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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani Chapter 109

Chapter 109


I woke up feeling something pressing onto my ass. Naturally, I pressed back.

When the sensation didn’t recede like I expected it to, my eyes fluttered


Gabriel had gone for a shower last night just as soon as we entered his room, and in order to avoid the awkwardness I assumed would be there when he gets out, I laid down on the bed.

I fell asleep. No surprises there at all.

I woke up now, caged. My back was pressing onto Gabriel’s front, and his hand was over my torso.

His heavy hand was holding me subconsciously as he slept, and I froze, my breathing turning heavy.

We had fucked before. We had seen each other naked a few times now. But this for some reason seemed more intimate than that.

And then there was the fact that he had a hard–on, and it was pressing onto me just above my ass.

If my breathing wasn’t uneven earlier, it definitely turned now. I couldn’t comprehend how my body just reacted to his mere touch, because the second it processed- his hand around me and that erection pressing onto me, I could feeling myself getting turned on.

I tried wiggling out of the bed in order to get in the shower, but Alex’s grip was strong, as if he really was not letting me escape, even in his sleep. I somehow ended up pressing myself closer to his erection, and felt it getting harder.

I pursed my lips.

I had never been intimate enough with a guy to understand how this works, and with Alex, I liked every second of experimenting.

I wiggled again, to get out of the bed I swear, but he just got harder.

“It’s morning wood, cupcake,” Alex groaned groggily, his breath fanning against my ear and his voice husky, making me freeze. “I would suggest you stop moving against it unless you want to be fucked right now.”

I breathe, ignoring his words and the arousal they cause in me, somehow gaining enough composure to reply, “I would stop moving if you just take your hand off me and let me go shower.”

He groans again, lazily taking his hand off me, but doesn’t move his body any further.

I bite my lower lip, rubbing my ass against him just as lazily as he took his hand off, taking my sweet time getting up and sitting straight on the bed.

“That’s it, you’re done.” His eyes flutter open, and before he could catch hold of me, I get out of the bed, giggling, running to the shower and shutting the door behind me.

Three seconds and there was a knock on the door. “Open up, cupcake.”

“No,” I giggle.

Chapter 109

“If you don’t, I will punish you.” His voice sounds more like a promise than a threat, and I bite my lower lip. Images of the last time he ‘punished me‘ made their way to me, his phantom touch lingering over my body till I could feel my arousal in my underwear.

While every temptation in me wanted to open that door and let him fuck me senselessly, I reply, “I think I’ll take my chances.”

He doesn’t reply, so I dip into the shower. I take my sweet time in his shower, which was so generic with a body wash that smelled oddly like him. I wash my hair too, taking even longer, till I was done and realise I had forgotten to take any clothes inside.

Cursing myself, I open the door to the walk–in wardrobe, which does not open.

Fuck me.

No, fuck Alex.

He did this.

Wrapping a towel around my body, I use the door that opens directly into the bedroom, biting my lower lip when I see him sitting shirtless on the bed in nothing but grey sweatpants, one that show the bulge in his pants clearly.

Alex King- Alex Whitlock was hot. He knew that, I knew that.

“Drop the towel, cupcake,” Alex demands, “Show me what’s mine.”

I lick my lips, my hands shaking while holding the towel in place until I let go, and it drips to the floor, pooling at my feet.

“Come here, baby,” he instructs and I gulp, doing so, not taking my eyes off his captivating ones. He pulls me onto him, till my clit was right above the bulge in his pants.

“I’m wet,” I murmur breathlessly, referring to my dripping hair.

His thing pushes against my clit, rubbing against my arousal. “Yes, you are.”

He hands grab my ass and he uses it to raise me till my neck was in front of his mouth, and he brings trailing kisses down to my nape, while my fingers take through his hair.

If I had not been so lost in his touch I would have noticed how he used his grip on me to turn out positions such that I was lying on the bed and he over me. He raises my hands above me to the bed post, his mouth sucking on my breast.

“Mm.” I moan until I realise it wasn’t his hands holding mine to the bedpost, it was a handcuff,

He had cuffed me to the bed.

“Alex!” I protest while he gets his pants off me, freeing his dick.

“It won’t be a punishment if I let you touch me, now would it?” He smirks, and I gulp as his hands trail against my body, his dick rubbing against my sore clit.

“Alex,” I cry, only for him to stuff a cloth into my mouth.

“Don’t scream, darling.” He instructs, “Not unless you want the entire house to know how thoroughly you are being fucked and by who.”

I bite the cloth harder, and he thrusts into me in one go.

Chapter 109

I let out a muffled scream as he thrusts again. The first time he did this, he was slow, almost as if he knew it was my first time even though ! didn’t tell him. The second time, he had a pace. He started slow and increased his pace till I came undone on his cock.

Today, he showed me no mercy. His thrusts were fast, hungry, animalistic. It pained, but the pleasure in being fucked rough was much greater than that.

He held my legs up, his hands wrapped around my knees as he thrusted into me.

“My,” thrust, “Pussy.” Thrust. Thrust. Thrust.

I nodded, a little too desperately, tears making their way into my eyes.

“Are you crying, Mia?” He doesn’t slow down. “Does it hurt?”

I shake my head negatively. It was pleasure, pleasure like I had never felt before.

“Good.” His grip on my legs fastens, “Because I wasn’t planning to stop.”

And then he fucks me till I come undone, and then he fucks


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