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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Before I knew, it was the weekend of the clarity gala. I asked Gabriel what it was for, and I’m pretty sure he said it was for

Sea Turtles

Polar Bears. The charity gala was for polar bears, judging by the huge white bear banner at the entrance and countless posters about the effect that global warming is having on them.

This was my third charity gala, and also the most fun. Arthur wasn’t around. Lily wasn’t around. I and Anna stuck by each other the entire time, Gabriel even danced with me at the end and a few older women gushed over what a good pair we made.

My black gown ended up on the floor of Gabriel’s room just like my past two dresses should have but didn’t. I slept entangled to Gabriel that night, and everything in the world telt ight.

But, on the Tuesday that followed, I got the call I had been fearing since years. It was from my Grandfather’s caretaker, and at part of me knew what it was before I even picked it up. I hoped was wrong, I prayed I was wrong, but I wasn’t.

I had been on the floor below, submitting a few files and meeting HR to get my employment contract when the call came.

My entire world felt shaken, and having no clue what to do, I did the best I could. Taking deep breaths and keeping my tears inside, I ran up to Gabriel’s office.

Peter had been on holiday for a week, and Gabriel’s interim assegant stared at me like I had two heads. “You cannot see Sir.” He told me. her voice sympathetic but firm. “He is an important meeting and he asked to not be disturbed by anyone.”

“Look, I- I know, It’s Logan, isn’t it? Your name?

He nodded.

“I am his wife,” 1 told him, “My name is Sofia, Just tell him once have come to see him. It’s urgent, okay? Please.”

Logan, the young boy with blonde hair, looked at me reluctantly Tm sorry, ma’am. I wish I could do anything, but Gabriel Sir didn’t say there were any exceptions to who could come in.”

“I’m his wife, da*n it!” I screamed, a little louder than I expected. A lot louder. I gulped to compose myself, “Please. Just, please. Tell him. Once. It’s an emergency.”

He just looked at me, still hesitant.

I was holding back tears, and I was on the verge of breaking down about any moment now.

As if by some miracle, Gabriel’s office door opened. “Why is there commotion outside, Logan?” He asked before his eyes flew to me in surprise, “Freckles?”

I stared at him, and the tears I had been holding back filled in my eyes.

“What’s wrong. Freckles?” He took quick paces to me, his hands firmly around My knees did feel wobbly. I could have been on the verge of collapsing

my shoulders as if helping me stand straight.

“Grandp…………he…he……. Gabriel. I couldn’t bring myself to finish the sentence without breaking into a sob.

Gabriel stiffened. “When?”


“Ten minutes ago… I got a call.” The lump in my throat grew. Need to go, now. Gabriel. Need to go.”

“Let’s go, sweetheart”



Chapter 62

“Sir, your meeting.” Login perked up, “Should I let the clients know you had to leave because of a family emergency?”

“What did she tell you? Who is she?”

“Your wife, Sir.”

“You think you have the right to refuse my wife to see me?” Gabriel gritted. “You can tell the clients that and then let yourself

out. You’re fired.”

I wanted to tell him it wasn’t his fault, he was doing his job but I couldn’t bring out a single word. I was afraid I’d collapse really. His hands intertwined in mine, he led me out of the building. Every single person we crossed had their eyes fixated. on us like we had two heads, and I would’ve really cared if I had been replaying memories of my grandfather in my head.

Gabriel drove. He said something about wanting to hold me, but him driving was more important because he drove faster. than the driver. We completed a three hour journey in less than two, but even that seemed like too much.

Alister and Leila called multiple times on our way there, but I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t utter a word to anyone because I was so afraid of how bad I would break down if I opened my mouth.

Everything froze when I reached. Standing in the porch, I remembered the last time I was here, just a week and a half earlier, and how he’d hugged me.

I wished I had hugged him tighter.

Gabriel held my hand so tight when we entered the house, and a hushed conversations inside stopped. Mrs. Riley, Sam, Alice, the caretaker, the old man across the street my grandfather often played chess with, everyone turned to me.

“Sofia…” Mrs. Riley was the first one to speak up, her face streaked with tears.

I sucked a deep breath in. “Where?”

“In his room. He was sleeping. He passed in his sleep. The caretaker told me, “It was painless.”

It was painless. That should make it better, but it really didn’t.

I wasn’t ready yet.

I looked at Gabriel. “Come with me?”

“Of course, sweetheart.”

My shaky legs found their way inside, and when I saw him, lying on his bed covered with blanket, pale and cold, the tears I had been holding in flew free.

Tears turned into sobs and that turned into cries. Gabriel held me as tight as he could, kissing my forehead, but it wasn’t enough as I broke down into pieces in his arms. I had lost the man who took care of me after my parents died, assuming the role of my father. Who provided for me. Who taught me everything I knew about life. Who I got my kindness and love from. I lost the man I once lived for, and my reality shifted when something hit me.

I wasn’t orphaned when my parents died because he assumed their role, trying to give me all the care and love that they would have and then some more. But today, I lost him. Today, I was orphaned.


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