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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Standing facing the mirror, my back touching his front, I watched his eyes fixated on my body and the red lace I was


Taking the opportunity, I pushed backwards, my a*s grinding against his d*ck in his jeans, breaking whatever reverie he was

His hands reflexively held my waist, holding me close to his d*ck as I felt it, hard, and grind against it.

He was hard.

He was hard looking at me in my lingerie.

He was hard thinking of all the ways he was going to f*ck me in

“What are you doing?” Gabriel groaned, holding me still on his d*ck, preventing me from moving.

“What are you doing?” I demanded. “You haven’t touched me, you haven’t kissed me, you’re hard but you want me to stop.”

Gabriel stopped holding my waist, but before I could think this was my green flag to continue grinding, his hand gripped all of my hair as he pulled me behind, my back crashing against his front..

I gasped.

“You want me to kiss you? To touch you?”

My eyes wandered around. “Y-Yes:

“Eyes, baby.” He demanded, and I looked back at him in the mirror.

“I want to.” His tongue touched the upper tip of my ear, and I could feel an unknown electricity pass through me.

Then why… why don’t you?”

“Because if I f*ck you, I wouldn’t be able to stop.”

“1. I can take it. I promise him, sounding desperate. It would’ve been embarrassing normally, but right now I didn’t care. I’ve had sex before, I can take it.”

“You’ve never had sex with me before.” Gabriel growled, unhappy by the information I had just provided “Are you wet for me, baby?”

Before I could answer, his index finger slipped underneath the small cloth of my thong, finding my dripping p*ssy.

His other hand wrapped around my neck, holding me in a choke

“Good girl”

I whimpered when he flicked my clit before softly massaging it.

“Are you sure you can take it?” He asked, softly kissing my temple, my ear, then my check and then all the way to my neck. leaving warm feather kisses while his index finger kept messaging my p*sy and I could feel myself drip under his touch


“You want me to f*ck you, freckles?”

Chapter 30

“I want you to f*ck me. Gabriel.” I whimpered, leaning my head back.

“Eyes. He demanded, making me straighten myself as his grip on my neck tightened. “How do you want me to f*ck you, baby?”

Any… Any way you like.” I wasn’t speaking anymore. I was moaning. My voice was small and aloof, and I barely recognised

who I was in front of him.

“Every way.” He said. “I will f*ck you in every position in every corner of this house and you will scream my name for hours but no one will be able to hear it. Do you still want me, baby?”

*L. I want you, Gabriel” My voice was hasty. “Please f*ck me.”

Tl f*ck you.” He promised as he withdrew his fingers from my p*ssy, stopping the sweet torture.

He unbuttoned his shirt and then unbuckled his pants, letting it fall, stripping in front of me till his d*ck hung, hard and throbbing, leaking with precum, ready to f*ck me just as much as I was ready to be f*cked.

“On your knees.” He demanded, and without reluctance, I was on my knees.

I didn’t even wait for him to instruct me. Holding his d*ck in my hand, I gave it a light stroke. I could see myself in the mirror, leaning in front of him as I took it in my mouth.

I didn’t go slow like last time. I took it all in, at least how much I could.

“Good girl, Gabriel patted my back as I desperately sucked him as if I was clinging on to his d*ck for dear life.

“The sooner you finish me off, the faster I get around f*cking you

And then, I was quite literally clinging on to that *ick for dear life. I sucked his balls while my hand stroke his d*c*k, and then sucked his di*k while my hands wrapped around his base and balls.

When breathing was hard and my eyes filled with tears after taking him so deep, he came, directly into my throat. I gagged

in reflex.

“No. Don’t waste a drop. If I see a drop out, I will not f*ck you.”

And so, I swallowed.

Once I was done, I got to my knees.

“My good Freckles,” Gabriel had muttered hastily before pinning me to the wall and kissing me. He kissed me with force, with passion, eating on my lower lip, but I didn’t focus on that. I focused his fingers, the way they wrapped around my thi and spanked my as*, making me moan into the kiss,

He left my mouth only to move onto my breasts. While his hand cupped one of them, pinching and flicking my nipple, he took the other one in whole, sucking on them.

1 finally could close my eyes, leaving my head against the wall.

I was dripping below, and I didn’t know how bad I needed his tongue till he pressed chaste kisses on my stomach all the way till my thighs, and I felt myself leaking on my inner thighs and him licking it off.

He never took off the thong. Red was his favourite colour and he liked it, I knew.

Gabriel’s hands cupped my a*s, as he made me bend forward and his tongue finally kissed my clit.

“Gabriel, f*ck!” 1 gasped when his tongue entered my p*ssy without warning, and I thought I would cum right there.

Chapter 30

But I didn’t, and I was so glad, because then he started sucking. His tongue moved in and out with an expertise that made me wonder how I was living life without.

He had never gone down on me earlier and I wondered how I would ever live without this.

My legs were shaking and my hands were completely wrapped around his hair, pulling him further and further inside as I kept moaning his name over and over again and every time I did, he just sucked me off faster until I came undone on his tongue, euphoria spreading on me along with my climax as my eyes shut and I practically saw stars, wearing off my orgasm.

When I opened my eyes, Gabriel was kissing my neck.


“Gab Gabriel I mumbled, and he pushed onto me until his cretion was under my clit..

“You didn’t think we’re anywhere near done, did you?” He answered while leaving marks onto my chest, but all I could think was the way his tip pressed into my clit, and as sensitive as it was the traitor began dripping again, right onto his precum. He pulled me closet, giving me space to rub my body against his and I did just that, grinding naked.

He was going to f*ck me now, just like he had promised to


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