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I Love You, Miss Genius Chapter 589

She held her breath, afraid of seeing something unpleasant.

Fortunately, Ivor’s condition wasn’t as terrifying as she had imagined. His wounds had healed gradually, though he was still lying on the bed with his eyes closed. It indicated that Auguste had provided him with good treatment during this period.

Bonnie slowly approached Ivor with heavy footsteps. The moment she held his ice-cold fingertips, her eyes reddened slightly. However, she soon realized something was amiss.

She turned her head and glared at Auguste

“You injected him with anesthesia?”

Auguste wore a face of innocence.

“Ms. Bonita, it’s not my fault. Mr. Ivor is too formidable. My men couldn’t contain him, no matter what they did. I had to take this precaution to prevent his wounds from tearing due to excessive struggle.” Bonnie gave him a strange half-smile.

“So, should I thank you then?”

“You’re welcome.” Auguste pretended to be generous. “After all, both of us are experts in the scientific community, and helping each other is only natural.”

Bonnie nodded in agreement.

“Since you took such good care of Ivor, I will assist you in developing the most recent nanomaterial data.”

Auguste’s eyes lit up with joy. “Are you really willing to do that?”

Bonnie nodded earnestly. “Of course, you just said we should help each other, right? But this repayment seems a bit small for you. I also want to give you another reward.” Amidst Auguste’s excitement, a hint of doubt lingered in his heart. “What reward?”

Bonnie smirked. “Haven’t you noticed any discomfort yet?”

Before Auguste could react, he felt an intense itch crawling up from the soles of his feet, making him unable to resist scratching.

However, as soon as he began to scratch, it was as though he had set off a switch; the intense itching overcame him, and all he could do was moan.

Scratching himself while casting a resentful gaze at Bonnie, he asked, “When did you poison me?”

Bonnie casually raised an eyebrow. “Guess.”

While struggling to endure the increasingly intense itching sensation coursing through his body, Auguste recalled everything Bonnie did after she entered. Suddenly, he caught onto something and looked at Bonnie with shock and anger.

“Did you poison me when we were drinking tea?”

Bonnie didn’t respond, essentially confirming it.

No matter how hard he tried to tolerate it, Auguste could not bear the itching all over his body. “Ms. Bonita, I didn’t expect you to be so skilled in toxicology.” Bonnie responded casually, “There are many things I’m capable of that you don’t know about.”


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