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I Love You, Miss Genius Chapter 585

As soon as the words fell, the sound of clapping echoed in her ears.

Bonnie followed the source of the sound and saw a masked man walking out of the villa.

She narrowed her eyes and calmly assessed him before saying, “Mr. Auguste. Why are you hiding when you were the one who invited me here?”

The masked man paused, then tilted his head back and laughed. Then he raised his hand and slowly removed the mask.

Indeed, the face under the mask was exactly as Bonnie had guessed-Auguste!

“You truly live up to your reputation as Ms. Bonita. Your eyes are sharp, and nothing can escape you,” Auguste said with a smile.

“I didn’t come here to listen to flattery.” Bonnie’s tone was blunt and to the point. “Where is Ivor?”

Auguste maintained his smile. “Ms. Bonita, don’t be in such a hurry. As two leading authorities in the scientific community, shouldn’t we catch up a bit?” “Catch up?” Bonnie glanced at him indifferently. “I don’t think we’re that close, are we?”

Auguste’s smile remained unchanged.

“I’ve always considered you a friend, Ms. Bonita. But now you’re saying we’re not close? Isn’t that a bit hurtful?”

Bonnie lightly scoffed, “Friend? Really? Pardon my ignorance, but I’ve never seen anyone treat their friends like you do.”

Auguste couldn’t keep up his facade.

“I didn’t expect you to not only have great research achievements but also be so eloquent,” Auguste commented, looking somewhat embarrassed.

He didn’t say much more and quickly made a welcoming gesture. “I believe you’re eager to see Mr. Ivor. Please.”

After giving him a cursory glance, Bonnie brushed past him and stepped inside.

Auguste watched her back, a cold glint flashing in his eyes.

“Close the door.”

With a creak, the gate slowly closed, cutting off everything outside.

In the alley, Sienna gradually recovered. She felt the pain in her neck and inhaled sharply.

Sienna cursed angrily after recalling what had happened. “How dare you, Bonnie? I’ve fallen into your hands three times and I’m fed up with it. Just wait. I’ll settle these scores with you sooner or later.” Though angry, Sienna understood that Bonnie’s safety was the most important thing at the moment.

‘Who knows what the other party might do if she hadn’t gone alone?’

Sienna had to rush back and inform Jim and her grandfather.

A few minutes later, Sienna arrived at the hotel. Seeing Jim passed out on the table, she hurried over and shook his shoulder anxiously.

“Jim, wake up. Quickly.”

She called several times in a row, but Jim didn’t respond.

Sienna bit her lip and looked around. Finally, she went to the kitchen, fetched a large bowl of water, and poured it on Jim.


The cold water made Jim shudder involuntarily and snapped him out of his drunken stupor.

He wiped the water off his face and frowned when he saw Sienna standing in front of him with a bowl.


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