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I Love You, Miss Genius Chapter 544

“No chance.”

Kramer’s heart felt like it was pricked. “Um… you’re being too straightforward, aren’t you?”

“I don’t want you to waste your time and energy.”

“Where do I fall short? Is it because her family is wealthy?” Kramer asked.

“It has nothing to do with that.”

“Then why did you say that?” Kramer suddenly realized something, “Are you saying she already has a boyfriend?”

Jim nodded, then spoke seriously, “That person is outstanding-so outstanding that I trust him with my life. While she may appear to be a deity to the rest of the world, I see her as a normal girl capable of pursuing happiness.

“I hope she can live an ordinary and happy life, marry, and have children like everyone else.”

The more Kramer listened, the more confused he felt. “W-What are you talking about? What deity? Who is she, exactly? Why does it sound like she’s very formidable? Is she a celebrity?”

Jim realized what he said earlier was inappropriate. “You don’t need to take it too seriously.”

Kramer scrutinized Jim. “No, you’re hiding something from me.”

Jim averted his gaze. “What could I be hiding from you? Stop thinking nonsense.”

“No, no, no! I know you very well. You’re hiding something from me. You better come clean. Otherwise, I’m calling all our old classmates over tonight to get you drunk. Let’s see if you’ll spill the beans!” “You’ve called Mitchel Young and the others, too?”

“What do you think? You’ve come all this way. Our old classmates definitely won’t let you off. Don’t refuse tonight. Let’s have a barbecue together!”

Jim felt awkward and looked toward Bonnie.

Bonnie noticed this and walked over. “What’s the matter?”

“I’m going to gather with some friends tonight, but you-“

“I’m fine. You can go.”

After a moment of hesitation, Jim looked at Kramer. “Apologize to them for me. I can’t make it.”

Protecting Bonnie was the most important thing of all.

“Hey, Jim, you’re not being a good friend! We’ve all come from far away, wanting to gather with you, but you’re making excuses.”

Kramer spoke while glancing at Bonnie out of the corner of his eye, sensing that Jim’s decision not to go was most likely due to her.

This made him feel strange. Jim claimed he and Bonnie were not in that kind of relationship, so why was he so concerned about her? Even if they were in a romantic relationship, wouldn’t it be excessive to miss a reunion out of concern for a girlfriend?

Upon reflection, he concluded that Bonnie’s identity was unique, which was why Jim acted in this manner.

“Sorry.” Jim furrowed his brows into a knot.

“Hey ” Kramer took a deep breath and held it. He was suddenly inspired and looked at Bonnie. “Ms. Bonnie, why don’t you come with us?”

“This won’t do!” Jim vetoed, “The nights here are lively and full of people. What if there are bad people?”

Bonnie smiled. “What’s there to fear? Don’t we have Jim Ray, the king of combat? Besides, I also want to go. Since I’ve come all this way, wouldn’t it be a loss if I didn’t have some fun?”


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