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I Love You, Miss Genius Chapter 736

“Got it. Thanks for your concern, honey. You always know how to care for me.” Ivor gently held Bonnie’s hand, looking at her tenderly. Bonnie’s heart thumped hard in her chest. She turned her head strangely, and her cheeks began to flush.

“You always say the same thing every day. Are you trying to be cheesy?”

“Not cheesy at all,” Ivor shrugged. “Isn’t this how you should treat someone you love?”

Bonnie slowly withdrew her hand from his.

“You better eat quickly. Finish your meal so you can handle your work. Otherwise, your phone will be ringing off the hook later.”

“At your command.” Ivor chuckled and made a salute gesture, obediently lowering his head to eat.

Bonnie shook her head, feeling there was no way to deal with this man.

After dinner, Ivor went to the study to deal with documents while Bonnie watched TV in the living room.

Floyd, carrying a stack of papers, was standing outside the door when he suddenly called out excitedly. “Ms. Bonnie!”

Bonnie was startled by him, almost dropping the apple in her hand.

After calming her thoughts for a moment, she put the apple in the basket and glanced at Floyd.

“What’s the fuss at this late hour?”

Floyd trotted over, his eyes shining brightly as he looked at Bonnie.

“Ms. Bonnie, on behalf of all the company’s senior executives, I want to thank you!”

Bonnie looked puzzled, not understanding what was going on.

“Why are you thanking me? I haven’t contributed anything to your company recently.”

“Who said you haven’t? Your contribution is significant!” Floyd briefly recounted what had happened in the meeting room today.

“You don’t know how grim Mr. Ivor was. He looked like the king of hell reborn. But as soon as you called, Mr. Ivor immediately became as gentle as a spring breeze. He even allowed us to end the meeting early. Otherwise, we would’ve had to stay in the meeting room until tomorrow!”

Bonnie smiled helplessly at Floyd’s words. Then, she thought of Ivor’s busy appearance during dinner, answering one call after another. She looked at Floyd and asked, “Has something happened in your company recently? Why does it seem like Ivor is so busy?”

Floyd’s eyes flickered. He thought that if Mr. Ivor hadn’t told Ms. Bonnie about the bidding situation of Ferryrover Jewelry, it meant that Mr. Ivor didn’t want Ms. Bonnie to know.

So he vaguely said, “It’s nothing, just that the company is having some difficulties with a project recently, so Mr. Ivor is a bit agitated.”

“Really?” Bonnie frowned, thinking Floyd’s words differed from what Ivor had told her. ‘Could it be Ivor had something else he was hiding from her?’

“Yes, that’s right.” Floyd feared Bonnie would press him further, so he pretended to be in a hurry and said, “Ms. Bonnie, I won’t say anymore. Mr. Ivor is waiting for the documents. I have to hurry and deliver them. Let’s chat another time.”

With that, he swiftly ran off with the documents.

Bonnie watched Floyd’s departing figure with a pensive look in her eyes. She wondered what was going on in Ivor’s company.

‘It probably wasn’t a minor matter; Ivor would have told me otherwise. There must be something more to it.’

She felt that things were more complex than they seemed. She decided to ask Ivor later in the study to see if he would tell her the truth.


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