We should head to the exit now. Then, we’ll come inside again once everyone’s here.”


Suddenly, she felt the tunnel shaking violently. She could also hear deep rumbles, signifying the tunnel collapsing.

Before she could come to her senses, he was dragging her and racing out of the place.

“Run, Bonnie!”

Thoughts were running through his head. ‘What in the world went wrong here? We’ve only been here for 15 minutes, but there is a serious chance this tunnel could collapse. This shouldn’t have happened! ‘Gah. Forget it. What matters now is that I get out of this hellhole with Bonnie. Otherwise, we won’t be able to escape once the tunnel caves in.’

Instead of responding to him, she followed his lead and ran with him. Then, she recalled how weird Tom had acted.

“There’s something wrong with Tom.”

“What are you trying to say? Do you think he tricked us into this tunnel and sent Jim and Floyd away?”

‘I’ve trusted Tom so much that I didn’t suspect anything earlier. Now that I think about it, there were way too many coincidences. Obviously, it’s an elaborate plan to trap me and Bonnie in the tunnel,’ he thought “Absolutely. Why else would he have this many excuses? He wouldn’t come inside himself, and yet he’s doing everything he can to trick us into coming here. It’s plain as day that he’s hiding something.” Bonnie fell into deep thought.

‘I’ve sensed that there’s something wrong all along, but I neglected to think too much about it. I really should’ve given it more thought, too. If I had been more careful, we wouldn’t be in this mess.’ He took a deep breath, held her hand, and ran forward.

“Save your breath, Bonnie. Let’s just focus on getting out of here first.”

“Okay.” She responded and ran as fast as her feet could carry her.

Before long, the entire tunnel shook more violently.

He wore a solemn expression and pursed his lips.

‘Once I get out of here, I’m going to round up the people who are doing this to us and torture them to the point they wish they were dead instead. None of them will escape fe!

‘This is all my fault. I wouldn’t have asked Bonnie to tag along if I had known this would happen.’

On the other hand, she knew he was

beating himself up and feeling guilty. So, she

hind his hand and comforted

hl be fine. I know we’re going

to get out of here.”

“Yeah. I won’t be able to forgive myself for the rest of my life if I can’t

bring you back home safe.” It w1.8

true. He did feel guilty about this, and he certainly felt responsible for


However, this wasn’t the time to talk about it. They had to focus on escaping this hellhole.

“It’ll be fine.” She comforted him again.

The next thing she knew, a boulder was falling toward his head.

She moved swiftly and shoved him out of the way.


The boulder missed his head by an inch and landed squarely on her shoulder instead.

“Argh…” A sharp pain shot from her shoulder and made her groan out of pain.

However, she wasn’t concerned about it now. All she could feel was relief.

‘It’s a good thing that the rock fell on my shoulder instead of his head. Otherwise…’

He whipped his head back. What he saw almost made him fall apart.



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