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I Love You, Miss Genius Chapter 695

Bonnie heard the crowd’s muttering. Her lips curled, still unfazed. Then, she folded her arms across her chest and stared at Niko sarcastically.

“I must applaud you for your acting skill. How much did your client pay you for this? I’ll make it double… Scratch that, I’ll pay you 10 times as she did. Then, I’l send you back to her so you can put up a similar performance to her all day long. What do you think about that?”

Niko looked like he was beside himself with rage. “You’re accusing me of putting on an act? I’m a man and I have my pride. That’s it, Bonnie. If you humiliate me any further, I’ll jump into the Robinson River. You won’t be able to see us ever again!”

She giggled in response. Lifting her chin, she gestured in a certain direction.

“Why would you mention somewhere as far as Robinson River? There’s a river nearby. Go ahead and jump in it. No one’s going to stop you.”

He froze where he stood.

‘I was just saying it. I was never going to do it. Normally, the ladies would’ve come over and pacify me when I say something like this.

‘I didn’t count on this lady being this tough. Isn’t she worried about it at all? What am I supposed to do now? Do I seriously have to jump in the river?’

Noticing that Niko wasn’t saying anything, she raised her brows and said, “Do it now! Why aren’t you jumping into the river? Are you scared? It doesn’t take much to make you hesitate. It looks like you aren’t that determined to do it, after all.”

Before Niko could say anything, the onlookers started chastising Bonnie.

“That’s too much, Bonnie! What does it take to make you stop? Are you honestly trying to get them killed?”

“Exactly. He’s holding a baby, for heaven’s sake. Are you hoping they’ll off themselves so you’d be free of responsibilities?”

“How could someone as heartless and ruthless as her exists?”

Realizing that everyone was speaking up for him, Niko couldn’t help but get thrilled.

He had to strike the iron while it was still hot. So, he glanced at Bonnie again. At the next moment, he went down on his knees with the baby in his arms.

“I know the last thing you want is to see us here, Bonnie. I’m also aware that you would much rather both of us die so you could get rid of us.

“However, our son is still so young. We’re the ones who brought him to this world. We can’t just snuff the life out of him like it’s nothing. Please, Bonnie. Come back home. “We’ll be reunited if you return to our side. I believe we could overcome any obstacle the future might present before us as a family.”

Bonnie chuckled. She glanced at Niko the way she would a clown.

Meanwhile, Trina could see Bonnie surrounded by the crowd from a distance.

‘I thought my eyes were tricking me earlier. But, it’s really her! Why is there such a big crowd around her? What did Bonnie do this time?’

She walked over, patted one of the student’s shoulders, and asked, “What just happened? Why’s everyone gathered around here?”

This student proceeded to tell Trina everything.

“Are you serious right now?” Trina blinked. At the same time, her chest swelled with great joy.

‘At first, I thought Bonnie was Ivor’s fiancee. It had haunted me for so long that I couldn’t eat or sleep well. It was such a mental torture. I can finally rest easy.

‘Now that Bonnie has done something this outrageous, it’s impossible that she’s the fiancé of the wealthiest man in Pyralis.’

“I saw the whole thing,” the other student said. “How could she do something so despicable and downright wicked?”

“Sigh. Aren’t you aware that she has already done a lot of outrageous stuff on campus? What’s one more?”


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