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Claimed by the Cursed Alpha by Kiara Nicole Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Blaise Malakal Vermont:

She was angelic and petite with well–rounded breasts and surprisingly voluptuous ass and hips. Though she was on the skinny side, she was still extremely beautiful and shapely, a sacred ornament that I was afraid to touch because I feared I’d

break her.

It was taking everything in me not to throw her legs over my shoulder and pound her till my name was the only thing on her lips. I wanted her nails to dig into my skin while I showed her pleasure in a way no man has.

I saw them, the scars that lined her skin and it made me suck in a breath at how cruel someone would have to be, to be able to cause her such pain and it made me fear what her back held. I wanted to see them all so it would fuel my hunger to drive my fists through Nicholas Preston’s face. Recalling his comment last night, I knew he was responsible for her wounds and it broke my heart

I couldn’t imagine the amount of pain she must have ensured and seeing her lying on my bed, trusting me with her insecurities, baring herself to me, make me revere her even more. She was a strong woman and I was glad she was mine.

I could percive his scent on her and it annoyed me, making me itch to erase every memory she had of him. I knew she wasn’t a virgin but I didn’t mind, I wasn’t looking for ultimate perfection when I knew I was far from it.

I kissed her collarbone, sucking on the spot in–between her neck, loving how she moaned in response to me. I licked the spot I wanted my mark to be, withholding myself from doing it immediately. I wanted to savor the moment, to mark her at the peak of her pleasure while driving into her.

I ran my tongue over her skin, kneeding her fleshy mounds one after the another with rapt attention and gentleness. I wanted her to enjoy this as much as I was. Bringing her pleasure would bring me pleasure.

I loved how she shuddered when my hot breaths kissed her sensitive nipple. I flicked my tongue over her nob and she arched her bag, drawing in a sharp gasp. I released her hands, letting her fingers thread my hair. I wanted her to know that she owned me. I needed her to touch me with ease.

Her fingers ran down my nape, pulling me closer as I licked and sucked her right breast while massaging her other one. I enjoyed the sight of goosebumps on her skin. Our mingled breaths was a hint to how heavy our craving was.

“Right there.” She breathed out.

“Hmmm.” Thummed against her skin, making her moan,

I took my time, gently turning my attention to her other breasts, doing the same thing I had to her right mound. She yelped, gasping and tugging on my strands at how skilled and careful I was.

“Ah.. so good.” She moaned..

I moved away from her breasts, liking from the valley of her breasts down to her abdomen. She wiggled, writhing underneath me as I made sure to torture her with immense pleasure. I wanted to kiss every inch of her beautiful skin, run my tongue over every scar so she’d understand how precious she was to touch. Her body was a shrine I wanted to worship.

Her arousal wafted through my nose and it was the most delicious scent I had ever perceived, it made my mouth water and dick twitch. I wanted to taste her so bad. I wanted to lick every corner of her while she screamed my name for all to hear and know that she was mine.

“Holy… how did I get so darn lucky!” I couldn’t look away from her enticing pink skin and it was driving Sinclair crazy with need.

I gently raised her legs, detangled them from my body and hung them on my shoulder. With a mischievous smirk on my

15:22 Mon, 29 Apr

Chapter 3

face, I ran the tip of my nose along the length of her inner thighs, inhaling her sweet scent. She was looking at me, I could feel her gaze burning into my skin.

My hot breaths fanned her core and she moaned. I was marvelled at how wet and ready she was for me, preparing my self for dessert. Her breaths hitched when I ran my tongue over her slit and she screamed when I had suddenly lost control at how yuminy she tasted and put my tongue to use.

“Fuck, Blaise.” she yelped..

“Call my name, sweetheart.” I husked, busying myself on her.

She writhed on the bed, screaming and twisting while I feasted on her, licking and slurping, sucking and nipping on her bud. I held her waist in place, digging my fingers into her skin at out good she tasted. I felt myself twitch in my pants, my erection becoming unbearable and painful.

