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Get Spoiled after Travelling into A Novel Chapter 38

Chapter 38 Unveiling the Truth

Melanie grinned, her finger gripping the microphone tightly as she spoke. “As for my apology to Milly. I will conclude it here. However, before I step down, there is one more thing I’d like to address.

“Those familiar with me know that Stephanie Burnett from our class is my close friend, or at least I believed so. I have gone to great lengths to maintain our friendship, such as defending her and speaking ill of others on her behalf. Yet, to my surprise, all my efforts for this so–called friend were merely seen as me climbing the social ladder in her eyes.”

With a swift movement, she revealed a silver–white phone in her hand. She quickly played a recording where a female voice could be heard.

“Melanie, I just found out my sister’s old school report card from her previous school in the town. Her grades were shockingly poor, below average. How did she manage to get into Crestwood High?

“Melanie, let me tell you secretly, my sister only scored six hundred points on her exam! Yet, she somehow secured a spot in Class A!

“Could she have cheated? Who knows, but her grades seem suspicious. I mean, who can make such a big improvement overnight?”

The recording crackled with background noise, faint electrical interference buzzing near the microphone. Yet, amidst it all, the conversation’s essence and tone remained crystal clear.

It was Stephanie!

Milly watched Melanie proudly standing beneath the national flag from a distance on the playground. A smile crept across her face with admiration in her eyes.

Melanie couldn’t be considered malicious. She simply placed excessive trust in others, often being easily influenced by others. However, her unwavering courage to stand up against Stephanie, even amidst her family’s financial struggles, was quite unexpected.

It showed a certain clarity of judgment and a strong sense of justice, qualities that Milly found surprisingly endearing.

The recording was brief, lasting only a few minutes. Melanie surveyed the crowd below the stage, feeling not an ounce of shame but rather a sense of liberating satisfaction.

She had never feared embarrassment or loss of face. It was never about preserving her own dignity!

“These recordings were captured by classroom surveillance, revealing Stephanie’s insidious remarks. While she never explicitly mentioned cheating, her insinuations were clear. I was influenced by her, made mistakes, and deserved punishment. I feel no shame in admitting it.

“I share this to clarify that I am not the mastermind behind this scheme. I accept the punishment, but I won’t take the blame for something that’s not my fault. Milly, I hope you keep a closer eye on your dear

sister in the future.

“That’s all for my statement. Thank you, everyone.

With her final words, the murmurs in the audience grew louder, becoming increasingly unpleasant.

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Chapter 38 Unveiling the Truth

anticipated Melanie’s bold actions.

She wants to break ties with me completely!

Approaching her, Melanie handed Stephanie the microphone, smirking. “Your turn, Stephanie.”

Stephanie trembled, overwhelmed by the escalating chatter behind her, feeling as though all eyes were on her, filled with scorn and ridicule.

I despised this feeling!

As the princess of the Burnetts and a respected heiress, when have I ever endured such humiliation?!

No, I can’t just sit back. I have to take action to save myself.

Stephanie clenched her teeth and grabbed the microphone, feeling the urge to lash out. Still, she restrained herself in front of the crowd, concealing the anger in her eyes. “Melanie, what has gotten into you? Have you experienced something traumatic? We’re good friends. How could you accuse me like this?”

Her words echoed through the microphone.

Melanie gazed at the familiar face before her, feigning innocence, and felt repulsed. How could such a poor act have fooled me?

Does she still think she could manipulate me like before? Does she think a few words could make me feel sorry for her?


Melanie stared at her coldly, sounding irritated. “Are you going up? If you don’t, I don’t mind playing the rest of the recordings I have about you on my phone.”

She wasn’t bluffing. There were indeed numerous recordings of Stephanie on her phone. Still, due to time constraints on stage, she had only played a part of them.

Sure enough, Stephanie immediately complied, no longer arguing with Melanie, as if afraid of further revelations.

However, as she reached the final step leading to the platform, her shoe suddenly slipped, causing her to lose her balance. With a loud “bang,” she fell heavily to the ground.


The teacher seated on the stage was startled and hurried over to check on her injuries, calling 911 and informing the school clinic.

“Stephanie!” Anthony, standing beside Milly, saw Stephanie’s fall and rushed over without hesitation.

It was evident that he was genuinely concerned for his sister.

Although the stage was not high, just a little over a meter from the ground, the concrete floor below was unforgiving. Falling onto it would undoubtedly cause significant pain if not serious injury.

Observing from the back of the line, Milly couldn’t help but chuckle, her dimples deepening, radiating a youthful charm.

Chapter 38 Unveiling the Truth

Tsk tsk tsk, Stephanie is quite something. To avoid apologising and maintain her image, she’s willing to resort to self–harm. Admirable courage, I must say!


She glanced up at the motionless Jordan, blinked inquisitively, and inquired, “Aren’t you going to check on her? It sounded like she fell pretty badly.”

Jordan’s expression remained serious, his tone icy, “I’m not a doctor. Checking on her won’t help, and besides, didn’t Anthony just go over? With him there, nothing serious will happen.”

Milly thought to herself, well, that makes sense.

Then she noticed Jordan suddenly lower his head, a hint of guilt in his eyes. “Milly, are you always bullied like this at school?”

Milly was momentarily taken aback.

Always bullied?

“Are you implying that what Melanie said about Stephanie framing me?”


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