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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Ever since the police man announced casually that my husband was coming, my heart was beating so loud in my chest that I could hear it.

Anna seemed nonchalant though. She kept pacing around, making plans. The policeman waited with us at the road, making sure we didn’t do something s*upid till someone sober came,

I had a feeling I was going to be in trouble.

About fifteen minutes since the phone call, two cars parked. I recognised one of them as Gabriel’s red sports car, and the other was a Range Rover.

Gabriel got out of his and Zach out of the other. Zach rushed towards us while my husband went towards the police officer.

“Zach!” While Anna put her arms around her husband, I could see Gabriel and the police man shaking hands before my husband walked towards us.

“Hi, Sofia.” Zach greeted me while holding his wife steady by her waist, and I smiled at him. If I thought my heart was beating fast earlier, I was wrong because now, it seemed like it was doing a marching fest.

I shouldn’t be this nervous.

I shouldn’t.

But I was

And when I turned towards my husband and his eyes met mine, my heart summersaulted in my chest. Gabriel looked immediately at Zach and a look was passed, and then a nod.

“Bye, Sofia.” Zach said before picking up his wife in a bridal style who was calling after me telling me how we will meet tomorrow and do this again, and that she loves me.

I waved back with a grin, not having it in me to return her enthusiasm because of the man standing beside me.

After they got into the car, I turned to Gabriel.

He was staring at me.

“What?” I glared, wrapping my hands around my chest.

There was amusement in his tone. “You’re drunk. Let’s go home



“I said, no. I’m not going home with you!”

“Yes, you are.”

I will go

home with someone else!”

His eyes narrowed. “I was planning on entertaining your tantrum, but if you have thoughts of going home with anyone man or woman, you’re mistaken.”

I huffed. I had no idea what the time was, but I was aware it was well past midnight. I didn’t have any friends in the city except James and Anna, and Anna was just as drunk as I was if not more.



Chapter 38

I can if I want to. I flipped my hair, “You’re lucky I don’t.”

“So lucky” Gabriel concealed a smile while he followed me to the car and huffing. I got into the passenger seat.

He drove, while I stared out of the window, enjoying how everything looked at a speed when you feel the world is spinning. “Gabe, I think that’s my grandpa.” I pointed from the window at an old man walking with a younger guy.

“I can assure you, Freckles, your Grandpa is not here.”

I pout. “No Gabe, I’m sure that’s Grandpa and Sam.”

“There is no Sam.” Gabriel’s voice was stern, a little cold, making me turn towards him.

I blinked. “Then Grandpa?”

“Not him either,” He softens. “If you miss him, pay him a visit.”

I shrug, dismissing his suggestion. “Why were you with Zach?”

“I was working late at his office.


“There was a… complication with one of my deals?


I’m trying to expand to the UK and the person


who was su

supposed to rent me his warehouses may be backing out.”

He offered me a glance. “You’re an inquisitive drunk.”

“You’re an infuriating sober.”

Gabriel smiles, muttering something under his breath I didn’t quite hear because I was busy changing the settings of his radio.

When we reached and the car was parked, Gabriel got out, waiting for me to follow.

I didn’t. “I want to sleep in the car.

He opened the door to the passenger seat. “Freckles, don’t be a child.”

“This is my seat. I want to sleep in it.”

He rolled his eyes. “It’s nearly two in the morning. Out, freckles,”

“No.” Crossing my hands in front of my chest, I stare ahead. “My seat.”

“It will be your seat tomorrow too.”


“Freckles, either you get out, or I will pick you up.”

1 stay in place, not voicing out how I was afraid that if I leave the seat and go to sleep, Lily would come and sit here. It was st*pid, I knew. It was st*pid even in my head. But I didn’t want her to sit in my seat.


Chapter 38

Gabriel doesn’t let me throw, the tantrum further. Before I could even process it, he took me out and swung me on his shoulder like I was a duffel bag,

“Gabriel! Gabriel!” 1 kick my feet, wriggling as he carried me upstairs in front of Luna and other staff members. Why were they not asleep?

