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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani Chapter 85

Chapter 85

Four Years Later

The pantry was full of Cheetos packets. Even after me nxisting a hundred times in the past few years that Loudly craved when I was pregnant and I really wasn’t a chips monster, Galwiel always kept the kitchen stocked with doses of packets that expired before anyone could eat it, and then he vetlled u

He still hated that all those years ago I needed something, and he wasn’t there to provide

I often pretended to be pissed at it, but I was always lowkey happy

Gabriel kept every promise he made to me. Every day, he proved to be a good lushsand and an even better father, one that was admittedly too protective of his children, especially his dau

He frowned the entire day that she learnt to walk by herself bespise that mean she didn’t need to hold his hand anemone had smiled, proud of my little girl She was still small, short compared to Alex, with her dark hair flowing down in loose curls all the way to her chest. She was quiet buit inquisitive, thoughutal and loved colouring

My husband was sure she’d grow up to have a painting kitack like me.

Alex, on the other hand, was a menace, m lack of other words he was too cumming too wity for his age, loveal spewing. chaos and Gabriel just knew he took after his uncle Dannen, even though Damien was adopted But at the end of the day Alex couldn’t sleep without his father telling him a made up story about animals and me mucking him in bed calicl almost had a heart attack the day Alex told him to tell a different story, because

Then He could handle “grown up stories now, ones that could involve ‘people and punches

Gabriel didn’t sleep that entire night, and I laughed looking at his pace around our room in worry. It was probably because of the new cartoon the twins had started watching at their day care.

Needless to say, that cartoon was banned forever from our house.

Today was a special day. The twins were three and a half years old, running around the entire house, excited they were going to watch their parents get married.

“Aurora! Alex! Slow down! You’re going to fall! I shouted behind them, watching them run in the living room to Zach, who was going to take them to the vennie.

Zach catches them both in his arms, picking up Aurora while Ales clings to his other bicep like a little monkey

1 giggle watching them from above, and on queue, I felt a familiar touch on my arms, a muzzle into my ear.

“Ready to get married, Freckles?”

I grin. “So ready.”

The first time Gabriel and I got married, it was for the world. We didn’t say our own vows, we didn’t dance at our own reception, we didn’t even cut our own cake. Hell, even Gabriel’s tire family wasn’t attending

This time, we were getting married for us. On our fifth anniversary, today, we were going to get remarried. It was in the backyard of our own home, with only a select few people, only our family and friends.

1 held my daughter in my arms, combing through her hair and rearranging the flowers in her braids.

“Mama” She ponders out loud, her honey voice warming my heart. “Why were Alex and I not present in your first wedding

to Dada?”


Chapter 85

I giggle, kissing her forehead. “That’s because the two of you weren’t born then, my baby love.”

She pouts. I hand her the little basket full of flowers to her, and she observes them keenly while I straighten out the creases. in her little pink tulle dress.

“It’s time.” I tell her, “I love you, okay?”

“I love you too. Mama,” she smiles from ear to ear before she happily trods out of the mam door, and I caught a glimpse of the outside the beautiful aisle with flowers and candles and chairs on both sides for our family and friends, and my husband standing on the end of it, all ready to be my husband again

As the moment settles in. I feel a wave of grief hit me. The last time I got married, Grandpa walked me down the aisle. He did that while I couldn’t even smile properly with the guilt that he was getting his granddaughter married to a complete stranger. I wish I could have told him it all worked out. I wish I could have told him that me getting married to Gabriel was the best thing that ever happened to me. I wish he could’ve met my twins, I wish he would’ve gotten a chance to love them.

I wipe the tears rimming my eyes before they could ruin the make-up that Alice did for me which wasn’t much because of Gabriel’s demand that my freckles shouldn’t be covered.

It was safe to say he had an unhealthy obsession to them.

I hold my bouquet in my hand steadily while entering. Everyone stands up and soft music fills the air around me along with scent of lavender and vanilla, and I focus on just the man in from of me.

The wedding dress I was wearing was white and simple made of silk that hugged my curves, apt for a small wedding made by a local label, unlike the previous branded princess dress I’d worn. Even as simple as I looked, Gabriel stared at me like I was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

When I got close enough, I could seem his eyes shine as if there were tears glistening in them and I had to gulp to hold back a sob myself.

1 handed the flowers to my maid of honour, Alice, and stood in front of her.

The priest began the ceremony but I’d by lying if I said I heard a single word of it. I stared at Gabriel who stared right back at me with a smile that made me want to hop into his arms.

My breath hitched every time he bit his lower lip looking at me as if his sinister thoughts for tonight had no boundaries.

God, I hoped they didn’t.

I only zoned out of our little bubble when Alex, our ring bearer, nudged on my gown because he was growing tired.

