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I Love You, Miss Genius Chapter 534

“Remember, if you want to live comfortably in the future, start by behaving well. At least don’t be arrogant in front of me. Otherwise, I’ll show you what ‘going too far’ means.”

Sienna was furious, but she still had to submit to Bonnie.

Watching the obedient Sienna, Bonnie placed her hand on Sienna’s head, like she was petting a puppy. She said with a smirk, “Not bad. A wise person submits to circumstances. You can be taught.” ‘Endure! I must endure!’ Sienna ground her teeth so hard it hurt.

“Alright, we’ve played enough for now, and everyone must be tired. It’s time for dinner.” Leo ordered the kitchen to bring out the food.

Ivor took Bonnie’s hand. “Let’s go over there.”

“I’m a little hungry anyway.” Bonnie walked toward the dining table with Ivor.

Adele approached Sienna.

Watching Bonnie and Ivor leave, she couldn’t help but say, “Sienna, I think you might have misunderstood. They seem to be a couple.”

“You’ve been in the entertainment industry. Can’t you see through these acting tricks?”

“Acting? I don’t think so. Mr. Ivor looks at Bonnie like she’s his whole world.”

“I think your eyesight is bad. I saw Orpheus constantly whispering to Ivor, probably begging him for help.”

Sienna then analyzed confidently, “I also saw Ivor wanting to make intimate moves with Bonnie many times, but she awkwardly refused. If they were together, why would she react like that?”

“I overlooked that. But if it’s as you say, and Bonnie always resists Mr. Ivor’s closeness, then you’re probably correct. They can’t be a couple.” Adele nodded in agreement.

As dinner began, Ivor kept peeling shrimp and removing fish bones for Bonnie. When he noticed her wine glass was empty, he promptly refilled it.

Sitting across from them, Sienna whispered to Adele, “See that? Bonnie rolled her eyes at him and gave him a look like, ‘That’s enough, don’t overdo it. After all, I am Orpheus’s girlfriend and will be your aunt- in-law someday.’ It should be something like that.”

“I see…” Adele felt something was off. Things seemed to be different from what Sienna had analyzed.

“You sound like you don’t believe me. Just wait and see. They’ll soon reach their limit with this act.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I know Ivor. He’s never been interested in women. Orpheus must have begged Ivor for help, so he reluctantly agreed.”

While the two were whispering, Bonnie reached under the table. She pinched Ivor’s thigh, then gestured with her eyes as if to say, ‘Enough! There’s too much food. How can I eat it all? Even if you want to show affection, there should be a limit.’

Feeling the pain in his thigh, Ivor felt sweet inside and looked back at Bonnie. He seemed to answer, ‘Keep going. If you pinch me, it means you care.’

‘Is that so?’ Bonnie continued to exert force.

Ivor endured the pain until the vein on his temple bulged.

Sienna and Adele saw this scene.

“Look at the bulging vein on Ivor’s forehead. I guess they can’t keep up the act anymore.”

“It seems like it.”

“What are you doing?!” Bonnie gritted her teeth and blushed.

Ivor brought his lips close to Bonnie’s ear and exhaled. “You’ve pinched me, and now you’re leaving? Whoever pinches should comfort the other with a gentle massage.”


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