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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani Chapter 113

Chapter 113


I knew Mia considered my house a hellhole and while I knew that my job enthralled her in the start, from being disgusted by the bloodshed to being turned on my the man holding the gun, she seemed bored of it now.

Yes, bored. She eyed the guards patrolling the house with a normalcy I disliked, and then looked at me straight and said, “I prefer the

Whitlock house.”

I really had given her too much freedom by letting her speak her mind around me.

Dom, who happened to follow us inside had snickered, covering it up with a cough when I glared at him.

I had given him too much freedom too.

Bored or not, she wasn’t leaving. Life fell into a pattern for the days after that. It had been a month since she lived under my room, and she had gotten used to the daily routine. We had dinner together, and she usually spent the day annoying Lana and baking. Lately, she had asked for gardening tools from one of the house staffs, and I was waiting for her to show up and pout her lips demanding for seeds to plant.

We had sex. A lot of it.

Sometimes, I had a hard day and fucked her against the wall, on the kitchen counter, in the dining room, wherever and whenever I pleased, and my Mia loved it. She took every bit of me like a good girl, and still looked at me with arousal in her eyes for more.

That look in her eyes with her messy hair was my eternal damnation.

She wasn’t as sleek as she thought she was. I knew she made a call from my mother’s phone. I had the number tracked, and the girl followed since the past week.

“Are you absolutely sure nothing came up?” I asked Dominic, and he shook his head.

I blow air from my mouth in annoyance.


“She’s just a paediatric critical care nurse. June Collins. Basic life. Lives alone in an apartment, has a boyfriend of four years and got engaged last month. He has a pretty basic life too. Hospital to home, home to hospital. She has a few friends, and I had the PI do a search on them too.. Everyone’s clean,” He repeated. “There’s no connection between Mia and June except the fact that June works at Bakshi’s hospital.”

“There is something more than that, Dom,” I shake my head. “My gut feeling’s telling me we’re missing something. I don’t believe Mia really spent her free time visiting kids and she likes it so much she actually called June to check on the kids.”

“Do you want me to take June in?” Dom offers. “She’ll crack.”

I eye him. I’d be lying if I said that idea hadn’t crossed my mind, but there was this tiny problem that June may be related to Mia and if I hurt June that way, it would get to Mia.

“Try to access the call recording from the company,” I tell him, “And visit the hospital tomorrow. Mia says she was a frequent visitor. Pull out the CCTV recordings, I need to know which kids she visits.”

He nods. “Anything else, Sir?”

Chapter 113

“No, I’m headed home for the day.”

I couldn’t wait, actually. Ever since Dom told me in the morning today that this nurse June came up clean, I couldn’t wait to go home. A lingering thought in me wondered if June was somehow related to Mia’s boyfriend and she called June to be precautious in case I find out

about the call..

Today, Dom said that’s not the case.

Mia didn’t have a boyfriend.

She had lied to me.

And I was going to fuck the living fuck out of her to remind her to never lie to me and also maybe as a reminder of who she belongs to today, tomorrow and every day now.

She was a witch. A temptress who had made her way into my head like a plague I couldn’t get rid of, and now she was haunting every

her drove me insane. thought in me. I was obsessed with her to the point where the idea of someone else even laying a finger


Mia was my possession.

My magnum opus. My. Mine.

I found her in the dining room, leaning over the table to place a plate where I sit and dine, looking very impressed by her work on the napkin.

I cleared my throat to get her attention, and she turned, surprised.

“You’re here early,” her eyes narrowed, as if disappointed I had come before she could lay the table. “Why?”

“I didn’t know I needed your permission.” I mused, before turning to Lana. “Leave us alone.”

She nods, used to it by now, and leaves.

Mia gulps, biting her lower lip. “What’s going on?”

“What’s going on is that you lied to me,” I walked to her slowly, and watched the colour of her face drain.

“About wh–what?”

“About the fact that you have a boyfriend.” I hiss the word out as if it was still poison. “You don’t.”

“I already told you I don’t,” she mumbles. “You just didn’t believe me.”

“Why did you lie, Mia?” I ask in a low voice when I stand in front of her, my knuckles tracing her skin of her temples all the way to her chin.

“You said my life was vain. I just wanted to tell you it isn’t and I’m not a loner.” She sheepishly mumbled.

“You lied.” I repeated, “Whatever the reason, you lied. You’re not allowed to lie, no matter what the reason. Understood?”

She nods.

“Use your words, cupcake.”

Chapter 113

“Yes. I- I understood.”

“Do you know who lies? Bad girls. And you’re not a bad girl, are you?”

She shakes her head.

“Do you like it when I call you my good girl, Mia?” My hands trace the skin on her back, and I love watching how she shivers a little, like it was the first time she was feeling my touch.

“I–I do.” She whispers in return.

“Will you like to me again?”

“Only if you insult me again,” she mumbles, still offended. “Like by calling my existence.vain.”

“Your existence isn’t vain because it’s mine,” I scowled, “And if you defy me, I will fuck the defiance out of you.”

Her eyes twinkle.

“You like that.” I shake my head, my knuckles using her chin to raise her head to me, our noses almost brushing.

I unbuckle my pants and watch as she shudders, the tempting look in her eyes- one that makes me lose all control and go animalistic on her. “Are you taking the pill every day, cupcake?” I ask.

She nods.

“Good.” I flip her to turn around, her back facing me. A gasp escapes her when I take her hair in my fist and bend her on the table, pressing her ass against my hard–on. “Because I am going to come in you. I am going to mark you, Mia. You can forget about any guy ever laying his hands on you again after that.”

She shudders under my touch, rubbing her ass against mine a little.

“Should I do it, Mia?” I ask, leaning on her from behind, my breath fanning her ear. “Should I come in you?”

She nods frantically. “Mark me like I’m yours.”

“There is no like there, Mia,” I smirk. “You are mine.”


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