Gabriel laughed before picking him up in his arms, holding him till it was time to say the vows which was when Zach too


I said my vows first. “As I stand here today, hand in hand with you. Gabriel, I vow to honour and cherish you for the rest of my days. With our children as witnesses to our love, I vow to be the best partner I can be to you and the best mother I can be to them, to nurture and protect our family and to love the three of you immensely, every day, I yow to support your rights and correct your wrongs, always.

Gabriel, when I first met you, I didn’t think we’d be standing here all these years later. But in you, I found a home, I found my sanctuary and I found a safe space that I never want to lose. In you, I found pieces of myself that I didn’t realise were missing. You complete me. In your love, I have found my greatest happiness, my deepest peace and the rest of my life. I love you. Thank you for choosing me every day, for being the best husband a girl could ask for and the best father to our children. The three of us are so lucky to have you.”

I sniff, and Gabriel wipes a tear from his eye, his breathing rough and edgy. I look at our audience to see Leila crying as well and our daughter looking at us with awe in her eyes.


“Sophia.” Gabriel begins after taking a deep breath and I already sniff again, which makes him hold my hand tighter. “My Freckles. From the day I saw you, the moment I saw you walking down that altar for the first time, I knew you were going to change my world in ways I wasn’t ready for. Every thought that crossed my mind was for you, about you, and still, I somehow kept messing up. I spent so much time bettering myself for you and still, even at my best self, I don’t deserve someone as kind as you. I promise to make myself better every day till the day I might somehow be worthy of you. I promise to cherish you, to love you and to protect you. I promise to be the best father for our children, I promise to be the best role model for them. I love being mundane with you, and I promise to be mundane with you for the rest of my life because with you, even boring becomes interesting. Thank you for letting me be your husband again.”

I sniff, the tears breaking out.

All that time ago, being forced into a contract marriage, who knew we would be here.

Time passed so fast when I looked into his eyes and he into mine, exchanging rings till the priest asked us if we take each other as husband and wife.

I was dazed until Gabriel’s thumb stroke my palm and he whispered, “I do.”

“And do you. Sophia Baker. The priest asked, “Take Gabriel Whitlock as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold. from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”

I take a deep breath, the smile aching my cheek bones. “I do.”

“Gabriel, you may kiss your bride.”

Gabriel didn’t have to be told twice because he pulled me close, towering over me effortlessly despite the heels. I would hear his mother sob happily and his father cheer, but I blocked out every voice, consumed by his lips on mine, so softly like Was the first time, his fingers tracing the skin of my lower back and he turned me to the other side before dipping me down.

We pulled away to see our family and friends breaking out in giggles and applauses, but I was focused on my little Aurora covering her eyes with her tiny hands, a little blush on her cheeks while Alex was standing on the chair and jumping and clapping with a grin that would break a lot of hearts someday, I and Gabriel both knew.

But those were all stories for other times because for now, I could focus on my husband who pulled me to the dance floor,

“Husband,” My nose nuzzled his cheek.

“Wife,” he mumbled with the same affection, placing a feathery kiss on the top of my head.

“So you know how you always stock up the pantry with cheetos in case I need it someday?” I trail.


“I think I’m going to need it”

The red hue on my cheeks turned into a little pout when he furrowed his eyebrows, confused. “What?”

“Gabriel,” I bite my lower lip. “I’m pregnant. We’re pregnant again.”

My husband gawks at my face, his lips parted. “You’re not joking

I shake my head, a giggle bobbling when his hands drop from my waist, and he takes me in.

“I’m going to be a dad?”

“You are a dad?” I gently remind him.

“Yes, but this time, I’m going to be there through it with you?” He gulps, a shine in his eyes.


Chapter 83

“I sure as f*ck hope so deadpanned

“F*ck.” He grins. “F*ck”

Laughter escapes me

“F*ck.” He repeats for the third time before capturing his lips with mine once again, pulling away only to say: “You make me the happiest man on this planet, Freckles.”

“And you make me the happiest woman, I reassure him, stepping closer to him so he can hold me back.

“My wife,” he dreamily sighs before he collects me in his embrace and we dance softly to the music playing around us before Alex and Aurora interrupt us with their enthusiastic jumping and dancing,

I watch as my husband picks them up, one in each arm, and the aniles on all our lips are unending

The feeling feels too surreal to believe that it’s my reality, but it was

Having my littles Alex and Aurora, and Gabriel Whitlock as my husband was the greatest blessing the universe had ever endowed upon me.

I watch hint, and butterflies erupt in me the moment he looks back at me and our eyes meet.

The only man who had this power on me.

My husband

And I, his wife.

I had loved being his wife for the past five years, and I knew I was going to love every bit of it for the rest of my life.

Author’s note:

Thank you SO much for reading my story. There will be a few bonus chapters coming up

Damien’s book is unfortunately on hold for now.

My second book “The Billionaire’s Desire will be out on 1st April Thank you! I love you. XO-Heer.


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