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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani Chapter 90

Chapter 90

Readers requested it, and here it is! We will have 40 chapter sequels, and three of them! One for each of Gabriel and Sola’s kids, continued in this book. And my, my. You’re going to LOVE them. We dribble into mafia, second chance, AND forced marriage, with dark romance being the theme of it. There’s going to be 18 content, so look out if you’re not comfortable!

I love you guys intimity. Thanks for making this happen so

ALEX & MIA’s story


Destruction, violence and power is all Alex Whitlock strived for ever since he was a child.

Following his Uncle Damien’s footsteps when he was just twenty, Alex became a quiet ally of the Malia at twenty-six. The Mata collected tears like stars, and Alex was their vindictive strategist.

There are three things to know about him. One, there is nothing he protects more fiercely than his family. Two, he got engaged to a prominent politician’s daughter just to strengthen bis position in the Mafia. And three, according to him, love can only be platonic.

He loves his parents. He loves his siblings. However, he thinks he possesses no ability to love anyone outside of his little world, and his beliefs are shattered when he crosses paths with amundane girl who manages to rise something dark and deep in him something resembling obsession:

So, he does what every sane man in the world decides to do when they fixate upon someone.

He abducts her.

[Tropes: Mafia billionaire, obsession, enemies to lovers, jealousy, dark romance, adult fiction.

Triggers: Contains smut and gore]



Is everything okay, Alex Why do I feel like you’re hiding something?

stare at my mother’s unanswered text for the fourth time, one Cat appeared soon after our daily morning talk

Sotu Whitlock was nothing if not a know-it-all when it comes to her children, and even though she never accepted it, she worried about me the most

Her message had left me with a

cating feeling the debate between if I should tell her the truth, or just le

name smapped me out of it, the realisation that I

Before my wandering mid could reach a decision someone taking was in a meeting druned ouIDE

“Are you even hatening. Alexander Nicu asked adjusting his black frames on his nose bridge with his index finger.

“It’s Ales,” I growled at the man in his early thirties. “And yes. Eraclistenin

1 didn’t zone out. Like ever. I was always observing always plotting always two steps ahead, even when I wasn’t trying to be.

It was second nature

Let him be, Nice. He just got bugged. He’s allowed to daydre a Xander commented, and Thai bun with an by glare

Despite being closer to my age and making a vile attempt at undenauding what goes on in my bado mudople ones, Kander hul always failed

Uncle Damien’s cough pulls the three of us and of run backering and cum altention turns back to him.

“Alex He acknowledged in, his coure and, yet fun enough to hire through the restaurant we had booked out to the four of us could meet and disi es bushes. “We need in our with the hospital as oon as possible, by any means. We

amot have them ludwing tantrums now.

Food stiffly

I had plans for the day, once that didn’t involverenegotiating to with a hospital after they refused to cover up the real reason why admuch of people died be

Ewout our fault

who got drunk and attacked the Matu’s

patrolling guards at the outskirts, getting themselves killed

I can do it Nander offered “He’s just gotten engaged. Let him end time with his hand on the weekend.”

I shoot Imran pritated glance. “Nethanks

He couldn’t, because I was the one needed. The Malia’s deadliest petest and most conniving ally, and if Xander was leit in

it work, he would e

And, what was his lisation with Hand

complete lie.

anyway? Hanna

my liece of four weeks. The girl I had met and spoken to once.

gem was anything more than a busines teal, it would be

Dole Damien ignores Xander’s suggestion, moving of with the meeting that lasts for another frustrating, exhausting hour

I stay back after Nico and Xander leave to talk about Ca funded the Malia.

pany I owned on the legal front, one whose major profity

When I make it of that bland restaurant, Chicago’s cold breeze hits me in my lace and I pause outside the door, taking deep breath

“Are you okay?” Dominic, my second in command hesitantly asked, and before I could tell him off for acting soft, someone bumps into me.

I watch Dom stiffen and grab his gun all in the matter of two seconds, and I had to show him my finger to get him to stop from blowing out the brains of the girl who had run into me.

I don’t think the noticed that because all her attention was stuck at the boxes that had dropped from her hand, and without giving me another glance, she bent to pick it up like it contained her most precious jewels.

I wasn’t used to being ignored, just like I wasn’t used to being unaware enough to let people bump into me. Maybe I was just oll my game today, because that would explain why I bent down to help her pick the boxes.

That is when I saw her for the first time

Long dark by one

framed her pale ski and frown lines etched Her otherwise soft features as she straightened the boxes one

“My cupcakes, she whispered chirathy whisper, and yet I wask by her sweet voler until she looked up and straight at me, and that is when I noticed her grey dor sluped eyes we

Was this girl crying for cupr

listening with tears


11:07 Tue, Jun 11

Chapter 90

She sniffed, her lips quivering and I wondered if she was expecting me to apologise.

I don’t

There must be something seriously wrong with me today, because I reach into the pocket of my coat and remove my napkin, offering it to her.

She stares at it for a moment too long as if I was offering poison, but then grabs it nonetheless, before quickly assembling her boxes and practically fleeing from there, leaving nothing but her strawberry scent behind.


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not work with dark mode