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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani Chapter 95

Chapter 95

any way. I- I can take over the desserts department. I’m a baker and I’m sure you’ll like it if you just give me a chance.”

“Breathe.” I resist the urge to roll my eyes. “You’re rambling.”

“Sorry, she skittishly murmurs, moving away from the window and into the room, keeping a very safe distance between us that I had no intention of crossing.

“You’re that bored, huh?”

She nods desperately.

“Do you want to leave?”

Her eyes twinkle at that, as if she knew it was too good to be true. “I do,” she mumbles.

“Then let me give you a choice, cupcake. You can leave if you want. In return, you need to give me a name and an address.”

“A name and an address?” She cautiously asked.

“Yes. Of your boyfriend.”

She stares at me, slowly losing the twinkle in her eyes. I can’t,” her whisper is broken again. “Why are you any way?”

“Really. Mia?” I walk to her. “You would rather stay prisoned forever than risk his life?”

She shakes her head, the sadness returning to her gestures, her hope lost.

fixated on him

“Some loyalty,” I comment, not being able to stop myself from tacking her tresses behind her car, and she shivers at the


I affect her.

I thought I was delusional in the dim light a week ago, when I was so close to her, her body reacted to me. She clenched, as if resisting. She shivered, as if desiring.

She wanted more, more of me.

Not of her lowlife boyfriend.

Even if for a fraction of second, she wanted me.

I stood close to her, bending down to her height.

Her grey eyes s set on me, a fire ablaze in them. When did her fear turn to desire?

I could feel her heart beating loud, pulse visible on her neck when I lost my control, bending dow

her neck.

She gasped, her knees trembling, a soft whimper leaving her lig

“Some loyalty,” I smirked, the satisfaction I had lost after my last visit here returning to me.

1 affected her more than she wanted to accept to herself, and I had no idea why I liked that so much.

let any lips connect with


Chapter 95


Mr. King.

That’s what Bakshi had called him at the hospital.

How could I be turned on by a man whose name I didn’t even know?

When he bent down over me, all my better sense had gone for a toss, wanting to be consumed by him. And then I felt his lips on my skin, sending a pulsating throbbing down to my core, making every other part of me jealous.

I wanted all of him, all at

at once.

I was attracted to his domination, his power, and those godda*n vein-popping hands.

Even days later, the mere thought of th

that one thing made me wet, made me want more.

I should have hated him when he abducted me, but I think I hated him more when he retreated after giving me one touch and left, and didn’t visit even though days passed.

Something was wrong today.

I didn’t know what, but a specific heavy feeling in my chest screamed only one thing- something was wrong.

I spent the better part of my morning praying Jenny was okay, and it was the influx of patrolling guards below my window that gave me the reassurance. Whatever was wrong, was wrong here.

The outside of my room was even quieter than it usually is, which got on my nerves, but I knew there was something serious happening when the doors didn’t open at lunch like they usually do with Lana and my next meal of the day.

Hours passed, and nothing.

Maybe they’d forgotten about me today, I wondered, and hoped not. Just when I was contemplating shouting at the guards stationed below about how hungry I was, I could hear commotion outside.

No jingle of keys should have been a red flag I should have looked out for but didn’t, because when the door was opened. there was a man standing outside.

Much to my disappointment, it wasn’t my prison keeper.

“There’s a girl,” The man clad in all black said on what looked like an advanced walkie-talkie. “No she’s not, Hannah,” he scoffed on the phone. “*uck if I know.

It wasn’t until he was charging to me that my danger senses really kicked in,

He wasn’t one of the guards here.

I was in trouble, and I was defenceless.

Adrenaline finally kicking in, I ran to the window. “HEL” My plead for help was cut short when a strong hand wrapped around my mouth, pulling me away from the window and pinning me to the wall adjacent to it by gripping my throat.


“Who are you?” He asked, his blonde hair a mess and blood blowing through a cut on his forehead. His nose seemed deformed and his eyes were a bad kind of green, unlike my prisoner’s dark ones.


Chapter 95

Am I really thinking of him right now?


I coughed, water filling my eyes because I couldn’t breathe but his grip didn’t loosen.


are you?” He repeated.,

Even if I wanted to speak, I wouldn’t be able to.

My eyes wandered to the door of my room in a blur vision, waiting for somebody to come and save me.

My hands tried pushing him away to no avail, falling weaker by the second. I was breathless and vulnerable.

Realising I’m all on my own, I stopped pushing at him. While he pressed further as if planning to kill me, I tried reaching for the lamp beside, my fingers falling short by just an inch or so

“Answer me, or you’re coming with me.”

My trembling hands somehow gripped the lamp, and I shoved it in his face. Having no clue if it really hurt him or just worked as a distraction, I used his loose grip on me to push him away and run outside the room.

I could hear him curse and groan but 1 ran.

Breathless and panting with tears down my eyes. I didn’t pause until I was at the end of the hallway

“Is- Is anyone there?” I screamed. “Lana? Dominic? Mr. King?”

When my own voice resonated back to me and vision turned foggy suddenly because of black spots appearing in front of my eyes. I pushed myself to run further.

“You bit*h!” I could hear the man behind me and I gasped, forcing myself to run ahead.

“Help!” I called, breathless. “HELP!”

I don’t stop, not until a gunshot rings in the air around me, and then I freeze.

There was no pain or blood oozing out of me, which made me turn.

The man following me was on the floor rolling, blood all around his leg that was shot, and he was behind. My abductor. Mr. King-


“We were under attack, and he somehow escaped to the first floor” He tells me, walking closer to where I stood, frozen. you hurt?

I shook my head, taking in the state he was in. So much blood everywhere, across his shirt, his face and even a little dried blood on the hands that were holding his gun. “Are- Are you?”

His eyebrows raised, a glint of confusion in his eyes. “It’s not mine”

I breathe, nodding, trying to gasp and catch my breath.

“Why did he come to the first floor, Mia?” He asks, his tone sending chills to my spine.

“1-1 don’t know

“I lost two men. Two good men” He tells me, and I gulp. “Do you know who this man is?”

My eyes

flicker to

to the blond hair man on the floor clutching his leg and whimpering in pain.

I shake my head again, desperately this time.

Chapter 95

“Does he mean anything to you?” Now, he was hovering over me “Is he your boyfriend?”

I shake my head again, sniffing. “N- No.”

“Did your boyfriend send him?”

“No!” I whisper-yell, sobbing. “I wasn’t escaping with him, I was escaping him. He- he tried to hurt me.”

“He did, huh?”

I nod

“So he means nothing to you?”

“Nothing at all.

“Good” He retreats, one corner o

of his lips lifting i in a sinister way “Then you won’t have any problem watching me kill him,”


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