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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani Chapter 92

Chapter 92


Fate was a word I didn’t believe in

Just like I now didn’t believe that the girl in front of me, the one who had bumped into me last evening had done so by accident.

Anger ran its course through my veins that this silly little person had planned our encounter yesterday, and I had assumed it to be accidental.

When I took a step closer to her, she shook, audibly gasping.

And I must be a sick ba*t*rd because her fear turned me on. Pressing the gun I was holding to her forehead further, my cock strained against my pants when she whimpered.

Oh, all the things I could do to her.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t blow your brains out right now,” I threatened.

She gulps, the horror somehow darkening the grey in her eyes. I am innocent,” she pleaded.

That voice. How would I sound like if she moaned my name? Scratch that. When. When she moans my name.

“Innocent people don’t run, cupcake.”

Her lips quiver. “I- I was walking back from the bathroom and I paused hearing your voice. I didn’t- I didn’t h


“Huh.” I retrace the gun, putting it back into my pocket. “You didn’t hear anything?”


“Are you lying, cupcake?”

She shakes her head. Once. Twice. Thrice,

“Hm.” I pretend to believe her, stepping closer. “What is that?” I eye the phone in her hands.

“N- Nothing” Her eyes twitch, the phone now clutched safely in both her hands behind her back.


hear anything. I

I bend to her height, our faces a few inches away, enough to notice the tears glistening in her eyes, but that doesn’t stop her from gasping when my knuckles gently trace the skin of her right arm.

She looked she wanted to close her eyes at the contact, as if my touch was causing a burning sensation in her.

I knew her heart was beating fast and loud because I could see it pulsate in her neck.

“Do you know how easy it would be for me to accidentally kick the artery in your neck?” I asked, the distraction working wonders because it caused her to shudder. I know her vivid imagination played that scene in her head and she considered me capable of the threat 1 had so casually given out because her grip on her phone loosened, enabling me to pull it out.

“Ah. Locked,” I comment, stepping back. “Open it for me”

“N- No.” Her lips quiver but she straightens up despite the teary eyes, pretending to appear all unfazed


11:08 Tue, Jun 11 MS.

Chapter 92

“I don’t usually ask nicely, cupcake.

“You never asked,” she sassed.

“Sir,” Dominic calls me, and the sudden realisation that he had followed me here from Bakshi’s office hits me.

1 half turn my head towards him, entertaining his thoughts

“If you wish, you can get back to Bakshi. I will get this done and crack her open before you’re done.”

The thought of that, the image of it, for some reason the very words send a spitfire through me..

I clench my jaw, resisting the urge to hiss. “I have time.”

And then I focus all my a attention on the lost looking kitten in front of me. “Are you going to open it for me?”

She shudders in fear but shakes her head nonetheless.

“Okay then.”

I bet she didn’t know what hit her when she finds my hand at the back of her head in a swift motion, grasping her by her long locks. A shriek escapes her lips when I use that to tilt her head and place her phone in front of her face, the phone unlocking sound making me release her.

“You-You’re a monster!” She sobs, the tears she had been holding in now streaking down her face.

Tve been called worse, I reassured her before rummaging through her phone, and there it was.

The audio recording I suspected. I played it out loud, watching with amusement how her face drained of all colour.

“Looks like you’re a liar, cupcake, I commented.

“Pl- Please. She begs, sniffing. “I was just being nosy. I will- I will delete it, I promise. You can delete it. Just- Please let me go.

“Let you go, I repeat out loud, almost sounding psychotic. “Dom?”

“Yes, Sir?”

“What is the Bratva’s punishment for liars?”

“Death, Sir.”

“Ah. I click my tongue, turning to the girl who had broken down completely.

“1- I can’t die,” she begs, “I have to stay alive.” Tears meant shit to me. Usually. Somehow, the way she was crying and begging looking a minute away from some sort of panic attack stirred something in me that I hadn’t felt ever.


“I am not going to kill you,” I tell her softly. “Why don’t we start with your name?”

“M- Mia,” she sobs. “Mia Carson.”

Mia Carson. Interesting.

“And why were you recording my conversation:

Her breaths turn unshaky, but no voice escapes her.

Bakshi, cupcake?


11:08 Tue, Jun 11 M.

Chapter 92

“Did you want to threaten the Bratva for ransom? Did somebody send you to spy on me?” I propose. “Or perhaps you something to do with the fire we were talking about that you have recorded?”



Again, no voice escaped her. She just stared at me with a poison in her eyes despite the tears, as if I had captured all the stars in her night sky and eaten them up.

“Let’s try this again, cupcake.” I try not sounding as angry as I was feeling by the thought that someone had sent her to spy on

“Either you give me an answer voluntarily, or I use

ways you wouldn’t like.”


She gulped. “1- I overheard a little when I was leaving the bathroom. 1- I recorded it to ask for money later. Nobody sent me. I-I just got greedy.


She was lying through her teeth, right to my face.

“Hm.” I pretended to believe her. “That’s a punishable offence.”

“N- No please.” She begged.



“Grab her,” I order, and then look away from her till I figure out why the f*ck did I have to fight the urge to bang Dom’s head into the wall when I saw his hands on her.


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