“If you don’t stop trying to get away, I will spank you Freckles. Right here, in front of everyone.”

My cheeks flushed, and I shut up after that. My head was spinning too much to talk anyway.

I opened my eyes only when I was kept on the bed, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. “This isn’t my room!”

“It’s mine.” He said, “I will ask Luna to bring you your nightwear and help you freshen up. Sleep here.

I shook my head. “I want to sleep in my room.

“Then we’ll sleep in your room.”

“No.” My voice was meek. “I want to sleep in my room” Emphasis on L

Gabriel, who was turned away from me to remove his nightwear from his wardrobe paused to turn to me. “What is going


I couldn’t look at him. “You must hate me.”

His eyebrows knit. “I don’t hate you. What is going on, Freckles?”

I kept staring at the floors of his room, the lump in my throat returning. “I came in between you and Lily.”

“Nobody came in between anyone. I am an adult and I made the decision to

“Because you were forced to.”

“I chose it, he repeats. “Now look at me.”


I don’t look at him. I hear his footsteps, feel his presence close to me. I stare at the floors even as his thumb traces my before jerking it up.

His very confused eyes stare into my very hollow ones threatening to cry any moment. I gulp. I don’t want to be your rebound sex, or whatever this was to you.”

“It was anything but rebound sex.” A humourless chuckle escaped his lips.

Then what was it?”

He doesn’t reply. I don’t think it’s because he doesn’t want to, more because he doesn’t have one.

“You’ve been disloyal to me.”

“I haven’t” His fingers let go of my face and a shock covers his features. “I haven’t seen Lily, met Lily or even talked to her since I stood at that altar and said I do.”

4 shook my head. “That’s not the kind of disloyal I’m talking about.”

“Then what?”

“I came to your room to tell you I didn’t have feelings for Sam got up from the bed, almost stumbling. He took a reflexive step towards me, almost catching me. Almost. His hand drops and falls back to where he was while I steady myself. “You asked me if I have feelings for Sam but didn’t think it was necessary to tell me that you had feelings for Lily?”


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Chapter 38

Again, silence prevailed: And then, a helpless, “Freckles…”

“Did you have the car before me?” I asked, suddenly fixated back on the car.


1 frown. Then it’s not my seat.

“It was hers. I just temporarily took it. My voice got lower with every passing word. “I really like the seat.”

Reflexively, a small smile spread to his lips. The seat? Really?”

Grabbing a pillow from the bed, I throw it at him. Tears threaten to fall. “I thought the seat

it was n mine!”

“It is.” He insists, his smile getting bigger.

You’re laughing at me!” Tears fall. 1 sob.

“No. No. Freckles, don’t cry. Taking quick steps to me, his thumbs wipe away the two isolated traitor tears. “Can we have this conversation while you’re sober? And not talking about a seat?”

“Is there more to this?”

“A little. The reluctance was clear in his voice.

“Then tell me now!”

“Freckles. We’ll do this when you’re completely sober, hm?”

I sigh. “I’m going to sleep.”

“Sleep here, please?” His eyes were soft, his thumb drawing unnecessarily caressing my cheek.

“I don’t want to share the bed with you.”

Tll take the couch.”

“You won’t even fit.”

“Then I’ll sleep on the floor.”

1 eyed him suspiciously. “Why can’t I sleep in my room? Are you trying to seduce me?”

He chuckles, leaving me. “No. You’re drunk and you’re going to pass out. I want to be around so no one comes and goes in your room. The house is secure, but I don’t want to take any chances, not with you.”

He cared. He cared enough to give up his bed and take the floor just to make sure I’m safe.

How can this man possibly have feelings for another girl?

Inod, getting onto the bed and removing my heels and kicking them aside.

“Do you still have feelings for her?” I ask, knowing how desperate and hurt I might sound.

He doesn’t answer, just presses a very chaste kiss to my forehead “Tomorrow, hm?”

Tomorrow wasn’t a no. It wasn’t even a maybe. It sounded more like ‘yes but I’ll tell you tomorrow. I cover myself with his



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Chapter 38

blanket completely, taking in his scent, wishing sleep comes before the hurt would.



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