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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani Chapter 101

Chapter 101


Alex was huge.

I didn’t think it was possible for someone to be that big, but he was, and it scared me and thrilled me at the same time.

Nervousness must be clear in my eyes because while his fist rubs his h a r d – o n in front of my eyes, his gaze remains at me. “What is it?” He asked.

“I- I didn’t expect you to be so big.” I tell him honestly, kicking my lips.

He smirks. “Inflating my massive ego, cupcake?”

“No.. I…” I trail, “What if I can’t take you in?” In my mouth. Inside me was a different story altogether.

“You will.”

“Will you teach me?”

His eyes t w i n kl b a r r a s s .

Alex’s eyes darkened at my confirmation as he steps ahead, his tip brushing against my lips. “Open your mouth, darling.”

I do just that, taking his tip inside, and the salty taste of p r e – u m hits me. I wrap my tongue around his length, my mouth salivating, eyes flickering from the rest of his k to him, but he never looked away once.

“More,” he instructed, and I gasped as he d e e p – t h r o a t d me.

A gag threatens to escape, it being my first time and all, but only a moan does.

“Good girl.” One of Alex’s hands wraps around my hair holding it in a ponytail, while the other hand rests on the wall behind me.

I wrap my hand at the base of his di k, because there was no way I or any girl could fit that length into their mouth completely.

“Suck,” he instructs, and I do just that. I suck as he moves in and out of my mouth with slow paces. With every little movement I imagine him doing the same thing inside me, and my core throbs.

I could sense my arousal coating my underwear, and I moaned while his pace increased, him relentlessly mouth- g m e.

“Such a good girl,” he reassured and I sucked harder. “My Mia likes to be praised, doesn’t she?”

“My Mia.

My Mia.

My Mia.

He pulled his mouth out to let me breathe, and I was a panting mess while his thumb stroke my chin, my lips dripping with saliva and his pre-c u m.

“Tell me I am the only di ck you have ever sucked, Mia,” his thumb continues stroking my chin and cheek and I grasp for air desperately while I look at him again.

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Chapter 101

“You are the only d i c k I have ever sucked,” I repeat after him, almost d z d.

Alex had the face of a Greek G o d, but when he was like this… almost naked, he could outrank G o d s. I felt turned on every time his veiny hands and toned muscles came any time close to me.

G o d, I was lusty.

“I am the only man whose c k you will ever suck, Mia,” he says, a wave of raw possession in his voice. It sounded less like a statement and more like a promise. “This mouth is mine.”

Inod frantically while f i s t i n g his d i c k and rubbing it, and his muscles clench.

“Get up,” he demanded, and I did just that, only for him to back me against the wall in a swift motion.

A squeal escaped me while his hands impatiently pulled on my blouse, the buttons flying away and the expensive top nothing but a piece of cloth fallen somewhere in the room.

I would feel embarrassed about not wearing a bra but I didn’t with the way his eyes darkened. One of his hands cupped my right breast, his teeth sinking into the sensitive skin of my nape, his d i k rubbing against my c l t underneath my underwear, the fraction driving me crazy.

“Mm..” I panted, moaned.

His fingers slipped underneath the material of my skin, feeling the wetness. “How wet you are for me, cupcake.”

I would have replied if I could find any sensible thoughts in my dazed brain, but instead I just shut my eyes and leaned my head against the wall, enjoying his gentle touch.

“How do you wish to o r g a s m, cupcake?” His breath fans my ear, and I shake when his lips almost touch my skin. “On my fingers or my tongue?”

“I.. I don’t care.” I inhale, “Just give me more.”

Two of his fingers enter me at once, and I gasp, biting my lower lip.

“Don’t stop your moans, Mia.” He whispered.

“It’s… it’s night.” I somehow manage to speak with his fingers still inside me, “Guards… down… window… open… everyone will hear.”

“You think! care?” He raises an eyebrow, pulling his fingers out before thrusting them back inside.

My chest heaves, my nipples brushing against his chest with every breath, hard. His ha

rd-on rubs against my inner thigh while he finger-f c k s me.

There was nothing gentle about it like the first time he had done it with one finger to prep my t before he went down on me.

Today, he was just plain finger-f u k i n g me with his two fingers, and I was about to lose my sanity. I was tight I knew because I had never had two fingers inside me, especially not such rough, calloused ones.

“Al- Alex,” I groan, feeling my edge coming along, silently begging for him to not stop like he had the last time.

“Look at me when you come, Mia.” He instructs, and I open my lusty dazed eyes to look into his darkened and psychotic ones while my climax consumes me. “Look at the man who’s going to claim every single one of your o r g a s from today.”

I come.

The wave of pleasure spreads slowly at first, but then takes over me completely till darkness engulfs my eyes and stars are all I could see. My body pants to replenish the air I had lost while I take in the fact that the mafia man in front of me literally made me see stars when he gave me the most powerful

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Chapter 101

o r g a m I had experienced.

When I opened my eyes, I saw him staring into it, a rather impressed look in them. “You.. didn’t.. come.. I..” I word vomit.

“I didn’t come?” He guessed.


“I will now,” he tells me. “When I claim your

c u n t.”


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