“Ouuu , yes.. right there.. oh goddess.” She was a moaning mess, muttering sweet nothings that pleased me

*I’m. I’m gonna cum!” She screamed, tugging on my hair and pulling me ever closer to her. Her legs shook and I immediately pulled away, leaving her dazed from the sudden retraction.

She blinked at me in confusion and it amused me. I didn’t want her cumming on my tongue… no, a time for that would come. I wanted her cumming on my dick. She propped herself on her elbows, watching me with hooded eyes and I took off my t–shirt and proceeded to undo my belt.

Her eyes glazed over every toned muscle of mine, taking in the tattoo I had gotten after the death of my father, in respect to tradition, as the heir of my pack. I had a few other and it made me giddy how she took in every single one she could see but I noticed that that very tattoo had caught her attention.

“Do you like it?” I asked.

She nodded shyly and I smiled, overwhelmed by how extremely adorable she was,

I rid myself of my sweatpants and almost went into a fit of laughter when I saw her eyes widen and jaw drop at the sight of my raging member. I wasn’t unaware to how endowed I was, I was a solid eight inches with a four inch grit, so I saw her reaction coming. Plus, the angry veins that protruded, added to make my member one to fear.

She pulled her legs shut, rubbing her thighs as she gawked at me. She shook her negatively and I laughed, gently lowering her to bed. I knelt in front of her and gently gripped her thighs, carefully prying them ореп

“I’m not going to hurt you, you can trust me. Just draw a deep breath and relax, I’ll be gentle.” I whispered to her.

She held my gaze for a few minutes before taking a deep breath. I smiled at her and leaned down to kiss her lips that had gotten me addicted in the space of some minutes. She returned my kiss as gently as she could and I lined myself with her entrance, kissing her even more while gently pushing into her.

Fuck!” Her tightness welcomed me, her warmth sending electrifying waves down my spine.

She whimpered, writhing from as her body tried to adjust to her size. I didn’t break the kiss, it my way of calming her while reassuring her that I wasn’t going to hurt her.

She clamped around me as I had to grasp onto ever single strand of sanity that I owned so I wouldn’t lose control and her like a depraved beast. I felt her body gradually relax and she gazed into my eyes, nodding at me to continue. I pulled out a little and slammed into her, making her cry out.


“You’re so tight, love.” I husked, amazed at her warmth.

Chapter 5

Her finger dug into my skin even more, drawing blood from me but I didn’t care. I began gently thrusting into her, choosing a slow yet hard tempo. I wanted this last and I wanted her to enjoy it. If I went any faster, I might end up cumming before I expected and I didn’t want that.

I kept ramming into her with my gaze fixed on her, my breaths almost ragged. Her lips were parted as pleasure zapped through her being. The look of desire in her eyes had my eyes flashing red. I had made love to a few women before but none of the sessions ever felt like this.

“Ah… oh shit!”

Her moans were music to my ears, along with the creaking of the bed and our pants. Her sweaty body clung to mine, making her appear like a freaking goddess as she gave me that look that drove me to the brink of insanity, and bit her lips.

I increased my pace, and threw my head back, closing my eyes to relish this new feeling. The more I rammed into her, the more she screamed my name. It fueled me to keep going.

“Blaise, don’t stop.” She breathed

“Not till you can’t walk anymore, baby.” It was a promise and I was going to do it, even if it was going to require all night.

I needed her body to quake as I brought her round after round of orgasms. I needed to see her eyes roll to the back of her head till she was unable to form coherent sentences. I wanted her to only remember me whenever she thought about .

Her bloody glistened with sweat and I eyed the spot in–between her neck that shone a bright red and howled. My canines extended and the red in my eyes dominated as I leaned down to inhale her scent. She cried out when my canine dug into her skin and the pleasure we both felt skyrocketed by a thousand. I drunk on her, enjoying the sound our flesh slapping against each other and the sight of her breasts bouncing each time I pounded into her.

I licked the spot that bore my mark and growled, “you’re mine now, Vera. All mine.”


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