Switch Mode

I Love You, Miss Genius Chapter 477

Bonnie was about to scan Ivor’s QR code when her phone rang. “Excuse me while I answer—”

Before she could finish, Ivor’s phone also rang.

Bonnie answered the call and said, “What? He fainted again?”

Ivor also received a call from the hospital. His grandfather had fallen unconscious again.

The duo said simultaneously, “All right, I’ll be there as soon as possible.”

They were a little surprised as they exchanged glances. Then, one said, “I have an emergency. I’ll be taking my leave now.”


The duo left Achork and returned to Pyralis. They reached the hospital at almost the same time.

Sigmund looked awful as he lay on the bed. She went over and checked his pulse immediately.

“Why did his condition worsen out of nowhere?”

Russell said, “Why else? It’s because of that freaking teapot.”

“I-I don’t need your help to explain my condition,” Sigmund said with some strain.

“Geez. Take a look at yourself. Save your breath and stop glaring at me already.”

“What on earth ha…


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