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I Love You, Miss Genius Chapter 767

Shane’s eyes gleamed. Then, he threw his head back and laughed. “Hahaha! Even Heaven is looking out for me! Hurry up and send a team to tail him. I want them to inform me as soon as they find the perfect window to strike.

“Also, don’t ever alert Ivor and Bonnie of our presence. Be very careful. Don’t waste this perfect opportunity. Got it?”

Archie nodded, “Sure thing, Mr. Shane.”

Back in the villa, Bonnie had wrapped up her work at the research institute and returned home. The first thing she saw was Ivor packing up his suitcase. She couldn’t help but walk over and ask him, puzzled, “Are you going on a work trip? Why are you packing up so much stuff?”

He nodded in response and complimented her. “Yeah. You’re so smart, Bonnie. You got it on the first guess.”

“If memory serves me right, you don’t have a work trip in your recent schedule. So, why are you leaving all of a sudden?” Bonnie said as she walked over and helped him.

He explained, “It’s a last-minute decision. They discovered a rare ore in a quarry in Everpeak, and I have to be there in person. Otherwise, the others might get ahead of me and lay their hands on it.” “Everpeak?” She pursed her lips, and a trace of solemnity flashed in her eyes. “Not only is it a harsh environment but also a plateau. You must bring enough clothes to stave off the cold and oxygen tanks. Otherwise, you’ll be hard-pressed to find proper treatment if you get sick.”

Back in her traveling days, she once set foot in Everpeak.

Aside from rich ores, that place was severely lacking in all other resources. That was why Bonnie was worried Ivor needed to inspect a collaboration there.

He cupped her face with a big smile. “Are you worried about me, Bonnie?”

She rolled her eyes at him in response. “What kind of question is this? Do you find it fun to ask the obvious questions?”

With that, she pointed at his suitcase. “Do you remember what I just said? Make sure you bring enough stuff. Don’t just turn a deaf ear to what I said.”

“Don’t worry about it, Bonnie. I’ll always remember everything you said. There’s no way I’ll ever forget about it!” He pulled out his phone and showed her a list.

“I did a lot of homework, investigating Everpeak for this work trip. I’ve also asked Floyd to prepare everything I need. So, there’s nothing to worry about. I won’t let anything happen to me.”

She proceeded to read everything on his list meticulously. She didn’t feel better until she had confirmed that he didn’t miss out on anything.

“Remember to send me several texts and a video call every day when you’re there.”

His lips curled into a smile. Then, he pulled Bonnie into his arms.

“Are you reluctant to see me leave? If so, I’ll ask someone else to go instead. I’ll stay back.”

‘He’s just saying this because he’s caught up. I know just how important this collaboration is for him. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have made this last-minute decision and returned home to pack his stuff quickly. He has always loved messing with me. I guess I’ll return the favor a little.’

At the thought of it, she reached out and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You’re right. I’m reluctant to part with you. I don’t want you to leave. Will you stay?”

He was stunned at that. Bonnie looked like she did not want him to leave. He couldn’t help but gulp.

“Are you being serious now, Bonnie?”

‘She has never said anything like this before. I’m a little troubled now that she’s asking me not to leave.

‘I couldn’t bear to leave her alone, but the collaboration was necessary for the company.

He ended up wrestling with himself so much that he couldn’t make a choice.


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