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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani Chapter 53

Chapter 53

My first day at work was going okay. All the employees- at least on my floor- were so focused on the fact that their boss had returned after weeks and was demanding a summary of all the work done in his absence that they couldn’t give two f*cks about who I was.

Gabriel introduced me nonetheless, and as Sofia Baker, a new member joining their team.

The first half of the day passed by okay, until it was lunch and one of the guys on my floor stopped by my desk. Tm Baylen. Everyone on the floor calls me Benny. Long story, but spoiler alert: it involves eggs Benedict with salmon.” He flashes me a cheshire grin, “So anyway, a couple of us were heading out to lunch and were wondering if you wanted to join.

He points at a couple others standing not very far behind, and one of the dark skinned brunettes with curls I was so jealous

of waves.

I wanted to. But I couldn’t, because I didn’t bring my bodyguard, and I wasn’t allowed to go out of this building without him. Gabriel had promised he would be discreet, always at a distance, but I just needed one normal day before adapting to the new crazy in my life.

“I want to, but I can’t.” I give him a sorry smile, “I just joined and I’m swarmed with all these files to read. Tomorrow, maybe?”

“Yeah, of course,” He nods, “But we were just heading to the cafe upstairs for half an hour max, because we all have to finish work. Deadlines and all, since boss is back.”

“Upstairs, you say? Like in the building?”

“Yeah?” A confused nod.

I smile. “I think I can spare thirty minutes, yeah.

He grins again, showing his friends a thumbs up while I shut my files and go to join them. I’d never been to Gabriel’s office building, but if the cafe upstairs was anything to judge by, I really was missing out.

We took one of the corner tables, and one of the two girls, Eve, tells me how good the sandwiches here are while tying her

shoulder blonde hair into a small ponytail. Olivia, the brunette who had waved at me earlier, fills me in on some floor

who to look out from, whom to not trust, and the scandalous rumours.

I did order a meatball sandwich, courtesy of Eve’s recommendations, and was now listening to Baylen’s nickname story when my phone buzzed.

It was a text from Gabriel: Where are you?

I texted back: Having lunch, cafeteria,

One of the guys, Mike, noticed my flickering attention. “So, Sofia he cleared his throat, and I looked up, keeping my phone away. “I have a question for you.”


“Are we tripping, or are you our boss’ wife?”

My breath got stuck in my throat, and then I long sighed. So much for not wanting to be known. I mumble, “I am.”

“Ha!” A grin spreads on Mike’s lips. “Told you. Pay up, losers.”

“You guys bet on me?”

“Congrats,” Ethan, the last person in their group before I invaded, the one who had been the most silent amongst all of


them, hut the back of Mike’s head, who yelped. “Now you made her uncomfortable.”

“I didn’t mean to,” Mike grumbled before turning to me. “Sorry Sofia, these idiots wouldn’t believe me when I said you were the same Sofia he married. I even pulled up a picture from the net and all”

My cheeks heated. Baylen, or Benny, shook his head. Don’t mind him, Sofia. I was going to invite you to have lunch with us any way. Eve was the one who first spotted you when you entered the floor and decided she would invite you. Regardless of who you are.”

1 give him and then Eve a small smile. “Thanks”

Olivia nodded as it in agreement. And we could make this

a daily thing. But please don’t tell our gossip to Sir. He’d fire us all if he knew we were breaching the whole no sex at work clause, because Eve and Mike totally banged last week- Ouch.” She yelped when she was pinched by an embarrassed Eve.

“We are not a thing” She mumbles, “It was one time.”

“Can you really call it once if there were like a hundred rounds involved?” Mike smirked, and then turned to me. “But yeah, we are so not a thing.”

I laughed. “Don’t worry, your secrets are safe with me.”

“What secrets?” The voice that echoed in my ears and made the whole room go so silent that anyone could hear a pin drop didn’t belong to anyone from our table.

It belonged to their boss, and now mine too.

My husband.

I turned with dreadful eyes to see Gabriel standing hehind me, his eyes rounding to everyone on the table. “What’re you talking about? What secrets?”

“S- Sir. Mike was the first one to overcome his shock, and then get up, holding up his half eaten meatball sandwich. “Would you like some?”

“No thanks.” Gabriel frowned.

Olivia kicked him underneath the table, and he sat down again.

“Sir, would you like to join us? Eve sweetly asked.

“What a nice thought” Gabriel feigned pleasantries before pulling a chair from the nearby table and putting it between and Benny.

I wanted to roll my eyes so bad but I couldn’t, because everyone in the cafeteria was staring at us till Gabriel sat and glare every last one of them, and then they looked away, breaking out into hushed whispers.

I glared at him while he faked a half smile at everyone around the table.

“Shouldn’t I join you more often?” He asked, sitting so comfortably like he owned the cafeteria. Which he sort of did.

“Y-Yes, of course, Sir.” Benny answered.

I shook my head, whispering to him, “You don’t have to pretend they know.”

Oh, they know. Good’ He didn’t seem relieved. Instead, he just turned to my new friends, “Now that you know she’s my wife, I can openly tell you this: you don’t give her problems, you don’t give her the whole newcomer-is-an-outsider b*ll*hit and you definitely don’t hit on her. Got it?”

Chapter 53

“Gabriell” I shriek.

Ignoring me, he nonchalantly continues, “And if anyone else tries to hit on her, you punch him first, and then you come to me. Be my eyes and ears. Yes?”

Silence spreads across the table for a few seconds, and then Mike grins. “Does that mean we’re your special employees from

now on?”

I face palm, shaking my head while the others break out into similes and giggles, except Gabriel of course, who seemed rather proud of what he did.

That was my first day at work, pretty normal- except for this.


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