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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani Chapter 11

Chapter 11

I didn’t see Gabriel for the next few days but I didn’t care. I barely even thought about him, being completely occupied by the new portrait I had begun painting It took me one full day of sitting in front of the blank canvas before inspiration finally struck and then it kept me busy

Before I knew, it was Saturday evening Gabriel called that afternoon to remind me to be dressed by seven, and the call wasn’t even thirty full seconds long te had been really busy it seemed

I knew from sch be loved being on time, down to the second, 4s I was ready at seven. A few minutes late, but waiting for your wife for a little time is always healthy At a quarter past seven, Luma came to check on me.

Giving myself a final glance, I left the room with her. When I descended the stairs, Gabriel was standing downstairs talking on has phone, impatiently tapping his shoes on the floor.

He didn’t look at me till I was almost down, and I assumed he turned only when he heard the loud click of my heels on the Hrial step

He looked at me and then looked away in the same second as it was a passing glance, but his eyes immediately returned back to me, and stayed. He said something on the phone, something that sounded a lot like I’ll call you later’, and disconnected without taking his eyes off me.

I walked to him, standing in front of him. Even in my tallest heels, I was shorter.

“You don’t de compliments, I smiled at him

A tuy one spread on his lips. “I dont do compliments”

He didn’t need to I knew Thad impressed him with the pink one shoulder satin I was wearing, fitted till my abdomen and then flowing freely to the floor, my hair in lose curls behind my back and my make up minimal. letting my freckles show. If they don’t fit in his billionaire society, that’s on him. Not me. And even as gaze stopping my look was. I knew the show stopper was the slit on my dress. Thigh high on the right side, showing my leg every time I walked.

1 clutched my tiny bag tighter Tm ready to go

“You don’t need a coat!

Tm okay”

“It’s cold outside”

“No. I’m okay”

“Okay” he breathed, leading us outside and I didn’t miss the way his hand softly lingered at my back even though he didn’t need to do that, because nobody was watching.

I didn’t miss the way the butterflies rose again at his slight touch either, or the way I was left craving and dreaming about more the entire ride to the gala

So much more

The charity was for Koala Hears

No ara arumal

Koala bears.

12:28 Tue, Jun 40

Chapter 11

And, I couldn’t help but notice how all the eyes had suddenly turned to us once we entered, and the hushed whispers that nobody bothered to try concealing

“Why’s everyone looking?” I whispered, wrapping my hand around one of his arms.

“I’m famous Freckles This surely cannot be the first time you’ve noticed that”

I contemplated the urge to roll my eyes, politely smiling at people passing us even though I knew nobody.

“Aren’t you donating money I asked, keeping conversation going

“Tusually don’t come to these things. I’ve come, that’s enough”

“But I love koalak

“I don’t. Don’t pout. He mused, and I smiled, barely looking around and already spotting Arthur. I didn’t have to try to find him he was already staring

I wouldn’t have spared him anything more than a passing glance but my eyes stuck at him for a few seconds too long. noticing the dark bruise under his eye that some poor chap had tried their best concealing.

“I’m assuming you don’t know anything about the black eye on Arthur Geller, hm?” I looked at my husband.

“What black eve?” He smirked, and there was a certain warmth in my heart

“Soba Join us Someone called I could see a group of women standing not very far away, and I had no idea how they knew me or why they were calling me.

“That’s Antia, she’s Zach Davis wife. Zach Davis and I work closely, and when I met her yesterday. I asked her to keep you company so you don’t get bored while I obligate to business duties”

1 looked at him, surprised.

He dismissed it. “Go on”

“Gabriel, you didn’t have to do that.”

“What? Talk to Anna? Don’t worry, we’re close. And she’s nice”

“No. I mean yes. That, and the black eye on Arthur”

Gabriel pressed his eyes assuringly, a little smile playing on his lips. “I had to

My smile widened when I pressed his palm in a thank-you gesture, and didn’t miss the way he froze for the split of a second. but didn’t acknowledge it either as I turned around and left to join the women calling me, knowing well his eyes are watching me.


“Why don’t you just stand by her for the rest of the evening? Zach teased me, and I glared at him. “What? You can’t take your eyes off her for a minute”

I continued glaring

Zach was the closest person I had to a frierad in the business world.

“Tu just keeping an eye on her Arthur tried playing a little stunt on her this week”

12:28 Tue, Jun 4

Chapter 11

“Hm, I know,” he grinned, “Alittle birdy told me all about how you fired him.”

“When the f*ck did you begin smiling so much?” I frowned. “It’s annoying and it makes me wonder how Anna puts up with


He laughed quietly. “Well guess what, d*ck, she happens to be fond my smile”

“Yeah.” My sentence stopped midway when I turned to where Sofia was, and didn’t see her anymore. All the other women were there, but not her. “Excuse me“

Walking quickly to the ladies, I scanned the room, realising I couldn’t see Arthur either. And I probably shouldn’t be so paranoid, but I insulted that man and then fired him in front of his own employees, and I was aware of his infamous ego.

“Hey, where’s Sofia?” I asked Anna, eyes still wandering around.

“She just left to powder her nose. She’ll be back in a mom-” I wasn’t hearing the rest, I was already walking to the washrooms,

I knew Zach was following me not too far behind because of the worried look plastered on my face, and rightfully so because the first person I noticed outside the shut door was Arthur.

“Don’t react” Zach warned me from behind, and I listened to him. I had no interest in making a scene. I leaned on the adjacent wall while Arthur’s eyes studied me..

“Waiting on someone?” He asked me, his tone unpleasant.

“My wife.” My jaw hardened. “You waiting on someone?”

“Yeah, he snickered. “Your wife.”

“You b*st rd. I asked you to keep her name out of your mouth.” My fist curled and I latched on him, punching his jaw. Zach springs ahead, his hands wrapped around me, holding me back.

“Or what? Or what?” He screamed, stinking of whiskey and god-knows-what alcohol.

While I half turned to get free from Zach’s hold, Arthur manage to take a fling at me. That’s when Zach let me go, and I hit him with such force that he fell to the floor and didn’t get up.

I was just caressing my knuckles with an almost proud half smile on my lips, when the door of the bathroom opened, and Sofia stood there with wide eyes focused on me, consciously ignoring Arthur on the floor. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” I feigned a smile, pressing my eyes in reassurance. “You ready to go home?”

“No,” She walked to me and wrapped both her hands around one of my arms. “I want to dance.”


She tried smiling but couldn’t, so she just walked back to the rest of the party, trusting me to follow her..

Zach looked at me weirdly.


He shook his head, smiling. “Anna makes me smile. Sofia? She makes dance.”


“A*shle. I playfully punched his stomach and followed her outside.


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