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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani Chapter 114

Chapter 114


Alex always keeps his promises. He bent me over the table and the napkins I had embarrassingly spent a few minutes perfectly folding into fancy swans, and then he f**d me senselessly. I should care about Lana outside or someone else, but I didn’t really. He f**d me, telling me between thrusts that I was his, that I didn’t get to think about another guy, not in my dreams or nightmares or my lies, and then he finished inside me just like he had wanted to.

“You need to get me some lace panties,” I tell him breathlessly when we were both done and I was fixing my clothes, my appetite for dinner having suddenly grown tenfold.

“You could wear a potato sack and I would still f**k the living f**k out of you,” he promises, and hear rises to my

“They would make me feel s**y.”

“You are s**y. S**t woman I know.”

“In these grandma panties?” I kick the torn piece of fabric around.

“In whatever the hell you choose to wear.”


“But… I want them,” I sheepishly accept, “Could you maybe send someone to my apartment and get mine for me?”

“You have s**y lingerie at your apartment?” He c o k s an eyebrow, his jaw clenching. “For what? I thought we established you don’t have a boyfriend.”

“I am sort of a lingerie **d**r,” I embarrassingly accept. “I used to buy lace lingerie whenever they were on sale. Just because.”

He purses his lips. “I’ll send someone over. Is there anything else you want from there?”

“No.” I shake my head. “I don’t have anything personal. Clothes, maybe. I guess me going there myself, accompanied with someone, and getting them, is off the table?”

He looks like he was thinking about it before he bites his lips. “That is off the table. But…”


“I can take you out.”

My eyebrows furrow. “We just went out and visited your parents’ house. Do you have to go somewhere again for a few days?”

“No.” He shakes his head. “I meant we can go out.”

“For work?”

He leaves an exasperated breath. “No, for dinner or something.”

“But dinner’s ready at home.”

“Then, we can go out tomorrow.”

Chapter 114

frown. “Are we meeting someone?”

“Jesus.” He hisses, “I’m taking you out on a date. Can you not just say thank-you?”

“Oh.” The realisation settles in. “You’re ordering me to come on a date with you.”

“I asked,” he glares.

“There’s not really a question in ‘l-can-take-you-out’, it’s a suggestion at most.”

He grits.

“Mia, do you want to go out on a date with me?”

“Yes, Alex, I would love to,” I grin.

The next evening, I got dressed in a black dress, the kind that was fitted till your chest and then flows free to fall around your legs, ending way above my knees. It had a bow behind to tighten the dress where my chest ended so that it fit like a glove before flowing free. It was pretty, and designer, because I cut off a price tag that read nearly eight hundred dollars.

There were also stilettos in the wardrobe provided to me that fit perfectly and went well with the dress along with a matching Jimmy Choo


Alex was dressed in his trademark white shirt and dark blue trousers, looking as dapper as he always did.

He was busy on his iPad while waiting for me- that was my biggest competitor for his attention it seemed- and his eyes casually trailed upwards, and then froze when they looked at me.

His mouth opened, and then closed.

I smiled coyly.

He didn’t take his eyes off me.

“So?” I bite my lower lip. “Do I clean up nice?”

“Let’s call for take-outs.” He announced, gripping my wrist. “You. Me. Your room. Now.”

I chuckle under my breath. When he doesn’t leave my wrist, my eyes widen. “You’re not serious, are you? I am very excited for this date.”

“You look… ravishing.”

“I might just let you ravish me if I enjoy the date.”

“Is that a promise, Ms. Carson?”

I was surprised he remembered my last name. had mentioned it just once on the first day we met. “It’s a promise, Mr. Whitlock,” I smile, refusing to call him.

“It’s King,” he reminds me as we walk out.



Chapter 114

“That’s fake,” I pout. “I want to call you by your real one.”

“The real one is just for you and me to know. Use k

King at all times,” he

in a low voice. “Even the walls have ears here.”

“That sounds like an exhausting way to live,” I cringe dramatically, and he looked like he wants to roll his eyes.

He doesn’t. Instead, his eyes point at the black Mercedes waiting for us.

“You’re driving?” I ask, eyes slightly wide.

“Mm.” He nods, “Dominic and the guards will follow us closely though. Can’t be too safe.”

“Like I said, exhausting way to live,” I tease, just so happy I get to go out.

Alex drove. He actually drove. It seemed unreal, as if he couldn’t do these mundane tasks.

“Have you dated anyone before?” I asked out of curiosity when we were, a few minutes on the road.

His eyes didn’t flicker from the road. “What for?”

I raised my shoulders even though he couldn’t see me. “I just asked. You don’t have to share if it’s personal.”

“No, I meant, why would I date before?”

My lips part, head snapping to him so fast that I couldn’t given myself a whiplash. “You’ve never dated before?!”

“Ever.” He shook his head.

“I’m your first date?” I grin.

“Why does that make you so happy, cupcake?”

“I get to be your first date. I get to be a first to you. It’s a reason to be happy.” My smile doesn’t decrease at all. He was my first time. I lost my virginity to him. I could be his first date- some first- that was something to celebrate, not just be happy. He also hadn’t had a first kiss and….

“Have you ever been on a date?”

“Not really,” I accept in a mumble. “Not a lot of time to date when…” My voice fades. When you’re trying to find your footing and when you finally think you can keep yourself afloat, your best friend and her parents die wrecking your life again and leaving behind a sister.

And the man you suspect could be behind it is the one you were falling in love with.

“When?” He snaps me out my thoughts.

“When you’re trying to work hard, and earn, and survive, and moving from foster home to foster home, you know how it was.” I chuckle under my breath as if it was no big deal.

“So I am your first date too?” He finally takes his eyes off the road to look at me momentarily.

“You are,” I whisper.

“I’m glad.”


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