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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani Chapter 94

Chapter 94


While I usually valued Dominic’s opinions, today, they annoyed me..

“You need to take a decision about the prisoner girl. Sir,” he reminded me. For some reason, Dom held an absolute distaste towards her to the po

where he refused for even call her by her name. She was just prisoner girl. “It’s been a week she’s


A week. She had been here for a week..

While I was supposed to visit her like I had the first night, I couldn’t bring myself to.

“I can’t take a decision about her till the PI finds out more about her boyfriend,” I grit my teeth, trying my best to keep the venom out of my voice.

“Sir, he has scanned her file thrice. There is no trace of any boyfriend. He even followed past links and they were all dead ends.

I clenched my teeth. “She had no reason to lie to me. For all we know, this boyfriend is the one who sent her to spy.”

Anger had been running its course for a week inside me, growing like a poisonous ivy. Every day, I made up my mind to a see if she was alive. Every day, I couldn’t. Looking at her face reminded me of the man she was protecting, the lover 1 couldn’t find, and it stung.

I wasn’t incapable. If he was a mundane man, there was no corner of the world he could hide where I wouldn’t find him and obliterate him from existence.

Unless, either he didn’t exist. Or, he isn’t just somebody. He is powerful enough to cover his tracks, and probably powerful enough to come for her.

I stiffened, realising I had blocked out my second-in-command’s voice altogether, “What do you suggest I do, Sir?”

“The protocol, in situations like these, is that you alert the Pakhan” He replied.

“What do you think would happen if I do that?”

“He would… kill her, Dom showed no hesitation. “That is the punishment for trying to cross the Mafia.

“Hm.” I pondered, eyes flickering to him. “I thought you of all people were against spilling innocent blood.”

“Except she isn’t innocent,” he reminded me.

“If she has a boyfriend, and he is the one who had sent her to spy, she is the only link to him I commented, “Killing he would be stup*dity, don’t you think?”

He doesn’t reply, just nods stiffly.

“Which is why the news of her presence wouldn’t leave this house, and wouldn’t reach Uncle Damien. Are we clear?”

“Clear” He nods again. “And Hammal called again”

“I told her you were busy as you had requested, for the fourth time this week”

I nod


11:08 Tue, Jun 11 M.

Chapter 94

He hesitantly added, “She mentioned she would show up at your house if you didn’t call her back this time.”

I shake my head, rising from my chair, a decision I had been forcing upon myself suddenly made. “I am going upstairs; do not let anyone disturb me.”

“Even if Hannah shows up?” He asked.

“Especially if she shows up.

Mia’s room was filled with sunlight peaking from the windows, and she stared out, her back facing me.

I had asked someone to fill in the wardrobe with clothes of her size but she was in the same ones that she had worn a week


“It’s Sunday today, isn’t it, Lana?” She asked without turning back her voice extremely sad.

Lana was the girl I had appointed to take meals to her every day, and make sure she is alive every

e every now and then when the voices from her room faded.

I suppose it is, I replied and she flinched before turning back.

“You.” her voice was accusatory.

Despite the fact that she was standing at a distance from me, I noticed the slight way she shook in, the wobble in her lower lip

“Are you sad, cupcake?” I asked, no genuine concern lacing my voice…

She gulps.

“It is Sunday,” I tell her. “Is someone waiting for you?

Her breathing turns shaky.

“Oh, so there is.” I walk into her room, shutting the door behind me. “Your boyfriend, huh?”

She didn’t answer, just breathed and glared at me like she was mad at me about something.

She finally settled on asking me, “Why are you here?”

“My house,” I remind her.

“Right.” She scoffed in a whisper.

“Are you angry, perhaps, cupcake?” Even though I tried, I couldn’t hide the amusement in my voice.

She looked like a small chicken with a knife,

“You brought me here, and you left me.” She accused, “I have nothing to do. Nothing. And I’m going crazy. There are six hundred and thiny-two daisies in the wallpaper in the bathroom. There are a hundred tiles in the floor of this room. You have thirty-seven guards patrolling this side of your house, and sixteen more appear at every midnight. And now I’ve run out of things to count. I- I have nothing to do

I licked my lips. “And here I thought you must be daydreaming about your boyfriend.”

“If you don’t want to let me go, please put me to work, she begs. I’ll cook, I’m- I’m good at that. I’ve seen plenty of Mafia movies. You usually prepare a feast every day even though you basically dine alone, right? That’s how it works in the movies


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