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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani Chapter 56

Chapter 56

You better straight be coming home!

“To my room.”

I did neither of those things. Ignoring Gabriel wasn’t one of my strong traits, because I thought of him every ten seconds that I went shopping to buy a birthday present for Anna. That was when I swiped Gabriel’s card the second time.

He called. I let it ring to voicemail. He knew I was safe because he could dial my bodyguard anytime and know my exact location, and because of the second transaction notification he would’ve got from Channel.

By then, another text had followed.

‘Freckles, I’m not a patient man.”

I was going to make him wait nonetheless. He has rejected my subtle advances over the weeks, not giving me as much as a kiss and now, suddenly, he’s turned on and desperate because I was at a se* toy shop?

Not happening.

As proud as I was that my little scheme brought out the reaction t was hoping to get from him, I failed to make him wait.

I was so sexually frustrated, I wanted sex. I wanted release. I wanted him.

Forty minutes after his last text, I went home.

Oddly enough, there was no one waiting in the living room. Lur usually did, ready to chirp about her day and ask me about mine. That’s the kind of friendship we had developed over the months, and it was surprising she wasn’t around.

“Luna?” I called for her while dropping my bag on the couch, and my voice eerily echoed back to me.

I headed to the kitchen next, just to pour myself a glass of water. The cook wasn’t there either. She wasn’t always here, but at this time she was since we had soon after.

My heart sank, I paranoid pit forming at the base of my stomach.

Why was there no one in the house?

The men who had kidnapped me, only one of them was caught Could it possibly be the other came back for me?

The one who wanted to rape me.

The one who hit me with a belt.

“Gabriel?” I called loud, the fear suddenly evident. My fear was nonsensical, I reminded myself, because even though there was no one in the house, the security outside was intact. In fact, it was doubled since I had gotten kidnapped.

Nobody could come in.

Nobody could come in.

One of my shaking hands dialled my husband’s number while the other hastily opened a few kitchen drawers till I could grab hold of the biggest knife.

Gabriel didn’t answer, but I could hear his phone ring upstairs.

1 gulped.


He was here. He was here

And then, a second thought. What if he was in trouble? Hurt, or worse?

Against the better part of my judgement, the moment that thought processes in me, I fled upstairs without thinking about what was scaring me in the first place.

I entered his room panting, a little shaken up. “Gabriel?” I breathed short, voice a little shaky. “Gabriel?” I took uncertain steps ahead.

There were footsteps behind me.

I turned.

I punched on instinct, the knife in my other hand.

The punch was easily ducked and I don’t know how or what, but the next few seconds, I was spun around, a strong hand wrapping completely around my neck, the back of my body pressing against a front. A hard, turned on front. The knife I was clutching tight was dropped and Gabriel’s whisper filled in the pitch silence around us. “You made me wait, sweetheart

Relief spread all over my body and I relaxed under his touch. “You scared me.”


“Did “His front pressed against me harder, and I could feel his hardness against my coccyx.

“Mh-hm. I managed to buzz out, trying not to focus too much on the things that did to me, like making my stomach summersault, and send a shiver down my body, that ended all the way to my vagina.

“Did you go to a sex shop, baby?” His voice was rasp, just a whisper into my ears

My knees felt weak as 1 buzzed out a “Hmm” again.


“You- You wouldn’t f*ck me.”

“So you thought you’d get a toy that f*cks you?

“Mh-hm. His other hand, his free hand, the one that was lingering on my waist travelled down to my p*sy, his gentle touch on my pants driving me nuts, I was so starved, that if he removed my pants and touched me underneath, I think that would be enough for me to climax today.

I never had a big sex drive, but Gabriel had made me somewhat of an addict.

I wanted him. Every time, all the time.

“Is that little piece of plastic going to f*ck you better than I do?” He muttered, his touch getting faster, the friction driving

The nuts.

“N- No” I breathed, not sounding like myself anymore. “But you wouldn’t… you wouldn’t touch me. I wanted…”

“Yes, baby? What did you want?”

“I wanted you to… Breathing turned haphazard. I lost all focus of what I was saying.



“You wanted me to f*ck you? Is that it?”


Hm A quick mod Im

“Then you ask me next time, okay?” His hands pushed further into the material of my pants. I wanted them inside. I was soaking for hun. Iknew it. He knew it. What was this torture?” ask me to pound your p*ssy like the good little girl you

are. You don’t buy dildos as a solution

Why Why didn’t you f*ck me? I managed to ask.

“I was scared to” His movement stopped under my pants, making me regret asking the question. “When I saw you in the state I found you in, I was scared to touch you, let alone anything more. As if I’d break you.”

I didn’t understand it. I didn’t want to understand it.

“F*ck me, Gabriel. Please. Please. I moaned. Begged

He bent his head to the side of my neck, leaving a trail of wet kisdes

“Only I am allowed to be inside you. No other man. And no piece of plastic.” He bent me, smacking my a*s, “Only I am allowed to f*ck you. Only 1am allowed to chase you. To stalk you. To do all the horrible things that you make me want to do. You get that, right?”

“Yes… yes

“Good” He pulls me back by my hair. “Now… Rim Anywhere in the house, run. I will chase you, I will find you. And when I do, I will f*ck you like every part of you belongs to me, because it does”


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