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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Gabriel orders a whiskey on the rocks, and watches me taking shots with my friends. While I was against it earlier, I didn’t mind losing control now that I knew Gabriel was here with me.

At my fourth one, he stops me. “Okay, that’s it.” He snatches the little glass away from me and gulps my drink. “Have you ever heard of alcohol intoxication?”

“From four shots?” I pout.

“Yes. Besides, you’re buzzed enough. Enjoy it.”

“Okay, dad.”

A little smirk spreads over his lips, and I knew just what was coming. I gave him the opening myself. My cheeks heat. “Don’t say it. Don’t say it. Just don’t.”

He laughs.

“You both are so cute. Mike gushes, leaning on the table to watch us.

Gabriel cuts him a glare. “Did you just call my wife cute?”

“No, Sir. I meant the two of you are cute. As a pair. Not Sofia. She isn’t cute.” He immediately straightens himself, all nervous.

I shake my head.

Gabriel raises an eyebrow. “So you think my wife is not cute?”

“No, I mean she is. Very. But only platonically to me. To you, it’s different. He rambles.

“Leave him.” I look at my husband squarely.

He chuckles. “It’s fun.”

“Only to you.”

“I know. That’s the best part.”

I shake my head. “You’re insufferable.”

“You suffer me just fine.”

“You’re lucky I do.”

“So lucky. He leans ahead, kissing my nose. “Should we head home now?”

“Two more shots?” I bargain.



He glares. I don’t know if you’ve ever bargained before, but the offer is supposed to


He smiles. “One”

o down. Not up

Chapter 59

“Yay “I grin, turning to my friends again. “One shot, guys!”

Ethan pours it into six glasses and we drink it after clinking our glasses together in such a dramatic fashion that we almost spill it. I giggle finding my way back to my husband, and then almost tumble.

He doesn’t let me fall though, his hands gripping me by my waist

“If even one of you is late on Monday, I will fire you” Gabriel tell them, and then picks me up.

I squeal by the sudden motion, feeling all nauseous. I don’t throw up though. I snuggle into his arms as he puts me in the backseat along with him and the driver drives,

“How did you reach here so fast?” I ask, running my hands through his hair. I like them better messy, like how they look after

he f*cks me.

“I drove fast?” He offers.

“Liar.” My mouth opens into the shape of an o. “You were already on your v

Gabriel chuckles. “I was at a cafe across the street.

“Would you have stayed there all night if I didn’t text you?”

your way, weren’t you?”

“Do you know me at all if you think I’d let you get drunk outside all night without me?”


Just for you.” He kisses on top of my head.

I hide my face into his embrace till we reach home, and then he carries me into the house because I pretend to be asleep. I wasn’t. I just acted, because I liked being in his arms.

I opened my eyes as soon as we reached our room, and grinned Hah. I’m awake. I got you.”

“You’re just a little drunk baby.” He throws me onto the bed.

“You like that?”

“I like that.”

1 smile. “Thanks for taking care of me.”

“It’s my responsibility.”

“Would you do it even if it wasn’t your responsibility?”

He sits on the edge of the bed, a little frown etching his lips. “What do you mean?”

“The contract” I mumble, voice barely audible. “It ends… like two weeks from now. Would you care for me even after that?”

“Come here” He calls me. I don’t look up at him, and definitely don’t move closer to him.

Freckles, come here” He calls again, and when I don’t budge, he grabs my arms and pulls me towards him and then onto lam, making me at over him with legs on each side, his hands circled over my waist

“Should I tell you a secret?”

“Hm? I look up hesitantly

Tm going to in

that d*mn contract into pieces.”

I stared at him for a few seconds, my emotions ranging from confusion to happiness to jitters, and so I settle on kissing him.

He kisses me softly at first, and then deepens it, his hands shifting from my waist to hold my face. When he pulls away, we’re both breathless and a little hot.

His boner sits perfectly under me, and I’d be lying if I said I’m not tempted to unbuckle his pants and jump his bones fight there. I want to ride you,” I softly whisper. Of all the times we’d bad sex, I’d never done that.

“You do?” He looks surprised.

“Mh-hm.” 1 fidget with his shirt buttons shyly, opening up a few of the top ones. “I don’t know how to.”

I’ll teach you.” He says, and without giving me a chance to reply, sucks on my lower lip, his hands reaching my jeans to remove it.

Mine reach my top.

“No, keep it on.” He says, “I like it.”

“Okay…” I nod, moving to my heels.

“Keep those on too.”

So, all we removed was my pants, and his of course. And then, I was sitting on him again, his 8ick positioned under my opening that was already wet for him.

“Hold my hands, okay?” He instructs, and I nod interlocking one of my hands in his and using the other to stroke his d*ck and guide it inside me.

Once he was a few inches inside, I sat on him completely. It hurt at first, a lot more than it does during sex, but the pleasure was different. More.

Gabriel growled. “Unless you want me to come in you right now, move.”

So I did. I left his hand and held him by his neck, clutching his hair, moving, slow at first and then quicker and quicker, riding him.

I groaned and called his name a lot, and for the first time, his whimpers matched mine. He thrusted his hips setting thy for me every time I lost it, but he hated not being in control. And I loved every bit of it

I think this must be my favourite position so far.

We came at the same time.

And then, he flipped positions and f*cked me again with my legs in the air because someone clearly loved the black stile I was wearing.


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