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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani Chapter 97

Chapter 97


I had lost my sanity, and the last functional brain cells I had, because this man turned me on. The man who shot someone right through his head because he tried to touch me turned me on. The man whose clothes were covered by blood that wasn’t his turned me on.

Alex King turned me on, and right now, he was between my legs, getting my bottoms off me.

“You’re wet for me, cupcake, he growled, a burning desire in his voice.

Arousal glinted in my eyes.

“P- Please,” I begged, and he still didn’t take his eyes off me. More specifically, off my pussy.

“Please what?”

I moaned when his fingers touched my inner thigh, tracing it all the way up to remove my underwear.

“Please what?” Alex demanded again, “Use your tongue if you want me to use mine, Mia.”

The way he takes my name in that husky, Godly voice of his would be my undoing, I was sure.

A part of me should be ashamed, disgusted that I was so turned on, but that part had taken a backseat. “M- More,” I inhaled, deeply.

With one quick action, my underwear was off me, my pussy on display. I thanked my stars that I was a regular shaver, and even though the pale yellow grandma panties I had on could have been a turn off, I don’t think Alex cared.

He stared at me raw like I was a prize.

Like I was his damnation.

“So wet,” he whispered. “For me?”

“For you, I repeated.

His thumb traced my pussy, flicking my clit.

“God!” I cry out.

“There is no God here, Mia,” he says, “Just me. Take my name.”

“Alex, I inhale.

His thumb drives circles, making my core pound.

“Alex,” I moaned in a whisper, head tilting back. I was covered from the upper half, but the need to touch my boobs. was more than I could take.

“Do you want my finger or my tongue, Mia?” He asked.

“I–I don’t care. The words weren’t even out of my mouth when a finger was inside me, and I gasped audibly.

His finger was rough, long, and I could feel every inch as it thrusted in and out of me.

“So tight, but so ready. His sounded raspy, needy with lust.

“Al–Alex..” My voice kept dying at the back of my throat as he increased his pace, thrusting in and out.

11:47 AM

Chapter 97

I think this would be the soonest I had ever come to orgasm, and I knew that majority of that had to do with the man

in front of me.

“I–I–I don’t know why I kept trying to make words when I clearly was long gone.

“You what, Mia?” He demanded.

‘Don’t… Don’t stop.

“You what?”

“I- I’m close,” I breathe, and his pace slows, and before I comprehend it, he stops.

“Wh- Why?” I whined, desperate as I pick my head up to look at him.

I should be embarrassed, but I really wasn’t. Just greedy.

A comer of his lips lifts and he bends his head down, and I gasp when I realise what he was going t

I brace myself, but nothing prepares me for the second I feel his tongue licking my clit.

“Oh!” I cry out, “Fuck. God.”

He pulls out. “What did I tell you about taking any name except mine, Mia?*

“God- God isn’t a name.” My eyebrows furrow, my clit throbbing by the loss of contact.

“The world has 8 billion people. I am sure someone somewhere is named God.

to do.

I stare at the rather impossible man in front of me. My mouth opens and then closes. “Sorry,” I mumble, “Alex”

He leans down again, and I gasp when his tongue thrusts inside, having to close my mouth with my hand. I could assume that the room was soundproof, but I would rather not take the risk.

His tongue thrusts in and out with an experience I had never seen before, licking and sucking effortlessly. His tongue swirls inside as if he was writing his name down there, causing a pulsating sensation to spread through me.

My legs shook and felt weak even though I was on the table, and I could sense my edge coming.

“I–I’m coming.” I tell him in warning, assuming he would pull out and make me finish with his fingers, but he doesn’t. He sucks with more force as if life was depending on it, and I cum in his mouth, gasping and moaning his name. Stars is all I see for a few long seconds, panting, breathless, sweaty despite the chilly air. When I open my eyes, he’s licking his lips, watching me with an expression I can’t quite decipher.

I get up, sitting straight on the table, taking him in. And by that, I meant taking in the huge bulge in his pants.

“Do you,” I pause, flushing. He cocks an eyebrow. “Do you want me to take care of you?” I offer.

“Don’t bother about that, cupcake,” he replies, much to my disappointment. “…yet.”

My heart beats faster at the promise of more, the redness finding its way to my neck and cheeks.

He hands me my bottoms, and once I slip into them, he grabs his coat.

“Cover yourself,” he instructs, and I remember the torn blouse. “There’s a wardrobe full of clothes, wear them, hm?”

I nod. Should I thank him? Or would that be too… awkward?

I didn’t have to make a decision because there was a knock on the door, and Dominic cleared his throat from outside.

11:47 AM E

Chapter 97

“Sir, the Pakhan is here.”

Alex stills completely, as if that one sentence freezes him. A muscle in his jaw clenches and even though he was looking at me, his thoughts seem to be elsewhere.

“Dom will drop you to your room through the back door,” he tells me, his ‘no–nonsense tone not leaving any room for discussion.

I nod timidly before he opens the door for his right hand man, and then leaves the room without as much as giving me a second glance, leaving me to figure out why his nonchalance pinched me so much.

Chapter 418


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