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I Love You, Miss Genius Chapter 601

Bonnie turned and raised her brows at Ivor, saying, “I’ve decided you’re the one. That means I’ll never change my mind for the rest of my life or leave you. However, that’s only true if you don’t do anything that’l let me down. Otherwise, I’ll give you the boot.”

She knew he would not do that. She had agreed to his proposal because she trusted him wholeheartedly. Still, she felt she needed to say those things.

Ivor raised a hand and swore, “I promise never to betray your trust. If I do something that foolish, God will strike me with thunder and make me die a horrible—”

Before he could finish, Bonnie covered his mouth and asked, “Why do you have to curse yourself?”

He pecked her palm and said, “Are you worried about me?”

His kiss gave Bonnie a tingling sensation that made her withdraw her hand. She calmly replied, “No, the thought of finding another man to marry if something happens to you irritates me.” “Then, you’re overthinking it. There’s no need to get irritated because I’ll be the only husband you’ll ever have.” Ivor grunted lightly before carrying her into the room.

Before Bonnie knew it, she was already lying on the bed. “What do you think you’re doing?”

She motioned to sit down, but Ivor grabbed her waist and pinned her onto the bed. “What do you think I’m doing?”

Bonnie felt something stiff rubbing against her, causing her to blush. “W-We’re not married yet, Ivor. Don’t do anything rash.”

“I know that,” his voice was husky as he brushed her hair aside and kissed her forehead. “I just want to kiss you. I won’t do anything else.”

Bonnie gripped his sleeves earlier, but she relaxed after he said that. “Be quick about it, and don’t even think about crossing the line.”

Ivor kissed her lips, taking her breath away. Considering their current relationship, Bonnie decided to stop being pretentious. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Moments later, Ivor’s breathing intensified. He could feel himself losing control, so he unwillingly stopped himself. Then, he pressed his forehead against hers and said, “I love you so much, Bonnie.” Although she did not respond, she hugged him tighter. That gesture revealed all her feelings for him. The couple leaned on each other wordlessly. It was a simple hug but enough to fill the air with love.

Bonnie had some free time after dealing with everything. She recalled her promise to Orson to show him some pointers, so she called him and asked, “Orson, do you remember me talking about asking Master Kieran to show you some pointers?”

He was excited when she said that. He replied, “Of course I do! It’s the only thing I cared about since my art exhibition ended. I was waiting for you to call, but you never did. I didn’t bug you because I thought you’d be too busy. I’m excited that you finally called.”

“You’re right. I was pretty busy over the past few weeks. I’m calling you now because I have some free time. Just let me know when you’re free, and I’ll get Master Kieran to meet you.”

“I’m available any time. I’ll work my schedule around hers. Just tell me when Master Kieran is available.”


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