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Crossroads Confessions Chapter 163

Chapter 163

a high–ranking general manager of the Innovate Group at such a young age,” a man in a rough

“Ms. Isaac, you are really amazing. You have become a h voice similed meaningfully

In the magnificent hotel room, the crystal chandeliers overhead flickered, and the large round table was filled with sumptuous dishes the guests, but the distinguished guest was not interested in the dishes on the table.

He lit a cigarette on the chair and glanced at Hayley with an arrogant look

He exhaled a puff of smoke and chuckled with great disdain, “But Ms. Fac, your appearance and body are not as stunning as I imagined.” Tm sorry to dis

to disappoint you. Mr. Cullen”

Hayley had a smile on her face, as if she didn’t mind at all.

She glanced at the group of subordinates around her. Everyone knew that Hugo Cuthbert was not easy to entertain, so they forced a smile and sat


“Come on, let’s toast to Mr. Cuthbert first

Hayley picked up her wine glass and calmly raised it to middle–aged Huga beside her with a proper smile

“Mr. Cuthbert, I’ve just been transferred here and I’m not familiar with the operation yet I need your help. Please take care of me,

Hugo was nearly fifty years old, with dark skin, a sturdy build, and a thick gold necklace around his neck, looking like a wealthy and powerful man. Seeing that Hayley finished the red wine in the glass, he drank up the wine in his own glass in one gulp


d rare of you”

“Come again! If you say a few more nice words, I’ll take good care

Hugo laughed, his mouth full of the smell of cigarettes and alcohol.

Hayley suppressed her anger. After she drank three cups her stomach could no longer take it and the smale disappeared from her face..

“Mr. Cuthbert, we come here to discuss the project..

nintention of

Suddenly, a voice interrupted their drinking. Molly couldn’t stand in Hugo kept making sarcastic remarks, seeming like he had no discussing the contract. Hayley was her boss after all. If the negotiation failed, they could just leave

“Shut up, Molly Hayley reacted quickly and glared at her sternly.

“Who have you hooked up with? How dare you speak to me like that

Hugo slammed his wine glass on the table and cursed angrily with a gloomy face

Suddenly, things became tense and solemn

cht six employees over. They looked at each other helplessly, and Molly didn’t dare to say anything

Hayley brought six

“What a trouble maker

Sharon came over and sat next to Molly. She cursed in a lose voice. “I really don’t understand why Hayley asked you to come


The dining table was very large. To entertain the distinguished guest, several female employees from Hayley’s company had to smile and drink with Hugo to ease the atmosphere.

Molly knew that Hayley didn’t care much for Hugo, but this was her first big project after she worked in the headquarters. Many people were watching Hayley, so she had to make it work.

“Mr. Cuthbert, you know that if you don’t give the order to the Innovate Group, no one che dares to take it

After many years in the business industry. Hayley wasn’t easy to deal with.

“What do you mean?” Hugo laughed wildly. “Hayley, you have a big ambition. Do you think you are the owner of the Innovate Group


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