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I Love You, Miss Genius Chapter 542

Kramer didn’t quite agree with Elsa’s words. “How do you know she’s only interested in Jim’s money?”

“Because I’m a woman. You wouldn’t understand.”

Elsa saw Bonnie take out two gift boxes. “Let’s see what she gave as gifts. Judging by her shabby appearance, it probably isn’t anything good.”

Kramer felt that Elsa’s words were unreasonable. “She came specifically to congratulate them. The thought counts more than the gift. Does it make a difference what she’s giving?” “Why do you always take her side? She’s the one trying to steal your future brother-in-law!” Elsa stomped her foot in frustration.

‘Future brother-in-law?’ Kramer shook his head silently. He had asked Jim about it before, and discovered that Jim only considered Elsa a friend.

Naturally, he had kept this a secret from Elsa out of concern for her feelings. Furthermore, telling Elsa would not make a difference. She would just keep going after him. After glaring at Kramer in annoyance, Elsa went to Bonnie.

Seeing Jim’s grandparents about to set the gifts aside, she quickly said, “Ms. Bonnie specially picked out these gifts for you. Why don’t you open them and take a look?”

“Well…” The elderly couple exchanged glances. Opening gifts in public was considered impolite.

Knowing their concerns, Elsa continued persuading, “Ms. Bonnie is a good friend of Jim’s. She doesn’t mind at all, right? Ms. Bonnie?”

Bonnie shrugged indifferently. “Go ahead and open them.”

Elsa rolled her eyes, thinking Bonnie was pretending to be calm.

Everyone was curious about what Bonnie had brought and gathered around.

Jim’s grandmother, Margie, opened the wooden box first, and there was a pearl necklace in it.

Elsa and the other guests had expressions of disbelief. “These pearls are so big! And each one is perfectly round. How much is this worth?”

“I work at a jewelry store. Normally, a good-quality pearl around 10 millimeters can sell for several thousand. These are at least 15 millimeters, and every pearl in this necklace is perfectly round and has excellent color. With this quality… it’s probably six figures.”

“My goodness! A six-figure pearl necklace? This… is way too extravagant!”

Elsa took a deep breath and thought, ‘Wow, a six-figure pearl necklace! Is this Bonnie that wealthy?’

Kramer felt a bit sad. “Who is she exactly? Could she be the daughter of a wealthy family? Come to think of it, her accent sounds like someone from Pyralis. Could she be the heir of some wealthy family in Pyralis? If so, I won’t stand a chance with her.”

Some guests shifted their attention to the box that Melvin, Jim’s grandfather, was holding.

“Take a look at what’s in your box.”

“Yeah! Open it up quickly.”

Everyone was eager to see what the other gift was.

Elsa was curious, too. She craned her neck to see.

“Alright, alright.” Melvin’s hands shook slightly. After taking a deep breath, he finally opened the box.


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