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I Love You, Miss Genius Chapter 567

Bonnie answered, “He’s the CEO of Knight Group, located in Pyralis. He’s also the representative of Arvandor’s economy.”

Ivor’s titles surprised Auguste. The latter could sense the young man’s imposing air and readily accepted it.

“So, you’re the richest man in Pyralis. Your reputation precedes you, Mr. Ivor,” Auguste said as he gazed between Bonnie and Ivor. “Pardon my curiosity, but you two seem pretty intimate. What’s your relationship?”

“Professional,” Bonnie replied dryly, causing Ivor to frown.

‘I know she answered him that way because she needs to consider the bigger picture. Still, I’d be lying if I said that didn’t hurt me. I’ll have to snatch her away and make myself feel better tonight.’ “Are you sure?” Auguste squinted at her.

Bonnie remained casual and revealed no hints about her relationship with Ivor. She said, “If you’re asking me about my personal life, you’ll have to excuse me for not answering. After all, I’m pretty busy.” Auguste chuckled. “Forgive me for crossing the line. I was looking for you to congratulate you on developing the latest nanomaterial and becoming the most prestigious scientist in the world.” Bonnie stared at him grimly and said, “I thought you’d be upset.”

“Why would you say that?”

“That title belonged to you before I came into the picture. However, the title is firmly within my grasp now that I’ve developed the latest nanomaterial.”

August knew she put it that way to probe him. He countered, “It doesn’t matter which country made a scientific breakthrough. Your unbelievable discovery of nanomaterials benefits Arvandor and the world.” “Well said!” Bonnie clapped. “I was a little petty just then. I just learned that someone has hired the SR League to assassinate me. Someone from my government even asked me if I offended anyone. After much consideration, I eventually thought of you, Auguste.”

A pin-drop silence hung over the room as both parties observed each other cautiously. Ivor was the only one smiling at Bonnie.

‘She just stirred a massive storm yet remains calm and collected. Her intelligence and bravery are extraordinary.’

It took everything in Auguste to suppress his feelings. Suddenly, he burst into laughter, “Hahaha! You just love making jokes, Bonita. Why would I do something like that?”

Bonnie smiled and said, “Exactly! I brushed it aside the moment I said it. I told them you’re among the most experienced and prestigious scientists worldwide. There’s no way you would do something like that.” “All that matters is that you believe me, Bonita.” Auguste checked his watch and said, “Would you look at the time? Please excuse me. I have some matters to attend to.”

He forced a smile and left. Immediately after he turned, his expression grew grim. His assistant, Tyree, leaned in close and whispered, “Did she figure us out, Mr. Auguste? Why else would she ask something like that?”

“That might not be the case since our plan is foolproof. Also, they’re preparing for tonight’s operation as we speak. Bonita probably made a guess when she said all that.”

“Then, should we proceed with tonight’s operation? I fear the Arvandorians will suspect us if something happens to Bonita tonight.”

Auguste nodded. “Your worries aren’t unfounded. As for tonight’s operation, send someone to monitor her as planned. We’ll decide what to do when the opportunity arises. Also, send some men to tail Knight Group’s CEO.”

Tyree was puzzled. “Why would we do that, Mr. Auguste?”

The latter sneered. “I have a hunch they’re more intimate than Bonita said.”

“Understood, Mr. Auguste. I’ll carry out your orders at once.”

The first day of the conference was not that formal, and it ended before dusk.


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