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Alpha Triplets Claim Chapter 141

Chapter 141.

These two she–wolves irritated me. Honestly, anyone who wasn’t our sweet Kiara irritated me. However, we were not left with a choice but

to have a girl in our arms with us for the show. Everyone knew of our playboy ways, and when suddenly we stopped, rumours of us finding our mate started circling; to save Kiara, because being the asshole we were as much as we tried, we couldn’t stay away from our Kiara, so we had to make sure no one put two and two together and hurt her. Over the years. Tim and Chris had constantly told us how it hurt Kiara seeing us with other she–wolves, but we had no choice. Hopefully, she’ll understand when the time comes, and we will explain the dilemma to her. The price was a large one to pay. I was not too fond of the whole thing, but we had to make due for another three years because the moment she turned seventeen. Jayden and I would start courting her. which was another thing. We needed to figure out how to make her stay after the warrior training, we’ve used everything from the scholar scholarship to the warrior training. There was one problem after another. I sighed. We’ll cross that bridge when it comes to it. For now. we had to find a way to mak

it up to her again for screwing up yet again for the same thing we did a few years back.

Jayden POV:

To say me and Kayden were the biggest idiots in this universe would be the understatement of the year. We had yet again messed up with our sweet mate. She was nothing we had said, but our jealousy and anger always got the best of us whenever we heard anything regarding

Chapter 141

her with another male wolf. She was ours, even if others and she didn’t know that; it was hard getting our beasts and ourselves wrapped around the idea of her being friendly with any males other than us.

First, it was that Jacob kid, but thankfully who believed to be his fated mate, met, and they developed a bond, but then there was Rex. Which was an awful situation because the brat actually thought Kiara was his, it wasn’t until last year we finally decided to tell him about Kiara. He was heartbroken, you could see it in his eyes, but he respected it and has been looking after Kiara ever since when we can’t. But now that rugrat of an alpha was a pain in our ass, and without doubt, we knew he liked her, Tim, Chris and even Rex had picked up certain things he had said to our mate which were highly inappropriate, like the leg comment today in the field.

Tim’s mindlink was always open when he was around Kiara, and when we heard what that little bastard had to say, it took everything in me not to go down there and gut him. Yeah, he was a kid, but f*ck, he was talking about his future queen and our mate like that.

“You both really did it this time.” Tim’s voice rang out

Both mine and Kayden’s heads were in our hands as we sighed.

“Yeah, no shit, genius,” I said

“Look, I probably don’t know what you both go through with the situation you three are in, but I do know this, your tantrums do more. harm than good. I’ve never seen her so upset. We all know she’s nothing that you guys said; yeah, that kid is trouble, but approaching the way you both did will put you both in the permeant doghouse. She

Chapter 141

looks up to you both; you can tell the bond is blooming, but it’ll get repressed if you guys make her harbour any negative emotions towards you guys.” Said, Tim

He was right! I hated when the bastard was right. No doubt I was jealous of his and Kiara’s relationship. It was one I craved with her: carefree and fun. But I couldn’t have that, at least not now at least.

Kayden sighed again, rubbing his hand down his face and then looking at Tim.

“We know, man, we f*cking know. It’s just been so long, and it gets harder with every passing day. I don’t know anymore.” Said Kayden

I looked at the ceiling. You got that one right, brother. I had no clue what to do and recover from this.

“This is why I’m your second in command. When you guys have done goof, then I have to come in to save your asses. Now cheer up; Chris is bringing her back up.” Said, Tim

Both our heads shot in his direction, desperate for any help we could get.


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