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I Love You, Miss Genius Chapter 586

“What are you doing?!”

Sienna put her hands on her hips and glared at him impatiently. “What else can I do? Ms. Bonita has run away!”

Jim’s heart skipped a beat, and he abruptly stood up. “Where did she run off to?”

Sienna rolled her eyes at Jim.

“You’re supposed to be her bodyguard, yet you’re lying here drunk like a pig.”

Jim was anxious. “Can you stop with the nonsense? Just tell me where she went!”

Sienna was irritated. She glared back and said, “What’s with the hostility? She disappeared, and you have no clue. It’s your negligence. Why are you taking it out on me? Do you think I’m your punching bag?” “Watch it-“

Jim was frustrated. ‘Is Sienna really this stubborn? Nothing gets through to her.’

Sienna refused to back down. “What? Am I wrong?”

Jim’s expression darkened, but before he could speak, he saw Leo walking in.

“What are you arguing about? What happened?” Leo asked.

Jim glanced at Sienna and replied coldly, “Ms. Bonita is missing, and Sienna knows her whereabouts but refuses to tell me!”

Sienna rolled her eyes at him again.

“With your attitude, do you really think you can get any information from me?”

Jim frowned and said, “Do you even know how important Ms. Bonita is to all of us in Arvandor? It’s a critical moment. Can you stop talking about these trivial matters?” “Alright, let’s stop arguing!” Leo quickly stepped between them to stop the argument.

“Sienna, tell me quickly, where did Ms. Bonita go?”

“She knocked me out, so I don’t know where she went.”

Jim and Leo’s faces changed. Before Jim could ask Sienna for more information, she lifted her chin triumphantly.

“But don’t worry, Grandpa. When she knocked me out, I grabbed her sleeve and secretly planted a tracker on her,” she said smugly.

Leo patted her shoulder approvingly. “Well done! You truly are my granddaughter!”

“Of course. If I didn’t have any outstanding qualities, how could I be called a genius?”

She then thought, ‘Indeed, I excel in various things and deserve to feel proud. It’s just that I was constantly overshadowed by Bonnie.

‘But I won’t bow down to Bonnie because I’ll work twice as hard and surpass her one day.’

Jim said with relief, “Since you’ve placed a tracker on her, what are you waiting for? Open your phone and track her location. I’ll immediately bring people over.” “Hmph!” Sienna scoffed disdainfully. She quickly took out her phone and located Bonnie’s position.

“Got it! She’s on a nearby unnamed island.”

Jim leaned over to look and quickly informed his subordinates to gather.

Leo also didn’t waste any time and informed the members of the McLeod family to prepare.

Everyone had assembled in just over 10 minutes, and a group headed toward Bonnie’s location in a mighty procession.


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