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I Love You, Miss Genius Chapter 595

With smiles of relief, the staff watched the sweet scene behind them.

“It seems that Mr. Ivor and Ms. Bonnie have reached a new level in their relationship.”

“This is truly a cause for celebration! I’m so happy for Mr. Ivor.”

“Yes, Mr. Ivor has been pursuing Ms. Bonnie for so long, and finally, he has seen the light at the end of the tunnel.”

The whole villa was filled with a festive atmosphere as blessings poured in.

In the evening, Bonnie prepared a table full of dishes, all of which were Ivor’s favorite foods. Leaning on his chin, a hint of satisfaction shone in his eyes while Bonnie bustled in the kitchen. “This feeling is nice.”

Bonnie glanced at him but didn’t respond to his remark. Instead, she pushed a bowl towards him. “Let’s eat.”

Ivor leaned back in his chair and stared straight at Bonnie.

“Honey, I’m injured. Can’t you feed me?”

Bonnie glanced at him. “I remember you’re not that delicate and fragile.”

Ivor shrugged and looked innocent.

“But I got hurt for someone. Oh well, since you’re unwilling to feed me, I’ll eat by myself.”

With that, Ivor clumsily picked up his cutlery. After struggling to pick up a piece of vegetable, it fell back onto the table.

Then he tried again, but the same thing happened. The food dropped back onto the table.

Watching the whole process, Bonnie took a deep breath. She recalled how he had risked his life to protect her. So, his request for her to feed him wasn’t too much.

Reluctantly, she picked up a piece of meat with her fork and brought it to his lips. “Eat.”

Ivor knew Bonnie’s patience was limited, so he didn’t hesitate. He took the meat from her fork and savored it, his eyes filled with satisfaction.

“The dishes you feed me are always delicious.”

Ivor also picked up a piece of fish and removed the bones before offering it to Bonnie.

“Honey, you should eat, too.”

“Mm.” Bonnie didn’t refuse and started eating.

After a few minutes, Ivor suddenly spoke up. “Honey, let’s get engaged again.”

Bonnie was stunned. She was unsure of what Ivor was up to.

“Engaged again?”

Ivor nodded. “Yes, engaged again. What do you think, honey?”

Bonnie furrowed her brows lightly and asked, “But didn’t we already get engaged before?”

“Yes, we did. But that engagement ceremony was too hasty, with only family present. This time, I plan to hold a very grand engagement ceremony and invite everyone in our circle in Pyralis. Then, I’ll choose a date for our wedding after we get engaged.”

“It’s just an engagement ceremony. Is it necessary to be so extravagant?”

“Is this considered extravagant? I plan to buy an island when we get married and plant all the flowers you like on the island. Wouldn’t that be a romantic thing to do? It will be a memory for a lifetime.” “Won’t you be tired of it?”

“This is a major event in life. What’s there to be tired of? Don’t you think it’s something to be happy about?”

Bonnie pursed her lips and pondered momentarily before saying, “Let’s skip the engagement.”

Upon hearing this, the light in Ivor’s eyes gradually dimmed, and his smile faded.

‘Didn’t Bonnie agree to be with me already? Why wouldn’t she want to get engaged again? Is it because she’s only reluctantly with me because I saved her? It seems I need to work even harder to win Bonnie’s heart.’

Just then, Bonnie spoke with determination. “Why not just get married right away?”

The dimness in his eyes vanished instantly, replaced by a radiant glow.

“W-What did you say? Are you saying you want to marry me right away?”

Ivor was so excited that he stammered, which made Bonnie smile.


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