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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Gabriel’s eyes snapped towards me while he wore his dark blue blazer over the white shirt he was wearing. “He said that.


“The day I resigned.”


My eyebrows furrowed at his disinterest. “What did he mean?”


“Gabriel.” I looked at him squarely, hands crossed in front of my chest..

He sighs, shuts the wardrobe door, removes his cuff links from one of the many drawers, and then turns to The while wearing the golden pin with the letter W. For Whitlock, I guessed. Tand Viktor attended the same university. We were never friends, but we ran in the same group. Lily was his girlfriend when she kissed me.”

I purse my lips, feeling the heavy feeling in my chest return, which happened basically anytime Lily was mentioned. “So, she cheated on him with you.”

“Sort of” Gabriel shrugged like it was no big deal. “It’s been what? Four years? Looks like he still holds a grudge.”

“It’s possible that he thought she was the one for him, just like you.” I flipped my hair, my tone suddenly bitter.

I knew he picked up on it, because his eyebrows rose.

Avoiding his eyes, 1 turned away, grabbing my bag. “I’m joining as Sofia Baker. I want to make my own name, make friends who don’t want to hang with me because I’m their boss wife. Those who know me, know me. Those who don’t, will know me as Baker.”

I knew he was frowning. But he said nothing, just followed me out of the room.

The heels I was wearing were unusually tall stilettos that made sounds every time I took a step and they hit the marble floors. I may have overdone my make up a little more than normal too, because if people knew I was Gabriel’s wife- I had to look my part. If they didn’t know, well, nothing wrong in making a good first impression.

I asked the driver to stop a street away from the company building, making my husband who was busy reading a file and probably bursting in excitement of getting back to work after a few weeks, look up at me. “What?”

“I can’t be seen coming with the boss on my first day” I open the door.

His frown deepens, eyebrows knit. “You do hear how ridiculous this sounds, yes? You are my wife, of course you will be coming with me.”

“They don’t know that now, do they?” I give him a saccharine smalle so fake that it even surprises me. I guess I still was pissed about the whole Lily and Viktor story, jealous that he literally wanted her enough to steal her from another man.

I think he muttered something under his breath-something on the lines of ‘she’s impossible, but had gotten out and shut the door behind me by then.

I walk by myself with my head held high, perfectly aware that Gabriel doesn’t drive ahead. His driver drives slow at my walking pace, just behind me. That could’ve been because I had gotten kidnapped and being my first day at work, I had thrown a fit about there being no bodyguards.

I felt a pang of guilt. But i was also allowed to throw a tantrum of two because not only was I sexually deprived and frustrated, but now, also pissed. Both because of the same man


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