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I Love You, Miss Genius Chapter 549

Elsa and the others were utterly perplexed by what they were seeing.

“W-What the heck?” Mitchel asked the question everyone wanted to ask.

Kramer wanted to respond, but he only had speculative guesses. He didn’t dare to speak recklessly.

Captain Larson handed Bonnie a pen and a piece of paper.

“Can you give me an autograph?”

Bonnie was already used to it. “Sure.”

She took the pen and gracefully wrote her name on the piece of paper.

‘What beautiful handwriting!’ Captain Larson was impressed and thought, ‘Truly worthy of being Ms. Bonita! Even her handwriting embodies the pinnacle of calligraphy!’

In no time, Captain Larson finished up and took the thugs away for interrogation.

When Bonnie turned around, she saw Kramer and the others looking at her with inexplicable gazes.

Jim came to Bonnie’s side. “Let me escort you back.”

“Don’t you want to continue barbequing with them? I’ll just go back by myself.”

“Your safety is more important.” Jim worried that once he left Bonnie, someone might secretly target her.

Bonnie glanced at Kramer and the others. “What about them?”

Kramer stepped forward and said, “It’s okay. W-We’ll accompany you back together.”

“All right then.”

Finally, Bonnie returned to Jim’s home with everyone escorting her.

After watching Bonnie enter the room, Kramer dragged Jim out.

“Quick! Tell me honestly! Who is Bonnie?”

Elsa, Mitchel, and the others all listened intently.

Jim frowned. “Well…”

“Stop beating around the bush! I’m asking you, is she-” Kramer took a deep breath and glanced back at Bonnie’s room. “I-Is she Ms. Bonita?!”

‘What?!’ Elsa’s eyes widened. ‘How could someone like Ms. Bonita appear in our remote little town?’

Mitchel and the others were all speechless with shock.

After a moment of silence, Jim said, “This matter must not be leaked.”

Everyone gasped at his confirmation.

“S-She-” Elsa pointed at Bonnie’s room, unable to complete a full sentence for a long time.

Mitchel even pinched his thigh.

Kramer took a deep breath and exhaled heavily.

“I knew it. I had my guesses, but the truth was so shocking that I didn’t dare to speculate recklessly. I could nearly confirm it when those thugs showed up, and I observed your response.”

Kramer’s heart remained unsettled.

“My goodness! Ms. Bonita! The leading scientific figure in our country! I never thought I would have the honor of meeting her in my lifetime, let alone grilling meat and drinking beer with her. This is enough to pass down to my descendants!”

“Me too.” Mitchel nodded in agreement.

The others joined in, too.


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