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I Love You, Miss Genius Chapter 624

‘Gee. He’s gotten so good at romantic talks that he’s making me shy. Anyway, I need to deal with this hypocritical lady. So, I can’t afford to let it show now.’

Pointing at Eloise, she said pitifully, “You say that, but she claimed that I’m ruthless.”

Ivor turned his gaze at Eloise. The affection he had shown Bonnie earlier was replaced with an indifferent coldness.

“We might’ve been close in the past, Eloise. However, despite our friendship, I won’t tolerate you insulting my fiancee. From here on out, if you say anything disrespectful to her, I’ll cut you loose.” Eloise felt as if someone stabbed her through the heart. The pain was so excruciating that it suffocated her a little.

‘I’ve been in love with Ivor for the longest time here. So, why would he speak up for another lady instead? He didn’t use to treat me this way. It’s too heartbreaking.’

Bonnie shook his arm and put her acting skills to good use. She deliberately spoke in an adorable tone, “Come on, she’s a lady at the end of the day. Don’t be so mean to her.

“The fact is that she only badmouthed me a little. It’s no big deal. I only ask for an apology. Then, I’ll let it go.”

Waves of pleasurable emotions overtook him.

‘This is the first time Bonnie had spoken to me in such an adorable tone. I know she’s just putting on an act, but I can’t deny that it has sparked an overwhelming sense of affection in me.’ “Okay, then.” He flashed her a loving smile. The way he looked at her suggested that he would’ve had his way with her right there and then if he could.

It wasn’t his fault, though. After all, she was the one who flirted with him.

He gave himself some time to regain his composure. Then, he suppressed his anger before glancing at Eloise coldly. “Did you hear what my fiancee said? I want you to apologize to her now.” Eloise was so furious that she almost ground her teeth to dust.

‘However, I won’t be able to meet with him again if I don’t apologize to her.’

At the thought of that, she lowered her head. The reluctance and frustration in her eyes were unmistakable. She said softly, “I’m sorry.”

Her apology was as hollow as they came.

Ivor’s brows furrowed. His voice was cold when he spoke. “You could’ve been louder.”

She clenched her fist and tried so hard to shove her anger down that the veins on her forehead popped.

She held her breath and was about to apologize to Bonnie again. That was when she heard the latter’s voice, “Forget it. She has apologized to me. I’ll be the bigger man and let her off the hook.” ‘Did she just say she’s the bigger man?’ Eloise’s eyes widened in shock. ‘She was the one who made me apologize to her earlier! How dare she claim that she was the bigger man now?’ Ignoring Eloise’s glares, Bonnie glanced at the steak and spaghetti on the table.

“Were you guys about to have a meal together earlier? That’s great. I’ve been working the entire day and didn’t have time to put anything in my stomach. Take a seat, everyone. Let’s eat.” Ivor’s voice was frustrated and concerned, “What do I have to say to get you to take your meals promptly?”

“I got so busy that I forgot about them. I’m going to eat something now. So, it’s going to be fine.” She made him sit and gestured for Eloise to do the same.

“Um… Take a seat, Eloise. There’s no need to feel shy. After all, you’re our guest. We would’ve felt uneasy if you remained standing.”

At the next moment, Eloise gritted her teeth. The calm expression she plastered on her face almost fell apart. Fortunately, she lowered her head and kept her roiling emotions hidden. “Sure. Okay.”

The waiter served all the dishes once the three of them were seated.

Ivor leaned in close to Bonnie and whispered to her.


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