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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Gabriel wearing a crumpled white shirt over black track pants that he wore to bed, and I was sure a few buttons mismatched because he was wearing them hastily on the way to open the door of our villa. As I stood behind the shut door of one of the empty rooms at the ground floor searching through the luggage to find something I can put on to rush outside, all I found myself thinking of was the voice outside.

A voice I recognised.

A voice I dreaded.

I put on the first thing my hands got on- a loose olive green cotton dress

with a bra who’s lacy straps were very visible

and did not match the vibe of a frock, I passed my fingers through my hair to tame my frizzy locks a little before rushing


And sure enough, the voice belonged to the same man I thought it did..

Arthur Geller.

He was in Venice.

He was at the house we were staying in.

“Oh, there is the wifey.” Arthur’s eyes narrowed on me effortlessly as if he was searching for me in the first place, and I could sense Gabriel stiffen. He didn’t have to turn back for me to know his jaw was locked. “I was vacationing in Venice and when I heard the two of you are here, I thought maybe I could drop in and apologise for how things went down between us. I hope you don’t mind, Sofia,

“If you want another black eye, I suggest you talk to me. Not her Gabriel’s voice was calm, but not in a welcoming way. In a cold way, in a way that predators are calm before attacking their next prey, and that was scary.

“Understood, Romeo. Arthur seemed unaffected as he stepped forward and put his hand on Gabriel’s shoulder. By then, I had frozen where I was, a good ten feet away from the two of them. I had no interest walking any closer, but I couldn’t just stay inside without seeing that Arthur really was here. In Venice. In the little bubble I and Gabriel had made in the past couple days.

Despite Gabriel’s threat, Arthur’s eyes found me again. “I must say, Mrs. Whitlock, you really have your husband around your little finger. The Gabriel I knew would never take a vacation from work.

Gabriel shrugged Arthur’s hand off his shoulder, stepping towards him. “I said, talk to me.”

“What? I can’t even tell what a commendable job she’s done? I mean as an old friend of yours, she deserves some appreciation for doing even what Lily Grant couldn’t. And man, did that girl try


If I thought Gabriel was stiff before, I was wrong because I could practically see every muscle, every joint stiffen. His fists: curled.

Lily Grant. That name seemed familiar.

“Arthur, you have five seconds to disappear from my eyes. Or else, you will disappear from this world.”


“Was that a sore topic? I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.” Arthur didn’t even try to feign being apologetic. He was nonchalant. His eyes found me. “Pleasure as always, Sof.”

I had barely blinked, and Gabriel’s fist was on Arthur’s jaw. I gasped, it all happened so fast.

“Her name is Sofia Gabriel Whitlock. Gabriel pushed Arthur. “You understand what that means? My wife. Mrs. Whitlock to


And you ever, ever even look at her again, let alone try to talk to her, I will make sure you disappear to

place where no


Chapter 35

one can find you from. Are we clear?”

I held my breath as Arthur said something that I didn’t comprehend before Gabriel shut the door on his face, and turned to me. And then, I left out the breath. The next breath I took went in, but didn’t. I couldn’t feel it. I felt breathless. There was no air in my lungs, and the deeper I breathed, the hollower I felt

“Freckles?” “There was concern in Gabriel’s voice. I looked at him, but couldn’t q felt his touch on my arm, a safe touch, a touch I knew. “Freckles, breathe”

“I-“Words dried out.

“Freckles, breathe.” He instructed, “Come back to me

quite look at him. My vision had black spots. I

I breathed. I focused on my breath till I could feel it again, till my vision cleared and I could see Gabriel standing in front of me holding both my arms.

“I’m okay.” I muttered.

“Has this happened before?” A frown etched his lips.

“A few times in the early months when my Grandpa’s cancer was detected.”

“You almost had a panic attack.” His frown just deepened. “I’m going to kill that b*ta*d.”

“It wasn’t- It wasn’t him.”

Then what triggered it?”

I looked away from him. “I don’t know.”

I had a feeling he knew I was lying, but dropped it anyway. “Okay,” Gabriel still didn’t sound too happy. “Promise to tell me if this ever happens again?”

I nod, trying to pull half a smile on my lips. “Promise.

He nodded back. “Go shower, I’ll fix us

is some breakfast.”

He pulled away his hands from me, his eyes quite not reaching me. I had questions, but a warm water shower seemed a good idea.

So I did just that. I must have stayed in there for a very long time because I came downstairs, Gabriel had already fixed u breakfast and had showered in one of the other bathrooms.

I had barely even sat on one of the chairs of the dining table when I blurted out:

“Who’s Lily Grant?”

Gabriel looked like he was expecting this question. He didn’t miss a beat when he answered, “She was my girlfriend.”

My throat felt dry. “A few years ago or till a week before the wedding?”

He didn’t answer, and his silence was answer enough.

I felt this overwhelming need to cry, to throw a tantrum. I knew didn’t get to, I knew we both left lives to get bound by this -contract, but things would’ve been different if I knew he left someone for me, that there was a reason he hated me when he saw me at the altar. I felt betrayed in a way I couldn’t quite point as if I wouldn’t have let my st*pid heart fall for him if I knew earlier that his heart belonged to someone else. And maybe that was an assumption, but the bubble I had formed around the two of us had broke.

My phone buzzed flashing my Grandpa’s name. “Excuse me. I grabbed my phone.

Chapter 35


“It’s Grandpa.” My eyes didn’t meet his as I left to go upstairs, less so because my Grandpa was calling and more so because of the aching pain in my chest.




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