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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani Chapter 105

Chapter 105


I had messed up, and I didn’t even know what exactly I did.

I lost my virginity to this man. Admittedly, he didn’t force me and I wanted it, but I was here as a ‘punishment’, so didn’t I have any right to know if sex was a part of this punishment?

Alex was mad at the mere implication, and I didn’t see him for the rest of the day. I had expected to see him for dinner and talk to him, but he wasn’t here. I slept in the dining room that

morning with disappointment.

He didn’t come.

aight in hopes that he would come by later, but woke up there in the

With that came the gentle realisation that I actually missed having him around. And as much as I told myself it was only because he was my only conversation in a day except Greg the chef, it would be a complete lie.

I liked the way he made reckless decisions when it came to me. I liked seeing Dom and Lana’s faces when he showed me a leniency or kindness I assumed was not habit for him. I definitely liked the way he handled me in bed, like I was his..

Not just my life or death or body. Me. My soul. My heart. He dominated me like he was the only one who could claim any right on me, and I had liked every part of it.

The next day I spent baking, which is what I always did when my head was a mess. Eight batches of cupcakes later, when my chocolate cake was in the oven, I walked out, just to find the man who had avoided me last night sitting on the couch, staring into his iPad once again, stress lines etched on his forehead.

“I can see you staring,” Alex acknowledges me without looking up.

My eyebrows furrow. “You’re avoiding me.”

“I’ve been busy. I have more work to do other than play petty games


you, Mia.”

I frown. “Can you look up?”

He doesn’t. “Last I checked, you don’t tell me what to do. Other way round, in fact.”

My frown deepens. I walk closer to him, where he was sitting.

“Listen to me,” I call him.

He ignores me, strolling through an article on his iPad. What even was it about that iPad that he couldn’t look up for a moment?

Having had enough, I s**h the iPad from his hands. I could see he was startled, because that is only how I could have s**d it from his hand.

“What are you-?” Anger was audible in his tone, his voice dying at the back of my throat when I sit on top of him, one leg on each side. “Mia, what?”

Chapter 105

“You’re ignoring me,” I call him out.

“So you decided to be a child about it?”

“So you are ignoring me,” I accused. “And I thought you had more work than being petty.”

“You know I can break your bones for doing this, right?” He hissed, but doesn’t push me off, which he can do in a nanosecond if he wanted.

“You won’t,” I whisper, snaking my hand around his neck.

“And why not?”

“Because,” I rub against him, feeling his d**k against me.

Amusement flickers in his eyes. “Are you trying to seduce me, cupcake?”

I hide a smile at the silly nickname I had gotten used to. “Maybe,” I bite my lower lip. “Is it working?”

“Using sex to end an argument?” His hands hold my a**, cupping it. “You like that, huh?”

“Make-up sex? Maybe.” All the boldness in me ends, my voice falling into a low whisper. “But this isn’t that.”

“Then what is this?”

“This is apology sex for thinking I was nothing more than a convenience to you?” I offer, “Even though I am completely justified for thinking that.”

“You are,” he replies genuinely, and I was taken aback.

“I am?”

“Mm.” He places a feather kiss on my jaw, and I suppress the urge to moan by a little touch. “You are not convenient, Mia. Believe me.”

“Believed,” I mumble, not wanting him to stop with those wet kisses.

“If anything, you are an inconvenience,” he replied, kissing the sensitive spot on my neck. “You are the accident I didn’t see coming.”

“Is that supposed to make me feel any better?” I pull back, pouting.

He smiles. I am not kidding. Alex smiles. It was the most heartwarming and contagious sight I had ever seen, and I wanted to snap

it because if there was one thing I could see for the rest of my life, it would be that smile.

“You, Mia, are a missing piece of a puzzle.”

“A puzzle?” I ask, “What puzzle?”

“All in good time, cupcake.” He murmurs, “Now, do you have any plans to finish what you started?”

Chapter 105

That is when I notice his erection rubbing into me. “I have all intentions,” I tell him, “But I also have a condition.”

He raises his eyebrows, amused again. “A condition?”

“Mm.” I nod with a confidence I don’t feel. “If you are the only man who gets to touch me, then I am the only girl who gets to touch you.”

“Possessive much?”

“Learnt from the man who told me he owns me when he f**d me,” I remind him.

He looked smug. “If I don’t agree, what are you going to do?”

“I will stop sleeping with you,” I tell him firmly.

“Can you do that?”

He places little kiss on my jaw again, trailing down my neck to its nape, and I feel my arousal, my core throbbing.

“Alex,” I inhale.

“Yes, baby?”

“I don’t do f**k buddies,” I try telling him with my voice not shaking, but the redness managed to creep onto my face at what he called me.

“Me neither.”



“I just… I know we’re nothing. But if you’re getting involved with someone else, let me know so we can stop this.” I flicker my finger between him and I. “I don’t want to be your mistress.”

“You’re not my mistress,” he promises, something I didn’t quite recognise flashing in his eyes. “Till I am the only man who can touch you, you will be the only woman who touches me. Deal?”

“Deal.” I bite my lower lip. When I suggested it, I didn’t think he would agree. He was in the mafia. Prostitution, mistresses, all of that came in the job description, I assumed. I was wrong, and happily so.

Alex stares into my eyes while picking up his phone and speed-dialling someone. “Switch off all the CCTV cameras in the living room and make sure nobody enters if they want to keep their head attached to their body.” And then he disconnects.

Why was this so hot? Why did this turn me on? Why was he so hot? Everything he did turned me on.

“Now, are you going to finish what you started?” He eyes me.

“Gladly.” I whispered before my hands reached his belt buckle, and he held my hair in a fist, ready to mouth-f**k me again, and I hoped he would f**k me after that, and I’d take his d**k like a good girl.


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